The icrcpp library

Author: Robert Krug

The library provides computation of Independent Contact Regions (ICR) on discretized object models represented by triangular meshes provided in the Wavefront .obj file format. Single- and Multi-Point contact models are possible. The icrcpp library is available under the GNU General Public License.

General Concept

The central object of the library is the Grasp, which is tied to a previously loaded target object. A Grasp contains a list of Finger-pointers. A Finger holds a pointer to an Object Wrench Space and a pointer to a list of patches. OWS and patches are precomputed when the Finger's parent grasp is initialized. A separate OWS is computed for each finger with a different contact model, a separate list of patches is computed for each finger with a different inclusion rule. Fingers with the same contact model/inclusion rule hold pointers to the same OWS/patch list. The inclusion rule determines which vertices of the target object's mesh are eligible for inclusion in a patch centered around a given center-point. In case of the single-point contact model, each patch only contains its respective center-point.The class SearchZones requires a force-closure prototype grasp for creation. After computing the search zones for the given prototype grasp, these search zones and the grasp are used in the constructor for objects of type IndependentContactRegions. All objects and functions share the namespace ICR.

The basic program flow is as follows:

See also the provided example in /icrcpp/examples/src/example.cpp.


Author(s): Robert Krug
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:34:38