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btSoftBody Class Reference

#include <btSoftBody.h>

List of all members.


struct  AJoint
struct  Anchor
struct  Body
struct  CJoint
struct  Cluster
struct  Config
struct  eAeroModel
 eAeroModel More...
struct  eFeature
 eFeature More...
struct  Element
struct  ePSolver
 ePSolver : positions solvers More...
struct  eSolverPresets
 eSolverPresets More...
struct  eVSolver
 eVSolver : velocities solvers More...
struct  Face
struct  fCollision
 fCollision More...
struct  Feature
struct  fMaterial
 fMaterial More...
struct  ImplicitFn
struct  Impulse
struct  Joint
struct  Link
struct  LJoint
struct  Material
struct  Node
struct  Note
struct  Pose
struct  RayFromToCaster
 RayFromToCaster takes a ray from, ray to (instead of direction!) More...
struct  RContact
struct  SContact
struct  sCti
struct  sMedium
struct  SolverState
struct  sRayCast
struct  Tetra

Public Types

typedef void(* psolver_t )(btSoftBody *, btScalar, btScalar)
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< Anchor
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< Cluster * > 
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< Face
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< Joint * > 
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< btDbvtNode * > 
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< Link
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< Material * > 
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< Node
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< Note
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< ePSolver::_
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< RContact
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< btScalar
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< SContact
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< btSoftBody * > 
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< Tetra
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< btVector3 > 
typedef btAlignedObjectArray
< eVSolver::_
typedef void(* vsolver_t )(btSoftBody *, btScalar)

Public Member Functions

void addForce (const btVector3 &force)
void addForce (const btVector3 &force, int node)
void addVelocity (const btVector3 &velocity)
void addVelocity (const btVector3 &velocity, int node)
void appendAnchor (int node, btRigidBody *body, bool disableCollisionBetweenLinkedBodies=false, btScalar influence=1)
void appendAnchor (int node, btRigidBody *body, const btVector3 &localPivot, bool disableCollisionBetweenLinkedBodies=false, btScalar influence=1)
void appendAngularJoint (const AJoint::Specs &specs, Cluster *body0, Body body1)
void appendAngularJoint (const AJoint::Specs &specs, Body body=Body())
void appendAngularJoint (const AJoint::Specs &specs, btSoftBody *body)
void appendFace (int model=-1, Material *mat=0)
void appendFace (int node0, int node1, int node2, Material *mat=0)
void appendLinearJoint (const LJoint::Specs &specs, Cluster *body0, Body body1)
void appendLinearJoint (const LJoint::Specs &specs, Body body=Body())
void appendLinearJoint (const LJoint::Specs &specs, btSoftBody *body)
void appendLink (int model=-1, Material *mat=0)
void appendLink (int node0, int node1, Material *mat=0, bool bcheckexist=false)
void appendLink (Node *node0, Node *node1, Material *mat=0, bool bcheckexist=false)
MaterialappendMaterial ()
void appendNode (const btVector3 &x, btScalar m)
void appendNote (const char *text, const btVector3 &o, const btVector4 &c=btVector4(1, 0, 0, 0), Node *n0=0, Node *n1=0, Node *n2=0, Node *n3=0)
void appendNote (const char *text, const btVector3 &o, Node *feature)
void appendNote (const char *text, const btVector3 &o, Link *feature)
void appendNote (const char *text, const btVector3 &o, Face *feature)
void appendTetra (int model, Material *mat)
void appendTetra (int node0, int node1, int node2, int node3, Material *mat=0)
void applyClusters (bool drift)
void applyForces ()
 btSoftBody (btSoftBodyWorldInfo *worldInfo, int node_count, const btVector3 *x, const btScalar *m)
 btSoftBody (btSoftBodyWorldInfo *worldInfo)
virtual int calculateSerializeBufferSize () const
bool checkContact (btCollisionObject *colObj, const btVector3 &x, btScalar margin, btSoftBody::sCti &cti) const
bool checkFace (int node0, int node1, int node2) const
bool checkLink (int node0, int node1) const
bool checkLink (const Node *node0, const Node *node1) const
void cleanupClusters ()
btVector3 clusterCom (int cluster) const
int clusterCount () const
bool cutLink (int node0, int node1, btScalar position)
bool cutLink (const Node *node0, const Node *node1, btScalar position)
void dampClusters ()
void defaultCollisionHandler (btCollisionObject *pco)
void defaultCollisionHandler (btSoftBody *psb)
btVector3 evaluateCom () const
int generateBendingConstraints (int distance, Material *mat=0)
int generateClusters (int k, int maxiterations=8192)
virtual void getAabb (btVector3 &aabbMin, btVector3 &aabbMax) const
btScalar getMass (int node) const
btSoftBodySolvergetSoftBodySolver ()
btSoftBodySolvergetSoftBodySolver () const
btScalar getTotalMass () const
btScalar getVolume () const
const btVector3 & getWindVelocity ()
btSoftBodyWorldInfogetWorldInfo ()
void indicesToPointers (const int *map=0)
void initDefaults ()
void initializeClusters ()
void initializeFaceTree ()
void integrateMotion ()
void pointersToIndices ()
void predictMotion (btScalar dt)
void prepareClusters (int iterations)
void randomizeConstraints ()
bool rayTest (const btVector3 &rayFrom, const btVector3 &rayTo, sRayCast &results)
 Ray casting using rayFrom and rayTo in worldspace, (not direction!)
int rayTest (const btVector3 &rayFrom, const btVector3 &rayTo, btScalar &mint, eFeature::_ &feature, int &index, bool bcountonly) const
void refine (ImplicitFn *ifn, btScalar accurary, bool cut)
void releaseCluster (int index)
void releaseClusters ()
void rotate (const btQuaternion &rot)
void scale (const btVector3 &scl)
virtual const char * serialize (void *dataBuffer, class btSerializer *serializer) const
 fills the dataBuffer and returns the struct name (and 0 on failure)
virtual void setCollisionShape (btCollisionShape *collisionShape)
void setMass (int node, btScalar mass)
void setPose (bool bvolume, bool bframe)
void setSoftBodySolver (btSoftBodySolver *softBodySolver)
void setSolver (eSolverPresets::_ preset)
void setTotalDensity (btScalar density)
void setTotalMass (btScalar mass, bool fromfaces=false)
void setVelocity (const btVector3 &velocity)
void setVolumeDensity (btScalar density)
void setVolumeMass (btScalar mass)
void setWindVelocity (const btVector3 &velocity)
void solveClusters (btScalar sor)
void solveConstraints ()
void staticSolve (int iterations)
void transform (const btTransform &trs)
void translate (const btVector3 &trs)
void updateBounds ()
void updateClusters ()
void updateConstants ()
void updateNormals ()
void updatePose ()
virtual ~btSoftBody ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void clusterAImpulse (Cluster *cluster, const Impulse &impulse)
static btVector3 clusterCom (const Cluster *cluster)
static void clusterDAImpulse (Cluster *cluster, const btVector3 &impulse)
static void clusterDCImpulse (Cluster *cluster, const btVector3 &impulse)
static void clusterDImpulse (Cluster *cluster, const btVector3 &rpos, const btVector3 &impulse)
static void clusterImpulse (Cluster *cluster, const btVector3 &rpos, const Impulse &impulse)
static void clusterVAImpulse (Cluster *cluster, const btVector3 &impulse)
static btVector3 clusterVelocity (const Cluster *cluster, const btVector3 &rpos)
static void clusterVImpulse (Cluster *cluster, const btVector3 &rpos, const btVector3 &impulse)
static psolver_t getSolver (ePSolver::_ solver)
static vsolver_t getSolver (eVSolver::_ solver)
static void PSolve_Anchors (btSoftBody *psb, btScalar kst, btScalar ti)
static void PSolve_Links (btSoftBody *psb, btScalar kst, btScalar ti)
static void PSolve_RContacts (btSoftBody *psb, btScalar kst, btScalar ti)
static void PSolve_SContacts (btSoftBody *psb, btScalar, btScalar ti)
static void solveClusters (const btAlignedObjectArray< btSoftBody * > &bodies)
static void solveCommonConstraints (btSoftBody **bodies, int count, int iterations)
static const btSoftBodyupcast (const btCollisionObject *colObj)
static btSoftBodyupcast (btCollisionObject *colObj)
static void VSolve_Links (btSoftBody *psb, btScalar kst)

Public Attributes

tAnchorArray m_anchors
btVector3 m_bounds [2]
bool m_bUpdateRtCst
btDbvt m_cdbvt
Config m_cfg
btAlignedObjectArray< bool > m_clusterConnectivity
tClusterArray m_clusters
btAlignedObjectArray< class
btCollisionObject * > 
tFaceArray m_faces
btDbvt m_fdbvt
btTransform m_initialWorldTransform
tJointArray m_joints
tLinkArray m_links
tMaterialArray m_materials
btDbvt m_ndbvt
tNodeArray m_nodes
tNoteArray m_notes
Pose m_pose
tRContactArray m_rcontacts
tSContactArray m_scontacts
SolverState m_sst
void * m_tag
tTetraArray m_tetras
btScalar m_timeacc
btAlignedObjectArray< int > m_userIndexMapping
btVector3 m_windVelocity

Detailed Description

The btSoftBody is an class to simulate cloth and volumetric soft bodies. There is two-way interaction between btSoftBody and btRigidBody/btCollisionObject.

Definition at line 69 of file btSoftBody.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 626 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 635 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 628 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 633 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 639 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 631 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 632 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 638 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 630 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 629 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 127 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 636 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 179 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 637 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 640 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 634 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 180 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 126 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 627 of file btSoftBody.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

btSoftBody::btSoftBody ( btSoftBodyWorldInfo worldInfo,
int  node_count,
const btVector3 *  x,
const btScalar m 
virtual btSoftBody::~btSoftBody ( ) [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void btSoftBody::addForce ( const btVector3 &  force)
void btSoftBody::addForce ( const btVector3 &  force,
int  node 
void btSoftBody::addVelocity ( const btVector3 &  velocity)
void btSoftBody::addVelocity ( const btVector3 &  velocity,
int  node 
void btSoftBody::appendAnchor ( int  node,
btRigidBody body,
bool  disableCollisionBetweenLinkedBodies = false,
btScalar  influence = 1 
void btSoftBody::appendAnchor ( int  node,
btRigidBody body,
const btVector3 &  localPivot,
bool  disableCollisionBetweenLinkedBodies = false,
btScalar  influence = 1 
void btSoftBody::appendAngularJoint ( const AJoint::Specs specs,
Cluster body0,
Body  body1 
void btSoftBody::appendAngularJoint ( const AJoint::Specs specs,
Body  body = Body() 
void btSoftBody::appendAngularJoint ( const AJoint::Specs specs,
btSoftBody body 
void btSoftBody::appendFace ( int  model = -1,
Material mat = 0 
void btSoftBody::appendFace ( int  node0,
int  node1,
int  node2,
Material mat = 0 
void btSoftBody::appendLinearJoint ( const LJoint::Specs specs,
Cluster body0,
Body  body1 
void btSoftBody::appendLinearJoint ( const LJoint::Specs specs,
Body  body = Body() 
void btSoftBody::appendLinearJoint ( const LJoint::Specs specs,
btSoftBody body 
void btSoftBody::appendLink ( int  model = -1,
Material mat = 0 
void btSoftBody::appendLink ( int  node0,
int  node1,
Material mat = 0,
bool  bcheckexist = false 
void btSoftBody::appendLink ( Node node0,
Node node1,
Material mat = 0,
bool  bcheckexist = false 
void btSoftBody::appendNode ( const btVector3 &  x,
btScalar  m 
void btSoftBody::appendNote ( const char *  text,
const btVector3 &  o,
const btVector4 c = btVector4(1, 0, 0, 0),
Node n0 = 0,
Node n1 = 0,
Node n2 = 0,
Node n3 = 0 
void btSoftBody::appendNote ( const char *  text,
const btVector3 &  o,
Node feature 
void btSoftBody::appendNote ( const char *  text,
const btVector3 &  o,
Link feature 
void btSoftBody::appendNote ( const char *  text,
const btVector3 &  o,
Face feature 
void btSoftBody::appendTetra ( int  model,
Material mat 
void btSoftBody::appendTetra ( int  node0,
int  node1,
int  node2,
int  node3,
Material mat = 0 
void btSoftBody::applyClusters ( bool  drift)
virtual int btSoftBody::calculateSerializeBufferSize ( ) const [virtual]
bool btSoftBody::checkContact ( btCollisionObject *  colObj,
const btVector3 &  x,
btScalar  margin,
btSoftBody::sCti cti 
) const
bool btSoftBody::checkFace ( int  node0,
int  node1,
int  node2 
) const
bool btSoftBody::checkLink ( int  node0,
int  node1 
) const
bool btSoftBody::checkLink ( const Node node0,
const Node node1 
) const
static void btSoftBody::clusterAImpulse ( Cluster cluster,
const Impulse impulse 
) [static]
static btVector3 btSoftBody::clusterCom ( const Cluster cluster) [static]
btVector3 btSoftBody::clusterCom ( int  cluster) const
int btSoftBody::clusterCount ( ) const
static void btSoftBody::clusterDAImpulse ( Cluster cluster,
const btVector3 &  impulse 
) [static]
static void btSoftBody::clusterDCImpulse ( Cluster cluster,
const btVector3 &  impulse 
) [static]
static void btSoftBody::clusterDImpulse ( Cluster cluster,
const btVector3 &  rpos,
const btVector3 &  impulse 
) [static]
static void btSoftBody::clusterImpulse ( Cluster cluster,
const btVector3 &  rpos,
const Impulse impulse 
) [static]
static void btSoftBody::clusterVAImpulse ( Cluster cluster,
const btVector3 &  impulse 
) [static]
static btVector3 btSoftBody::clusterVelocity ( const Cluster cluster,
const btVector3 &  rpos 
) [static]
static void btSoftBody::clusterVImpulse ( Cluster cluster,
const btVector3 &  rpos,
const btVector3 &  impulse 
) [static]
bool btSoftBody::cutLink ( int  node0,
int  node1,
btScalar  position 
bool btSoftBody::cutLink ( const Node node0,
const Node node1,
btScalar  position 
void btSoftBody::defaultCollisionHandler ( btCollisionObject *  pco)
btVector3 btSoftBody::evaluateCom ( ) const
int btSoftBody::generateBendingConstraints ( int  distance,
Material mat = 0 
int btSoftBody::generateClusters ( int  k,
int  maxiterations = 8192 

generateClusters with k=0 will create a convex cluster for each tetrahedron or triangle otherwise an approximation will be used (better performance)

virtual void btSoftBody::getAabb ( btVector3 &  aabbMin,
btVector3 &  aabbMax 
) const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 931 of file btSoftBody.h.

btScalar btSoftBody::getMass ( int  node) const

Definition at line 896 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 904 of file btSoftBody.h.

static psolver_t btSoftBody::getSolver ( ePSolver::_  solver) [static]
static vsolver_t btSoftBody::getSolver ( eVSolver::_  solver) [static]
const btVector3& btSoftBody::getWindVelocity ( )

Return the wind velocity for interaction with the air.

Definition at line 692 of file btSoftBody.h.

void btSoftBody::indicesToPointers ( const int *  map = 0)
void btSoftBody::prepareClusters ( int  iterations)
static void btSoftBody::PSolve_Anchors ( btSoftBody psb,
btScalar  kst,
btScalar  ti 
) [static]
static void btSoftBody::PSolve_Links ( btSoftBody psb,
btScalar  kst,
btScalar  ti 
) [static]
static void btSoftBody::PSolve_RContacts ( btSoftBody psb,
btScalar  kst,
btScalar  ti 
) [static]
static void btSoftBody::PSolve_SContacts ( btSoftBody psb,
btScalar  ,
btScalar  ti 
) [static]
bool btSoftBody::rayTest ( const btVector3 &  rayFrom,
const btVector3 &  rayTo,
sRayCast results 

Ray casting using rayFrom and rayTo in worldspace, (not direction!)

int btSoftBody::rayTest ( const btVector3 &  rayFrom,
const btVector3 &  rayTo,
btScalar mint,
eFeature::_ feature,
int &  index,
bool  bcountonly 
) const
void btSoftBody::refine ( ImplicitFn ifn,
btScalar  accurary,
bool  cut 
void btSoftBody::releaseCluster ( int  index)
void btSoftBody::rotate ( const btQuaternion rot)
void btSoftBody::scale ( const btVector3 &  scl)
virtual const char* btSoftBody::serialize ( void *  dataBuffer,
class btSerializer serializer 
) const [virtual]

fills the dataBuffer and returns the struct name (and 0 on failure)

virtual void btSoftBody::setCollisionShape ( btCollisionShape collisionShape) [inline, virtual]
: avoid internal softbody shape hack and move collision code to collision library

Definition at line 698 of file btSoftBody.h.

void btSoftBody::setMass ( int  node,
btScalar  mass 
void btSoftBody::setPose ( bool  bvolume,
bool  bframe 
void btSoftBody::setSoftBodySolver ( btSoftBodySolver softBodySolver) [inline]

Definition at line 888 of file btSoftBody.h.

void btSoftBody::setTotalMass ( btScalar  mass,
bool  fromfaces = false 
void btSoftBody::setVelocity ( const btVector3 &  velocity)
void btSoftBody::setWindVelocity ( const btVector3 &  velocity)

Set a wind velocity for interaction with the air.

static void btSoftBody::solveClusters ( const btAlignedObjectArray< btSoftBody * > &  bodies) [static]
static void btSoftBody::solveCommonConstraints ( btSoftBody **  bodies,
int  count,
int  iterations 
) [static]
void btSoftBody::staticSolve ( int  iterations)
void btSoftBody::transform ( const btTransform trs)
void btSoftBody::translate ( const btVector3 &  trs)
static const btSoftBody* btSoftBody::upcast ( const btCollisionObject *  colObj) [inline, static]

Definition at line 914 of file btSoftBody.h.

static btSoftBody* btSoftBody::upcast ( btCollisionObject *  colObj) [inline, static]

Definition at line 920 of file btSoftBody.h.

static void btSoftBody::VSolve_Links ( btSoftBody psb,
btScalar  kst 
) [static]

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 656 of file btSoftBody.h.

btVector3 btSoftBody::m_bounds[2]

Definition at line 662 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 663 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 666 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 646 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 669 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 667 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 72 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 654 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 665 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 671 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 659 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 653 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 660 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 664 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 652 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 651 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 648 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 657 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 658 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 75 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 647 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 649 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 655 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 661 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 690 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 673 of file btSoftBody.h.

Definition at line 650 of file btSoftBody.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Author(s): Erwin Coumans, ROS package maintained by Tully Foote
autogenerated on Wed Oct 31 2012 07:54:32