Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Related Functions
Cwise< ExpressionType > Class Template Reference

Pseudo expression providing additional coefficient-wise operations. More...

#include <Cwise.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef internal::conditional
< internal::must_nest_by_value
< ExpressionType >::ret,
ExpressionType, const
ExpressionType & >::type 
typedef internal::traits
< ExpressionType >::Scalar 
typedef CwiseUnaryOp
< internal::scalar_add_op
< Scalar >, ExpressionType > 

Public Member Functions

const ExpressionType & _expression () const
 Cwise (const ExpressionType &matrix)
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_quotient_op) operator/(const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (std::less) operator<(const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (std::less_equal) operator<
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (std::greater) operator>(const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (std::greater_equal) operator>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (std::equal_to) operator
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (std::not_equal_to) operator!
const EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE (std::less) operator<(Scalar s) const
const EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE (std::less_equal) operator<
const EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE (std::greater) operator>(Scalar s) const
const EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE (std::greater_equal) operator>
const EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE (std::equal_to) operator
const EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE (std::not_equal_to) operator!
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_PRODUCT_RETURN_TYPE (ExpressionType, OtherDerived) operator*(const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_abs_op) abs() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_abs2_op) abs2() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_square_op) square() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_cube_op) cube() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_inverse_op) inverse() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_sqrt_op) sqrt() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_exp_op) exp() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_log_op) log() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_cos_op) cos() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_sin_op) sin() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_pow_op) pow(const Scalar &exponent) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
max (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
min (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
ExpressionType & operator*= (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)
const ScalarAddReturnType operator+ (const Scalar &scalar) const
ExpressionType & operator+= (const Scalar &scalar)
const ScalarAddReturnType operator- (const Scalar &scalar) const
ExpressionType & operator-= (const Scalar &scalar)
template<typename OtherDerived >
ExpressionType & operator/= (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)

Protected Attributes

ExpressionTypeNested m_matrix

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

const ScalarAddReturnType operator+ (const Scalar &scalar, const Cwise &mat)

Detailed Description

template<typename ExpressionType>
class Cwise< ExpressionType >

Pseudo expression providing additional coefficient-wise operations.

ExpressionTypethe type of the object on which to do coefficient-wise operations

This class represents an expression with additional coefficient-wise features. It is the return type of MatrixBase::cwise() and most of the time this is the only way it is used.


#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <iostream>

using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;

int main()
  Matrix3i m = Matrix3i::Random();
  cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
  Matrix3i n = Matrix3i::Random();
  cout << "And here is the matrix n:" << endl << n << endl;
  cout << "The coefficient-wise product of m and n is:" << endl;
  cout << m.cwise() * n << endl;
  cout << "Taking the cube of the coefficients of m yields:" << endl;
  cout << m.cwise().pow(3) << endl;


This class can be extended with the help of the plugin mechanism described on the page Customizing/Extending Eigen by defining the preprocessor symbol EIGEN_CWISE_PLUGIN.

See also:
MatrixBase::cwise() const, MatrixBase::cwise()

Definition at line 63 of file Cwise.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename ExpressionType>
typedef internal::conditional<internal::must_nest_by_value<ExpressionType>::ret, ExpressionType, const ExpressionType&>::type Cwise< ExpressionType >::ExpressionTypeNested

Definition at line 69 of file Cwise.h.

template<typename ExpressionType>
typedef internal::traits<ExpressionType>::Scalar Cwise< ExpressionType >::Scalar

Definition at line 67 of file Cwise.h.

template<typename ExpressionType>
typedef CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_add_op<Scalar>, ExpressionType> Cwise< ExpressionType >::ScalarAddReturnType

Definition at line 70 of file Cwise.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename ExpressionType>
Cwise< ExpressionType >::Cwise ( const ExpressionType &  matrix) [inline]

Definition at line 72 of file Cwise.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename ExpressionType>
const ExpressionType& Cwise< ExpressionType >::_expression ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 75 of file Cwise.h.

template<typename ExpressionType>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE ( internal::scalar_quotient_op  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE ( std::less  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE ( std::less_equal  )
template<typename ExpressionType>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE ( std::greater  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE ( std::greater_equal  )
template<typename ExpressionType>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE ( std::equal_to  )
template<typename ExpressionType>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE ( std::not_equal_to  )
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE ( std::less  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE ( std::less_equal  )
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE ( std::greater  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE ( std::greater_equal  )
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE ( std::equal_to  )
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE ( std::not_equal_to  )
template<typename ExpressionType>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_PRODUCT_RETURN_TYPE ( ExpressionType  ,
) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE ( internal::scalar_abs_op  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE ( internal::scalar_abs2_op  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE ( internal::scalar_square_op  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE ( internal::scalar_cube_op  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE ( internal::scalar_inverse_op  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE ( internal::scalar_sqrt_op  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE ( internal::scalar_exp_op  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE ( internal::scalar_log_op  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE ( internal::scalar_cos_op  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE ( internal::scalar_sin_op  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE ( internal::scalar_pow_op  ) const
template<typename ExpressionType>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE() internal::scalar_max_op() Cwise< ExpressionType >::max ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) const [inline]

Definition at line 94 of file Cwise.h.

template<typename ExpressionType>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE() internal::scalar_min_op() Cwise< ExpressionType >::min ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) const [inline]

Definition at line 88 of file Cwise.h.

template<typename ExpressionType >
template<typename OtherDerived >
ExpressionType & Cwise< ExpressionType >::operator*= ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) [inline]
template<typename ExpressionType >
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::ScalarAddReturnType Cwise< ExpressionType >::operator+ ( const Scalar scalar) const [inline]

Definition at line 282 of file CwiseOperators.h.

template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionType & Cwise< ExpressionType >::operator+= ( const Scalar scalar) [inline]

Definition at line 289 of file CwiseOperators.h.

template<typename ExpressionType >
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::ScalarAddReturnType Cwise< ExpressionType >::operator- ( const Scalar scalar) const [inline]

Definition at line 297 of file CwiseOperators.h.

template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionType & Cwise< ExpressionType >::operator-= ( const Scalar scalar) [inline]

Definition at line 304 of file CwiseOperators.h.

template<typename ExpressionType >
template<typename OtherDerived >
ExpressionType & Cwise< ExpressionType >::operator/= ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) [inline]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<typename ExpressionType>
const ScalarAddReturnType operator+ ( const Scalar scalar,
const Cwise< ExpressionType > &  mat 
) [friend]

Definition at line 114 of file Cwise.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename ExpressionType>
ExpressionTypeNested Cwise< ExpressionType >::m_matrix [protected]

Definition at line 173 of file Cwise.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Robert Krug
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:34:12