Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "planner_modules_pr2/navstack_planning_scene_module.h"
00002 #include "planner_modules_pr2/navstack_module.h"
00003 #include "planner_modules_pr2/tidyup_planning_scene_updater.h"
00004 #include <ros/ros.h>
00005 #include <geometry_msgs/Pose.h>
00006 #include <utility>
00007 using std::map; using std::pair; using std::make_pair; using std::set;
00009 VERIFY_CONDITIONCHECKER_DEF(planning_scene_pathCost);
00011 string logName = "[psNavModule]";
00013 //PlanningSceneNavigationModule* PlanningSceneNavigationModule::singleton_instance = NULL;
00014 //
00015 //PlanningSceneNavigationModule* PlanningSceneNavigationModule::instance()
00016 //{
00017 //    if (singleton_instance == NULL) singleton_instance = new PlanningSceneNavigationModule();
00018 //    return singleton_instance;
00019 //}
00020 //
00021 //void PlanningSceneNavigationModule::loadDoorPoses(const string& doorLocationFileName)
00022 //{
00023 //    GeometryPoses locations = GeometryPoses();
00024 //    ROS_ASSERT_MSG(locations.load(doorLocationFileName), "Could not load locations from \"%s\".", doorLocationFileName.c_str());
00025 //    const std::map<std::string, geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& poses = locations.getPoses();
00026 //    for(std::map<std::string, geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>::const_iterator posesIterator = poses.begin(); posesIterator != poses.end(); posesIterator++)
00027 //    {
00028 //        string name = posesIterator->first;
00029 //        if (StringUtil::startsWith(name, "door"))
00030 //        {
00031 //            string doorName;
00032 //            bool open = false;
00033 //            if(StringUtil::endsWith(name, "_closed"))
00034 //            {
00035 //                doorName = name.substr(0, name.length()-7);
00036 //            }
00037 //            else if(StringUtil::endsWith(name, "_open"))
00038 //            {
00039 //                doorName = name.substr(0, name.length()-5);
00040 //                open = true;
00041 //            }
00042 //            else
00043 //            {
00044 //                ROS_ERROR("navstack planning scene: misformated door location entry %s in file %s", name.c_str(), doorLocationFileName.c_str());
00045 //                continue;
00046 //            }
00047 //            map<string, Door>::iterator doorIterator = doors.find(doorName);
00048 //            if (doorIterator == doors.end())
00049 //            {
00050 //                doors.insert(make_pair(doorName, Door(doorName)));
00051 //                doorIterator = doors.find(doorName);
00052 //            }
00053 //            Door& door = doorIterator->second;
00054 //            if (open)
00055 //            {
00056 //                door.openPose = posesIterator->second;
00057 //            }
00058 //            else
00059 //            {
00060 //                door.closedPose = posesIterator->second;
00061 //            }
00062 //        }
00063 //    }
00064 //}
00065 //
00066 //void PlanningSceneNavigationModule::fillPoseFromState(geometry_msgs::Pose& pose, const string& poseName, numericalFluentCallbackType numericalFluentCallback)
00067 //{
00068 //    // create the numerical fluent request
00069 //    ParameterList startParams;
00070 //    startParams.push_back(Parameter("", "", poseName));
00071 //    NumericalFluentList nfRequest;
00072 //    nfRequest.reserve(7);
00073 //    nfRequest.push_back(NumericalFluent("x", startParams));
00074 //    nfRequest.push_back(NumericalFluent("y", startParams));
00075 //    nfRequest.push_back(NumericalFluent("z", startParams));
00076 //    nfRequest.push_back(NumericalFluent("qx", startParams));
00077 //    nfRequest.push_back(NumericalFluent("qy", startParams));
00078 //    nfRequest.push_back(NumericalFluent("qz", startParams));
00079 //    nfRequest.push_back(NumericalFluent("qw", startParams));
00080 //
00081 //    // get the fluents
00082 //    NumericalFluentList* nfRequestP = &nfRequest;
00083 //    if (!numericalFluentCallback(nfRequestP))
00084 //    {
00085 //        ROS_INFO("fillPoseFromState failed for object: %s", poseName.c_str());
00086 //        return;
00087 //    }
00088 //
00089 //    // fill pose stamped
00090 //    pose.position.x = nfRequest[0].value;
00091 //    pose.position.y = nfRequest[1].value;
00092 //    pose.position.z = nfRequest[2].value;
00093 //    pose.orientation.x = nfRequest[3].value;
00094 //    pose.orientation.y = nfRequest[4].value;
00095 //    pose.orientation.z = nfRequest[5].value;
00096 //    pose.orientation.w = nfRequest[6].value;
00097 //}
00098 //
00099 //bool PlanningSceneNavigationModule::setPlanningSceneDiffFromState(const ParameterList & parameterList,
00100 //        predicateCallbackType predicateCallback,
00101 //        numericalFluentCallbackType numericalFluentCallback)
00102 //{
00103 //
00104 //    // update objects in planning scene
00105 //    PlanningSceneInterface* psi = PlanningSceneInterface::instance();
00106 //    psi->resetPlanningScene();
00107 //    for (map<string, Door>::const_iterator doorIterator = doors.begin(); doorIterator != doors.end(); doorIterator++)
00108 //    {
00109 //        string doorName = doorIterator->first;
00110 //        if (psi->getCollisionObject(doorName) != NULL)
00111 //        {
00112 //            // update door pose
00113 //            PredicateList predicates;
00114 //            ParameterList pl;
00115 //            pl.push_back(Parameter("", "", doorName));
00116 //            predicates.push_back(Predicate("door-open", pl));
00117 //            PredicateList* predicateRequest = &predicates;
00118 //            if ( ! predicateCallback(predicateRequest))
00119 //            {
00120 //                ROS_ERROR("predicateCallback failed for door: %s", doorName.c_str());
00121 //                return false;
00122 //            }
00123 //            geometry_msgs::Pose pose;
00124 //            if (predicates[0].value)
00125 //            {
00126 //                // door is open
00127 //                psi->updateObject(doorName, doorIterator->second.openPose.pose);
00128 //            }
00129 //            else
00130 //            {
00131 //                // door is closed
00132 //                psi->updateObject(doorName, doorIterator->second.closedPose.pose);
00133 //            }
00134 //        }
00135 //    }
00136 //    // set robot state
00137 //    ROS_ASSERT(parameterList.size() > 1);
00138 //    const string& robotStartPose = parameterList[0].value;
00139 //    arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState state = psi->getRobotState();
00140 //    ArmState::get("/arm_configurations/side_tuck/position/", "right_arm").replaceJointPositions(state.joint_state);
00141 //    ArmState::get("/arm_configurations/side_tuck/position/", "left_arm").replaceJointPositions(state.joint_state);
00142 //    fillPoseFromState(state.multi_dof_joint_state.poses[0], robotStartPose, numericalFluentCallback);
00143 //    psi->setRobotState(state);
00144 //    return psi->sendDiff();
00145 //}
00147 void planning_scene_navstack_init(int argc, char** argv)
00148 {
00149     navstack_init(argc, argv);
00150     ROS_INFO("%s initialized.", logName.c_str());
00151 }
00153 double planning_scene_pathCost(const ParameterList & parameterList,
00154         predicateCallbackType predicateCallback, numericalFluentCallbackType numericalFluentCallback, int relaxed)
00155 {
00156     // need this for computing cache key
00157     nav_msgs::GetPlan srv;
00158     if (!fillPathRequest(parameterList, numericalFluentCallback, srv.request))
00159     {
00160         return INFINITE_COST;
00161     }
00163     // first lookup in the cache if we answered the query already
00164     double cost = 0;
00165     if (g_PathCostCache.get(computePathCacheKey(parameterList[0].value, parameterList[1].value, srv.request.start.pose, srv.request.goal.pose), cost))
00166     {
00167         return cost;
00168     }
00170     if(relaxed || true) {
00171         std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> directPath;
00172         directPath.push_back(srv.request.start);
00173         directPath.push_back(srv.request.goal);
00174         return getPlanCost(directPath); 
00175     }
00177     // read state
00178     string robotLocation = parameterList[0].value;
00179     geometry_msgs::Pose robotPose;
00180     map<string, geometry_msgs::Pose> movableObjects;
00181     map<string, string> graspedObjects;
00182     map<string, string> objectsOnStatic;
00183     set<string> openDoors;
00184 //    arm_navigation_msgs::PlanningScene world = PlanningSceneInterface::instance()->getCurrentScene();
00185     if (! TidyupPlanningSceneUpdater::readState(robotLocation, predicateCallback, numericalFluentCallback, robotPose, movableObjects, graspedObjects, objectsOnStatic, openDoors))
00186     {
00187         ROS_ERROR("%s read state failed.", logName.c_str());
00188         return INFINITE_COST;
00189     }
00190     // set planning scene
00191     if (! TidyupPlanningSceneUpdater::update(robotPose, movableObjects, graspedObjects, openDoors))
00192     {
00193         ROS_ERROR("%s update planning scene failed.", logName.c_str());
00194         return INFINITE_COST;
00195     }
00196 //    PlanningSceneInterface::instance()->printDiffToCurrent(world);
00197     return pathCost(parameterList, predicateCallback, numericalFluentCallback, relaxed);
00198 }
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Author(s): Christian Dornhege, Andreas Hertle
autogenerated on Wed Dec 26 2012 15:49:38