Todo List
Member ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED128 (class) btPersistentManifold
: get this margin from the current physics / collision environment
Member ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16 (class) btCompoundShape
: This aabb tree can also be use to speed up ray tests on btCompoundShape, see Currently, removal of child shapes is only supported when disabling the aabb tree (pass 'false' in the constructor of btCompoundShape)
Member ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16 (class) btBvhSubtreeInfo
: double-check this
: check out alignment methods for other platforms/compilers define ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(a) a __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) define ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED64(a) a __attribute__ ((aligned (64))) define ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED128(a) a __attribute__ ((aligned (128)))
Member btAxisSweep3Internal< BP_FP_INT_TYPE >::removeHandle (BP_FP_INT_TYPE handle, btDispatcher *dispatcher)
: compare performance
Class btCollisionConfiguration
: describe the meaning
Class btDefaultCollisionConfiguration
: describe the meaning
Member btDefaultCollisionConfiguration::setConvexConvexMultipointIterations (int numPerturbationIterations=3, int minimumPointsPerturbationThreshold=3)
we could add a per-object setting of those parameters, for level-of-detail collision detection.
Member btMatrix3x3::setEulerZYX (btScalar eulerX, btScalar eulerY, btScalar eulerZ)
proposed to reverse this since it's labeled zyx but takes arguments xyz and it will match all other parts of the code
Member btQuaternion::farthest (const btQuaternion &qd) const
document this and it's use
Member btQuaternion::nearest (const btQuaternion &qd) const
document this and it's use
Member btSoftBody::setCollisionShape (btCollisionShape *collisionShape)
: avoid internal softbody shape hack and move collision code to collision library
Member btSparseSdf< CELLSIZE >::GarbageCollect (int lifetime=256)
: Reset puid's when int range limit is reached */
: remove and replace GIM_CONTACT by btManifoldPoint.
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Author(s): Erwin Coumans, ROS package maintained by Tully Foote
autogenerated on Wed Oct 31 2012 07:54:32