hrl_pr2_arms.pr2_controller_switcher.ControllerSwitcher | Offers controller switching inside python on the fly |
hrl_pr2_arms.ep_arm_base.EPArmBase | Base class for interacting with a realtime controller using an equilibrium point control frame work |
hrl_pr2_arms.pr2_arm_cart_base.PR2ArmCartBase | Base class for interacting with the Cartesian controllers on the PR2 |
hrl_pr2_arms.pr2_arm_cart_base.PR2ArmCartPostureBase | Class which extends the PR2ArmCartBase to provide functionality for changing the posture |
hrl_pr2_arms.pr2_arm_joint_traj.PR2ArmJointTraj | Class for interacting with the JointTrajectory controller on the PR2 |
hrl_pr2_arms.pr2_arm_jt.PR2ArmJTranspose | Class for interacting with the Cartesian controllers on the PR2 |
hrl_pr2_arms.pr2_arm_jt_task.PR2ArmJTransposeTask |