Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
mcl::CParticleFilter Class Reference

#include <CParticleFilter.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void allocate (int num_particles)
mcl::pose averageOverNBestAndRandomize (int N, int M=0, float vx=0, float vy=0, float va=0)
 CParticleFilter ()
 default constructor
mcl::pose getDistributionMean (bool doWeighting=false)
Eigen::Matrix3d getDistributionVariances ()
void initializeNormalRandom (mcl::pose p0, mcl::pose variance, int size)
void initializeUniform (mcl::pose Pmin, mcl::pose Pmax, mcl::pose dP)
void myfree ()
void normalize ()
void predict (mcl::pose dP, mcl::pose std)
void predict (mcl::pose dP, float Q[4])
void print ()
void resize (int n)
void saveToFile (int Fileind)
void SIRUpdate ()
void updateLikelihood (float *lik)
 ~CParticleFilter ()

Public Attributes

mcl::pose average
 Distribution mean.
bool isAvgSet
 Tells if the distribution mean has been calculated.
float Lik
 Likelihood of the distribution.
ownRandom myrand
 The random number class.
int NumOfParticles
 Number of particles in distribution.
float outLiers
 Percentage of the outlier measurements in distribution.
 Particle distribution.
int size
 reserved memory Size (number of reserved particles!)
mcl::pose variance
 Distribution variance.

Private Member Functions

void hpsrt (int *indx)

Private Attributes

 Particle distribution for SIR (Maintained for efficiency reasons here)

Detailed Description

The Particle filter

Definition at line 358 of file CParticleFilter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

default constructor

Definition at line 9 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.


Definition at line 17 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void CParticleFilter::allocate ( int  num_particles)

Allocates memory for the distribution num_particles The amount of particles you want to reserve

Allocates memory for the distribution. You should do this before using the filter num_particles The amount of particles you want to reserve

Definition at line 25 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

mcl::pose CParticleFilter::averageOverNBestAndRandomize ( int  N,
int  M = 0,
float  vx = 0,
float  vy = 0,
float  va = 0 

Computes the best indices and returns the average

NThe best particles
MOption to randomize the worst M
vxvariance x
vyvariance y
vavariance a

< find indices for the best ones

Definition at line 519 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

mcl::pose CParticleFilter::getDistributionMean ( bool  doWeighting = false)

Get the mean values of the distribution


Definition at line 59 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

Calculate the variance of the distribution

Calculate the variance of the distribution //xx xy xa// //xy yy ya// //xa ya aa//

Definition at line 113 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

void CParticleFilter::hpsrt ( int *  indx) [private]

Heap Sort algorithm

*indxThe index of values after sort
NThe number of values

Definition at line 565 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

void CParticleFilter::initializeNormalRandom ( mcl::pose  p0,
mcl::pose  variance,
int  size 

Initializes the filter by sampling from normal distribution with mean in and variance defined by

Definition at line 157 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

Initializes the distribution using uniform distribution The box Pmin and Pmax sets the borders and dP sets the step size Pmin the minimum values Pmax maximum values dP step size

< number of particles for each component

If something stupid should happen above

Definition at line 182 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

Frees the reserved memory

Definition at line 48 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

Performs the normalization step i.e. according to updated likelyhoods the probability of each particle is calculated and the whole distribution gets probablity of 1

Definition at line 303 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

Performs the prediction step Moves the cloud according to estimated movement() and adds noise according to Assumes independed noise (i.e the x,y,a are not correlated, which is not really true)

dPrelative movement between the scans
stdThe standard deviation of the noise that is independently added to each component

Modified 25.9.2008 to induce the noise into the differential movement instead of into the trajectory in world frame


Generate noise from normal distribution

Definition at line 330 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

void CParticleFilter::predict ( mcl::pose  dP,
float  Q[4] 

Performs prediction step with system noise covariance matrix Moves the particles according to and samples the noise Note that the angle noise is not correlated with the position using covariance matrix [4] dP relative motion between steps Q[4] Uncertainty as covariance (Var(X) Var(XY) Var(Y) STD(A)!!)

Performs prediction step with system noise covariance matrix Moves the particles according to and samples the noise Note that the angle noise is not correlated with the position using covariance matrix [4] dP relative motion between steps Q[4] Uncertainty as covariance (Var(X) Var(XY) Var(Y) STD(A)!!) FIXME: NOT TESTED

Transform the correlated noise according to the heading of the particle FIXME: Remember to test the validity as this is not tested

Definition at line 371 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

Prints some status data

Definition at line 480 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

void CParticleFilter::resize ( int  n)

Resizes the distribution so that n particles from indices *ind will be saved NOTE:: The memory will not be reallocated

n the size of *ind and the "new" vector

Resizes the distribution so that n particles from indices *ind will be saved NOTE:: The memory will not be reallocated n the size of the "new" vector

< find indices for the best ones

Definition at line 495 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

void CParticleFilter::saveToFile ( int  Fileind)

Definition at line 616 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

Performs the Sample Importance Resampling (SIR) algorithm for the distribution The algorithm chooses the best particles (with respect to the probability) and resamples these.

You should have updated the likelihoods and normalized the distribution before running this Also, it might be smart not to run this in every iteration, since the distribution looses accuracy due to the "discretation"

j++; ///WAS HERE until 30.7.2008

Definition at line 226 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

void CParticleFilter::updateLikelihood ( float *  lik)

You Can use this to update the vector of likelihoods Most probably you will use this update step so that you give the whole filter to some likelihood function, which updates the public data TPoseParticle *Particles directly however, this is here if you like to use it :)

*likthe vector of likelihoods for the particles (has to be the same size as the number of particles)

Definition at line 469 of file CParticleFilter.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Distribution mean.

Definition at line 365 of file CParticleFilter.h.

Tells if the distribution mean has been calculated.

Definition at line 367 of file CParticleFilter.h.

Likelihood of the distribution.

Definition at line 361 of file CParticleFilter.h.

The random number class.

Definition at line 368 of file CParticleFilter.h.

Number of particles in distribution.

Definition at line 363 of file CParticleFilter.h.

Percentage of the outlier measurements in distribution.

Definition at line 362 of file CParticleFilter.h.

Particle distribution.

Definition at line 360 of file CParticleFilter.h.

reserved memory Size (number of reserved particles!)

Definition at line 364 of file CParticleFilter.h.

Particle distribution for SIR (Maintained for efficiency reasons here)

Definition at line 481 of file CParticleFilter.h.

Distribution variance.

Definition at line 366 of file CParticleFilter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): jari
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:32:07