Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #   Copyright 2013 Georgia Tech Research Corporation
00002 #
00003 #   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00004 #   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00005 #   You may obtain a copy of the License at
00006 #
00007 #
00008 #
00009 #   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00010 #   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00011 #   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00012 #   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00013 #   limitations under the License.
00014 #
00015 #
00017 #
00018 # Any robot that wants to use equilibrium point control should implement the functions
00019 # sketched out in the HRLArm and HRLArmKinematics
00020 #
00022 ## @package hrl_haptic_mpc
00023 # @author Advait Jain
00025 import numpy as np, math
00026 import copy
00027 from threading import RLock
00029 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('hrl_haptic_mpc')
00031 try:
00032     import hrl_lib.geometry as hg
00033 except ImportError, e:
00034     print '<> WARNING:', e
00037 class HRLArm():
00038     def __init__(self, kinematics):
00039         # object of class derived from HRLArmKinematics
00040         self.kinematics = kinematics
00041         self.ep = None # equilibrium point
00042 = None # joint stiffness
00043         self.kd = None # joint damping
00044         self.q = None # angles
00045         self.qdot = None # angular velocity
00046         self.joint_names_list = None # joint names
00047         self.lock = RLock()
00049     def get_joint_velocities(self):
00050         with self.lock:
00051             return copy.copy(self.qdot)
00053     def get_joint_angles(self):
00054         with self.lock:
00055             return copy.copy(self.q)
00057     def set_ep(self, *args):
00058         raise RuntimeError('Unimplemented Function')
00060     # publish different viz markers.
00061     def publish_rviz_markers(self):
00062         raise RuntimeError('Unimplemented Function')
00064     def get_ep(self):
00065         with self.lock:
00066             return copy.copy(self.ep)
00068     # returns kp, kd
00069     # np arrays of stiffness and damping of the virtual springs.
00070     def get_joint_impedance(self):
00071         with self.lock:
00072             return copy.copy(, copy.copy(self.kd)
00074     def get_joint_names(self):
00075       with self.lock:
00076         return copy.copy(self.joint_names_list)
00078     # do we really need this function?
00079     def freeze(self):
00080         self.set_ep(self.ep)
00082     def get_end_effector_pose(self):
00083         return self.kinematics.FK(self.get_joint_angles())
00086 class HRLArmKinematics():
00087     def __init__(self, n_jts):
00088         self.tooltip_pos = np.matrix([0.,0.,0.]).T
00089         self.tooltip_rot = np.matrix(np.eye(3))
00090         self.n_jts = n_jts
00092     # FK without the tooltip
00093     def FK_vanilla(self, q, link_number=None):
00094         raise RuntimeError('Unimplemented Function')
00096     # @param q - array-like (RADIANs)
00097     # @param link_number - perform FK up to this link. (0-n_jts)
00098     # @return pos (3X1) np matrix, rot (3X3) np matrix
00099     def FK(self, q, link_number=None):
00100         if link_number == None:
00101             link_number = self.n_jts
00102         if link_number > self.n_jts:
00103             raise RuntimeError('Link Number is greater than n_jts: %d'%link_number)
00104         pos, rot = self.FK_vanilla(q, link_number)
00106         if link_number == self.n_jts:
00107             tooltip_baseframe = rot * self.tooltip_pos
00108             pos += tooltip_baseframe
00109             rot = rot * self.tooltip_rot
00110         return pos, rot
00112     ##
00113     # Computes IK for the tooltip.  The desired location is first transformed
00114     # back into the last link's frame and IK is performed on that location.
00115     # @param pos Desired link position (3x1 np matrix)
00116     # @param rot Desired link rotation (3x3 np matrix)
00117     # @param q_guess Estimate of the desired joint angles which seeds the IK solver
00118     def IK(self, pos, rot, q_guess=None):
00119         last_link_pos = pos - rot * self.tooltip_rot.T * self.tooltip_pos
00120         last_link_rot = rot * self.tooltip_rot.T
00121         return self.IK_vanilla(last_link_pos, last_link_rot, q_guess)
00123     # IK without the  tooltip.
00124     def IK_vanilla(self, p, rot, q_guess=None):
00125         raise RuntimeError('Unimplemented Function')
00127     # @param p - 3x1 np matrix
00128     # @param rot - orientation of end effector frame wrt base of the arm.
00129     def IK(self, p, rot, q_guess=None):
00130         # this code should be common to everyone.
00131         pass
00133     ## compute Jacobian at point pos.
00134     def jacobian(self, q, pos=None):
00135         raise RuntimeError('Unimplemented Function')
00137     ## return min_array, max_array
00138     def get_joint_limits(self):
00139         raise RuntimeError('Unimplemented Function')
00141     ## define tooltip as a 3x1 np matrix in the wrist coord frame.
00142     def set_tooltip(self, p, rot=np.matrix(np.eye(3))):
00143         self.tooltip_pos = copy.copy(p)
00144         self.tooltip_rot = copy.copy(rot)
00146     #----- 2D functions ----------
00148     # return list of 2D points corresponding to the locations of the
00149     # joint axes for a planar arm. Something funky for a spatial arm
00150     # that Advait does not want to put into words.
00151     def arm_config_to_points_list(self, q):
00152         return [self.FK(q, i)[0].A1[0:2] for i in range(len(q)+1)]
00154     # project point onto the arm skeleton in 2D and compute distance
00155     # along it to the end effector.
00156     def distance_from_ee_along_arm(self, q, pt):
00157         p_l = self.arm_config_to_points_list(q)
00158         ee = self.FK(q)[0]
00159         d_ee = hg.distance_along_curve(ee, p_l)
00160         d_pt = hg.distance_along_curve(pt, p_l)
00161         assert(d_ee >= d_pt)
00162         return d_ee - d_pt
00164     # distance of a point from the arm
00165     def distance_from_arm(self, q, pt):
00166         p_l = self.arm_config_to_points_list(q)
00167         return hg.distance_from_curve(pt, p_l)
00169     # is pt at the joint?
00170     # pt - 2x1 or 3x1 np matrix
00171     # return True if distance between a joint and the point projected
00172     # onto the skeleton is <= dist_threshold.
00173     #
00174     # tested only for planar arms. (see in
00175     # sandbox_advait_darpa_m3/src/sandbox_advait_darpa_m3/software_simulation)
00176     def is_contact_at_joint(self, pt, q, dist_threshold):
00177         pts_list = [self.FK(q, i)[0].A1 for i in range(len(q)+1)]
00178         proj_pt = hg.project_point_on_curve(pt, pts_list)
00180         # ignore end effector (it is not a joint)
00181         for jt in pts_list[:-1]:
00182             dist = np.linalg.norm(np.matrix(jt).T-proj_pt)
00183             if dist <= dist_threshold:
00184                 return True
00185         return False

Author(s): Jeff Hawke, Phillip Grice, Marc Killpack, Advait Jain. Advisor and Co-author: Prof. Charlie Kemp. Healthcare Robotics Lab, Georgia Tech
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 12:27:09