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class_FullPivLU.cpp File Reference

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typedef Matrix< double, 5, 3 > Matrix5x3
typedef Matrix< double, 5, 5 > Matrix5x5


 cout<< "Here is, up to permutations, its LU decomposition matrix:"<< endl<< lu.matrixLU()<< endl;cout<< "Here is the L part:"<< endl;Matrix5x5 l=Matrix5x5::Identity();l.block< 5, 3 > (0, 0).triangularView< StrictlyLower >()
 cout<< l<< endl;cout<< "Here is the U part:"<< endl;Matrix5x3 u=lu.matrixLU().triangularView< Upper > ()
cout<< "Here is the matrix m:"
<< endl<< m<< endl;Eigen::FullPivLU
< Matrix5x3
lu (m)


Matrix5x3 m = Matrix5x3::Random()

Typedef Documentation

typedef Matrix<double, 5, 3> Matrix5x3

Definition at line 1 of file class_FullPivLU.cpp.

typedef Matrix<double, 5, 5> Matrix5x5

Definition at line 2 of file class_FullPivLU.cpp.

Function Documentation

cout<< "Here is, up to permutations, its LU decomposition matrix:"<< endl<< lu.matrixLU()<< endl;cout<< "Here is the L part:"<< endl;Matrix5x5 l=Matrix5x5::Identity();l.block< 5, 3 > ( ,
cout<< l<< endl;cout<< "Here is the U part:"<< endl;Matrix5x3 u=lu.matrixLU().triangularView< Upper > ( )
cout<< "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;Eigen::FullPivLU<Matrix5x3> lu ( m  )

Variable Documentation

Matrix5x3 m = Matrix5x3::Random()

Definition at line 3 of file class_FullPivLU.cpp.

Author(s): Robert Krug
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:34:05