Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes
ModuleParamCache< ValueType > Class Template Reference

#include <module_param_cache.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void clearAll ()
 Clear all cache entries for this modules namespace (especially on the param server)
bool get (const std::string &key, ValueType &value)
 Retrieve a cached value for key.
void initialize (const std::string &moduleNamespace, ros::NodeHandle *node)
 Initialize the module param cache for param lookup.
 ModuleParamCache ()
void set (const std::string &key, ValueType value, bool allowCacheAsParam)
 Add a new cache entry.
 ~ModuleParamCache ()

Private Attributes

std::map< std::string, ValueType > _localCache
 local cache only for this planner run
std::string keyPrefix
 Param cache across multiple runs.

Static Private Attributes

static std::string baseNamespace = "/tfd_modules/module_cache"

Detailed Description

template<class ValueType>
class ModuleParamCache< ValueType >

Module cache that allows to cache entries locally (for one run) or additionally on the param server between multiple runs. ValueType needs to be able to be written as a ROS param. It is assumed that during a planner run only this class accesses the module cache stored on the param server, i.e. nobody interferes.

Definition at line 24 of file module_param_cache.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class ValueType >
ModuleParamCache< ValueType >::ModuleParamCache ( )

Definition at line 12 of file module_param_cache.hpp.

template<class ValueType >
ModuleParamCache< ValueType >::~ModuleParamCache ( )

Definition at line 25 of file module_param_cache.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<class ValueType >
void ModuleParamCache< ValueType >::clearAll ( )

Clear all cache entries for this modules namespace (especially on the param server)

Definition at line 30 of file module_param_cache.hpp.

template<class ValueType >
bool ModuleParamCache< ValueType >::get ( const std::string &  key,
ValueType &  value 

Retrieve a cached value for key.

[in]keythe key for the entry
[out]valuethe retrieved value, if found.
true, if the value was found in the cache.

Definition at line 55 of file module_param_cache.hpp.

template<class ValueType >
void ModuleParamCache< ValueType >::initialize ( const std::string &  moduleNamespace,
ros::NodeHandle node 

Initialize the module param cache for param lookup.

Definition at line 18 of file module_param_cache.hpp.

template<class ValueType >
void ModuleParamCache< ValueType >::set ( const std::string &  key,
ValueType  value,
bool  allowCacheAsParam 

Add a new cache entry.

[in]keythe key for the entry
[in]valuethe value to cache for key
[in]allowCacheAsParamif true, cache entries are entered on the param server and thus are available between multiple planner calls. Therefore their value should obviously not change in the world throughout multiple calls.

Definition at line 40 of file module_param_cache.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

template<class ValueType>
std::map<std::string, ValueType> ModuleParamCache< ValueType >::_localCache [private]

local cache only for this planner run

Definition at line 62 of file module_param_cache.h.

template<class ValueType>
std::string ModuleParamCache< ValueType >::baseNamespace = "/tfd_modules/module_cache" [static, private]

Definition at line 56 of file module_param_cache.h.

template<class ValueType>
std::string ModuleParamCache< ValueType >::keyPrefix [private]

Definition at line 60 of file module_param_cache.h.

template<class ValueType>
ros::NodeHandle* ModuleParamCache< ValueType >::node [private]

Param cache across multiple runs.

Definition at line 59 of file module_param_cache.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Christian Dornhege, Andreas Hertle
autogenerated on Wed Dec 26 2012 15:49:38