geom::Line Member List
This is the complete list of members for geom::Line, including all inherited members.
dgeom::Line [private]
distFrom(Point p) const geom::Line
draw() const geom::Line
eval(float t) const geom::Line [virtual]
getBestFit(const std::set< Point > &pts)geom::Line [static]
getBestFit(const std::vector< Point > &pts)geom::Line [static]
getBestFit(const double *xs, const double *ys, uint size)geom::Line [static]
getDirection() const geom::Line
getLength()geom::Path [inline]
getPoint() const geom::Line
intersect(const Line &o) const geom::Line
intersect(const Line &o, float &t, float &s) const geom::Line
lengthgeom::Path [protected]
Line(Point p, float theta)geom::Line
Line(Point p1, Point p2)geom::Line
Line(Point p1, Point p2, bool setLen)geom::Line
operator<(const Line &o) const geom::Line
output(std::ostream &out) const geom::Line
pgeom::Line [private]
Path()geom::Path [protected]
sameAs(const Line &o, double e=EPSILON) const geom::Line
setLength(float len)geom::Path
test(std::ostream &out)geom::Line [static]
translate(const Point &trans)geom::Line
~Path()geom::Path [inline, protected]

Author(s): Travis Deyle
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:48:01