Functions | Variables
HessenbergDecomposition_packedMatrix.cpp File Reference

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cout<< "Here is a random 4x4 matrix:"<< endl<< A<< endl;HessenbergDecomposition< Matrix4d > hessOfA (A)


Matrix4d A = Matrix4d::Random(4,4)
Matrix4d pm = hessOfA.packedMatrix()

Function Documentation

cout<< "Here is a random 4x4 matrix:" << endl << A << endl;HessenbergDecomposition<Matrix4d> hessOfA ( A  )

Variable Documentation

Matrix4d A = Matrix4d::Random(4,4)

Definition at line 1 of file HessenbergDecomposition_packedMatrix.cpp.

Matrix4d pm = hessOfA.packedMatrix()

Definition at line 4 of file HessenbergDecomposition_packedMatrix.cpp.

Author(s): Robert Krug
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:34:05