Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <ros/ros.h>
00003 #include <actionlib/client/simple_action_client.h>
00004 #include <tabletop_object_detector/TabletopDetection.h>
00005 #include <tabletop_collision_map_processing/TabletopCollisionMapProcessing.h>
00006 #include <object_manipulation_msgs/PickupAction.h>
00007 #include <object_manipulation_msgs/PlaceAction.h>
00009 int main(int argc, char **argv)
00010 {
00011   //initialize the ROS node
00012   ros::init(argc, argv, "pick_and_place_app");
00013   ros::NodeHandle nh;
00015   //set service and action names
00016   const std::string OBJECT_DETECTION_SERVICE_NAME = "/object_detection";
00017   const std::string COLLISION_PROCESSING_SERVICE_NAME = 
00018     "/tabletop_collision_map_processing/tabletop_collision_map_processing";
00019   const std::string PICKUP_ACTION_NAME = 
00020     "/object_manipulator/object_manipulator_pickup";
00021   const std::string PLACE_ACTION_NAME = 
00022     "/object_manipulator/object_manipulator_place";
00024   //create service and action clients
00025   ros::ServiceClient object_detection_srv;
00026   ros::ServiceClient collision_processing_srv;
00027   actionlib::SimpleActionClient<object_manipulation_msgs::PickupAction> 
00028     pickup_client(PICKUP_ACTION_NAME, true);
00029   actionlib::SimpleActionClient<object_manipulation_msgs::PlaceAction> 
00030     place_client(PLACE_ACTION_NAME, true);
00032   //wait for detection client
00033   while ( !ros::service::waitForService(OBJECT_DETECTION_SERVICE_NAME, 
00034                                         ros::Duration(2.0)) && nh.ok() ) 
00035   {
00036     ROS_INFO("Waiting for object detection service to come up");
00037   }
00038   if (!nh.ok()) exit(0);
00039   object_detection_srv = 
00040     nh.serviceClient<tabletop_object_detector::TabletopDetection>
00043   //wait for collision map processing client
00044   while ( !ros::service::waitForService(COLLISION_PROCESSING_SERVICE_NAME, 
00045                                         ros::Duration(2.0)) && nh.ok() ) 
00046   {
00047     ROS_INFO("Waiting for collision processing service to come up");
00048   }
00049   if (!nh.ok()) exit(0);
00050   collision_processing_srv = 
00051     nh.serviceClient
00052     <tabletop_collision_map_processing::TabletopCollisionMapProcessing>
00055   //wait for pickup client
00056   while(!pickup_client.waitForServer(ros::Duration(2.0)) && nh.ok())
00057   {
00058     ROS_INFO_STREAM("Waiting for action client " << PICKUP_ACTION_NAME);
00059   }
00060   if (!nh.ok()) exit(0);  
00062   //wait for place client
00063   while(!place_client.waitForServer(ros::Duration(2.0)) && nh.ok())
00064   {
00065     ROS_INFO_STREAM("Waiting for action client " << PLACE_ACTION_NAME);
00066   }
00067   if (!nh.ok()) exit(0);    
00071   //call the tabletop detection
00072   ROS_INFO("Calling tabletop detector");
00073   tabletop_object_detector::TabletopDetection detection_call;
00074   //we want recognized database objects returned
00075   //set this to false if you are using the pipeline without the database
00076   detection_call.request.return_clusters = true;
00077   //we want the individual object point clouds returned as well
00078   detection_call.request.return_models = true;
00079   if (!object_detection_srv.call(detection_call))
00080   {
00081     ROS_ERROR("Tabletop detection service failed");
00082     return -1;
00083   }
00084   if (detection_call.response.detection.result != 
00085       detection_call.response.detection.SUCCESS)
00086   {
00087     ROS_ERROR("Tabletop detection returned error code %d", 
00088               detection_call.response.detection.result);
00089     return -1;
00090   }
00091   if (detection_call.response.detection.clusters.empty() && 
00092       detection_call.response.detection.models.empty() )
00093   {
00094     ROS_ERROR("The tabletop detector detected the table, but found no objects");
00095     return -1;
00096   }
00100   //call collision map processing
00101   ROS_INFO("Calling collision map processing");
00102   tabletop_collision_map_processing::TabletopCollisionMapProcessing 
00103     processing_call;
00104   //pass the result of the tabletop detection 
00105   processing_call.request.detection_result = detection_call.response.detection;
00106   //ask for the exising map and collision models to be reset
00107   //processing_call.request.reset_static_map = true; // no long exists
00108   processing_call.request.reset_collision_models = true;
00109   processing_call.request.reset_attached_models = true;
00110   //ask for a new static collision map to be taken with the laser
00111   //after the new models are added to the environment
00112   //processing_call.request.take_static_collision_map = true; // no long exists
00113   //ask for the results to be returned in base link frame
00114   processing_call.request.desired_frame = "base_link";
00115   if (!collision_processing_srv.call(processing_call))
00116   {
00117     ROS_ERROR("Collision map processing service failed");
00118     return -1;
00119   }
00120   //the collision map processor returns instances of graspable objects
00121   if (processing_call.response.graspable_objects.empty())
00122   {
00123     ROS_ERROR("Collision map processing returned no graspable objects");
00124     return -1;
00125   }
00128   //call object pickup
00129   ROS_INFO("Calling the pickup action");
00130   object_manipulation_msgs::PickupGoal pickup_goal;
00131   //pass one of the graspable objects returned by the collission map processor
00132   pickup_goal.target = processing_call.response.graspable_objects.at(0);
00133   //pass the name that the object has in the collision environment
00134   //this name was also returned by the collision map processor
00135   pickup_goal.collision_object_name = 
00136     processing_call.response.collision_object_names.at(0);
00137   //pass the collision name of the table, also returned by the collision 
00138   //map processor
00139   pickup_goal.collision_support_surface_name = 
00140     processing_call.response.collision_support_surface_name;
00141   //pick up the object with the right arm
00142   pickup_goal.arm_name = "right_arm";
00143   //specify the desired distance between pre-grasp and final grasp
00144   //pickup_goal.desired_approach_distance = 0.1;
00145   //pickup_goal.min_approach_distance = 0.05;
00146   //we will be lifting the object along the "vertical" direction
00147   //which is along the z axis in the base_link frame
00148   geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped direction;
00149   direction.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00150   direction.header.frame_id = "base_link";
00151   direction.vector.x = 0;
00152   direction.vector.y = 0;
00153   direction.vector.z = 1;
00154   pickup_goal.lift.direction = direction;
00155   //request a vertical lift of 10cm after grasping the object
00156   pickup_goal.lift.desired_distance = 0.1;
00157   pickup_goal.lift.min_distance = 0.05;
00158   //do not use tactile-based grasping or tactile-based lift
00159   pickup_goal.use_reactive_lift = false;
00160   pickup_goal.use_reactive_execution = false;
00161   //send the goal
00162   pickup_client.sendGoal(pickup_goal);
00163   while (!pickup_client.waitForResult(ros::Duration(10.0)))
00164   {
00165     ROS_INFO("Waiting for the pickup action...");
00166   }
00167   object_manipulation_msgs::PickupResult pickup_result = 
00168     *(pickup_client.getResult());
00169   if (pickup_client.getState() != actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState::SUCCEEDED)
00170   {
00171     ROS_ERROR("The pickup action has failed with result code %d", 
00172               pickup_result.manipulation_result.value);
00173     return -1;
00174   }
00176   //remember where we picked the object up from
00177   geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pickup_location;
00178   //the location of the object is considered to be the origin of the reference frame
00179   pickup_location.header.frame_id = processing_call.response.graspable_objects.at(0).cluster.header.frame_id;
00180   //identity pose
00181   pickup_location.pose.orientation.w = 1;
00182   //create a place location, offset by 10 cm from the pickup location
00183   geometry_msgs::PoseStamped place_location = pickup_location;
00184   place_location.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00185   place_location.pose.position.x += 0.1;
00187   //put the object down
00188   ROS_INFO("Calling the place action");
00189   object_manipulation_msgs::PlaceGoal place_goal;
00190   //place at the prepared location
00191   //place_goal.place_pose = place_location; //for CTURTLE
00192   place_goal.place_locations.push_back(place_location); //for UNSTABLE
00193   //the collision names of both the objects and the table
00194   //same as in the pickup action
00195   place_goal.collision_object_name = 
00196     processing_call.response.collision_object_names.at(0); 
00197   place_goal.collision_support_surface_name = 
00198     processing_call.response.collision_support_surface_name;
00199   //information about which grasp was executed on the object, returned by
00200   //the pickup action
00201   place_goal.grasp = pickup_result.grasp;
00202   //use the right rm to place
00203   place_goal.arm_name = "right_arm";
00204   //padding used when determining if the requested place location
00205   //would bring the object in collision with the environment
00206   place_goal.place_padding = 0.02;
00207   //how much the gripper should retreat after placing the object
00208   place_goal.desired_retreat_distance = 0.1;
00209   place_goal.min_retreat_distance = 0.05;
00210   //we will be putting down the object along the "vertical" direction
00211   //which is along the z axis in the base_link frame
00212   direction.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00213   direction.header.frame_id = "base_link";
00214   direction.vector.x = 0;
00215   direction.vector.y = 0;
00216   direction.vector.z = -1;
00217   place_goal.approach.direction = direction;
00218   //request a vertical put down motion of 10cm before placing the object 
00219   place_goal.approach.desired_distance = 0.1;
00220   place_goal.approach.min_distance = 0.05;
00221   //we are not using tactile based placing
00222   place_goal.use_reactive_place = false;
00223   //send the goal
00224   place_client.sendGoal(place_goal);
00225   while (!place_client.waitForResult(ros::Duration(10.0)))
00226   {
00227     ROS_INFO("Waiting for the place action...");
00228   }
00229   object_manipulation_msgs::PlaceResult place_result = 
00230     *(place_client.getResult());
00231   if (place_client.getState() != actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState::SUCCEEDED)
00232   {
00233     ROS_ERROR("Place failed with error code %d", 
00234               place_result.manipulation_result.value);
00235     return -1;
00236   }
00238   //success!
00239   ROS_INFO("Success! Object moved.");
00240   return 0;
00241 }

Author(s): John Hsu
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 12:09:50