Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #/usr/bin/env python
00003 import numpy as np
00005 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('assistive_teleop')
00006 import rospy
00007 import actionlib
00008 from std_msgs.msg import String
00009 from geometry_msgs.msg  import PoseStamped, Quaternion, Point
00010 from arm_navigation_msgs.msg import (MoveArmAction, MoveArmGoal,
00011             PositionConstraint, OrientationConstraint)
00012 from kinematics_msgs.srv import (GetKinematicSolverInfo, GetPositionFK,
00013             GetPositionFKRequest, GetPositionIK, GetPositionIKRequest)
00014 from pr2_controllers_msgs.msg import (JointTrajectoryAction,
00015             JointTrajectoryControllerState, SingleJointPositionAction,
00016             SingleJointPositionGoal, Pr2GripperCommandAction,
00017             Pr2GripperCommandGoal, JointTrajectoryGoal)
00018 from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint, JointTrajectory
00019 from control_msgs.msg import (FollowJointTrajectoryAction,
00020             FollowJointTrajectoryGoal, JointTolerance)
00021 from arm_navigation_msgs.srv import (SetPlanningSceneDiff,
00022             SetPlanningSceneDiffRequest)
00023 from tf import TransformListener, transformations
00025 import pose_utils as pu
00027 class PR2Arm():
00029     wipe_started = False
00030     standoff = 0.368 #0.2 + 0.168 (dist from wrist to fingertips)
00031     torso_min = 0.001 #115
00032     torso_max = 0.299 #0.295
00033     dist = 0.
00035     move_arm_error_dict = {
00036          -1 : "PLANNING_FAILED: Could not plan a clear path to goal.",
00037           0 : "Succeeded [0]",
00038           1 : "Succeeded [1]",
00039          -2 : "TIMED_OUT",
00040          -3 : "START_STATE_IN_COLLISION: Try freeing the arms manually.",
00042          -5 : "GOAL_IN_COLLISION",
00044          -7 : "INVALID_ROBOT_STATE",
00045          -8 : "INCOMPLETE_ROBOT_STATE",
00046          -9 : "INVALID_PLANNER_ID",
00047          -10 : "INVALID_NUM_PLANNING_ATTEMPTS",
00048          -11 : "INVALID_ALLOWED_PLANNING_TIME",
00049          -12 : "INVALID_GROUP_NAME",
00050          -13 : "INVALID_GOAL_JOINT_CONSTRAINTS",
00053          -16 : "INVALID_PATH_JOINT_CONSTRAINTS",
00056          -19 : "INVALID_TRAJECTORY",
00057          -20 : "INVALID_INDEX",
00058          -21 : "JOINT_LIMITS_VIOLATED",
00059          -22 : "PATH_CONSTRAINTS_VIOLATED",
00061          -24 : "GOAL_CONSTRAINTS_VIOLATED",
00062          -25 : "JOINTS_NOT_MOVING",
00063          -26 : "TRAJECTORY_CONTROLLER_FAILED",
00064          -27 : "FRAME_TRANSFORM_FAILURE",
00066          -29 : "ROBOT_STATE_STALE",
00067          -30 : "SENSOR_INFO_STALE",
00068          -31 : "NO_IK_SOLUTION: Cannot reach goal configuration.",
00069          -32 : "INVALID_LINK_NAME",
00070          -33 : "IK_LINK_IN_COLLISION: Cannot reach goal configuration\
00071                                       without contact.",
00072          -34 : "NO_FK_SOLUTION",
00073          -35 : "KINEMATICS_STATE_IN_COLLISION",
00074          -36 : "INVALID_TIMEOUT"
00075          }
00077     def __init__(self, arm, tfListener=None):
00078         self.arm = arm
00079         if not (self.arm == "right" or self.arm=="left"):
00080             rospy.logerr("Failed to initialize PR2Arm: \
00081                         Must pass 'right' or 'left'")
00082             return
00083         if tfListener is None:
00084    = TransformListener()
00085         else:
00086    = tfListener
00088         self.arm_traj_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
00089                                self.arm[0]+
00090                                '_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action',
00091                                 JointTrajectoryAction)
00092         rospy.loginfo("Waiting for " + self.arm[0] +
00093                         "_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action server")
00094         if self.arm_traj_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)):
00095             rospy.loginfo("Found "+self.arm[0]+
00096                             "_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action server")
00097         else:
00098             rospy.logwarn("Cannot find " + self.arm[0] +
00099                             " _arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action server")
00101         self.arm_follow_traj_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(self.arm[0]+
00102                                     '_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory',
00103                                     FollowJointTrajectoryAction)
00104         rospy.loginfo("Waiting for "+self.arm[0]+
00105                         "_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory server")
00106         if self.arm_follow_traj_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)):
00107             rospy.loginfo("Found "+self.arm[0]+
00108                            "_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory server")
00109         else:
00110             rospy.logwarn("Cannot find "+self.arm[0]+
00111                             "_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory server")
00113         self.torso_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
00114                                 'torso_controller/position_joint_action',
00115                                 SingleJointPositionAction)
00116         rospy.loginfo("Waiting for torso_controller/position_joint_action \
00117                        server")
00118         if self.torso_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)):
00119             rospy.loginfo("Found torso_controller/position_joint_action server")
00120         else:
00121             rospy.logwarn("Cannot find torso_controller/position_joint_action \
00122                            server")
00124         self.gripper_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
00125                                 self.arm[0]+'_gripper_controller/gripper_action',
00126                                 Pr2GripperCommandAction)
00127         rospy.loginfo("Waiting for "+self.arm[0]+
00128                                 "_gripper_controller/gripper_action server")
00129         if self.gripper_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)):
00130             rospy.loginfo("Found "+self.arm[0]+
00131                             "_gripper_controller/gripper_action server")
00132         else:
00133             rospy.logwarn("Cannot find "+self.arm[0]+
00134                             "_gripper_controller/gripper_action server")
00136         rospy.Subscriber(self.arm[0]+'_arm_controller/state',
00137                         JointTrajectoryControllerState, self.update_joint_state)
00138         rospy.Subscriber('torso_controller/state',
00139                         JointTrajectoryControllerState, self.update_torso_state)
00141         self.log_out = rospy.Publisher(rospy.get_name()+'/log_out', String)
00143         rospy.loginfo("Waiting for "+self.arm.capitalize()+" FK/IK Solver services")
00144         try:
00145             rospy.wait_for_service("/pr2_"+self.arm+"_arm_kinematics/get_fk")
00146             rospy.wait_for_service("/pr2_"+self.arm+
00147                                     "_arm_kinematics/get_fk_solver_info")
00148             rospy.wait_for_service("/pr2_"+self.arm+"_arm_kinematics/get_ik")
00149             rospy.wait_for_service("/pr2_"+self.arm+
00150                                     "_arm_kinematics/get_ik_solver_info")
00151             self.fk_info_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(
00152                                 "/pr2_"+self.arm+
00153                                 "_arm_kinematics/get_fk_solver_info",
00154                                 GetKinematicSolverInfo)
00155             self.fk_info = self.fk_info_proxy()
00156             self.fk_pose_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(
00157                                  "/pr2_"+self.arm+"_arm_kinematics/get_fk",
00158                                  GetPositionFK, True)
00159             self.ik_info_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(
00160                                 "/pr2_"+self.arm+
00161                                 "_arm_kinematics/get_ik_solver_info",
00162                                 GetKinematicSolverInfo)
00163             self.ik_info = self.ik_info_proxy()
00164             self.ik_pose_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(
00165                                 "/pr2_"+self.arm+"_arm_kinematics/get_ik",
00166                                 GetPositionIK, True)
00167             rospy.loginfo("Found FK/IK Solver services")
00168         except:
00169             rospy.logerr("Could not find FK/IK Solver services")
00171         self.set_planning_scene_diff_name= \
00172                     '/environment_server/set_planning_scene_diff'
00173         rospy.wait_for_service('/environment_server/set_planning_scene_diff')
00174         self.set_planning_scene_diff = rospy.ServiceProxy(
00175                                 '/environment_server/set_planning_scene_diff',
00176                                 SetPlanningSceneDiff)
00177         self.set_planning_scene_diff(SetPlanningSceneDiffRequest())
00179         self.test_pose = rospy.Publisher("test_pose", PoseStamped)
00181     def update_joint_state(self, jtcs):
00182         self.joint_state_time = jtcs.header.stamp
00183         self.joint_state_act = jtcs.actual
00184         self.joint_state_des = jtcs.desired
00186     def update_torso_state(self, jtcs):
00187         self.torso_state = jtcs
00189     def curr_pose(self):
00190         (trans,rot) ="/torso_lift_link",
00191                                             "/"+self.arm[0]+"_wrist_roll_link",
00192                                             rospy.Time(0))
00193         cp = PoseStamped()
00194         cp.header.stamp =
00195         cp.header.frame_id = '/torso_lift_link'
00196         cp.pose.position = Point(*trans)
00197         cp.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*rot)
00198         return cp
00200     def wait_for_stop(self, wait_time=1, timeout=60):
00201         rospy.sleep(wait_time)
00202         end_time =
00203         while not self.is_stopped():
00204             if<end_time:
00205                 rospy.sleep(wait_time)
00206             else:
00207                 raise
00209     def is_stopped(self):
00210         time = self.joint_state_time
00211         vels = self.joint_state_act.velocities
00212         if (np.allclose(vels, np.zeros(7)) and
00213            (<rospy.Duration(0.1)):
00214             return True
00215         else:
00216             return False
00218     def adjust_elbow(self, f32):
00219         request = self.form_ik_request(self.curr_pose())
00220         angs =  list(request.ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.position)
00221         angs[2] +=
00222         request.ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.position = angs
00223         ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(request)
00224         if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
00225             self.send_joint_angles(ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position)
00226         else:
00227             rospy.loginfo("Cannot adjust elbow position further")
00228             self.log_out.publish(data="Cannot adjust elbow position further")
00230     def gripper(self, position, effort=30):
00231         pos = np.clip(position,0.0, 0.09)
00232         goal = Pr2GripperCommandGoal()
00233         goal.command.position = pos
00234         goal.command.max_effort = effort
00235         self.gripper_client.send_goal(goal)
00236         finished_within_time = self.gripper_client.wait_for_result(
00237                                                         rospy.Duration(15))
00238         if not (finished_within_time):
00239             self.gripper_client.cancel_goal()
00240             rospy.loginfo("Timed out moving "+self.arm+" gripper")
00241             return False
00242         else:
00243             state = self.gripper_client.get_state()
00244             result = self.gripper_client.get_result()
00245             if (state == 3): #3 == SUCCEEDED
00246                 rospy.loginfo("Gripper Action Succeeded")
00247                 return True
00248             else:
00249                 rospy.loginfo("Gripper Action Failed")
00250                 rospy.loginfo("Failure Result: %s" %result)
00251                 return False
00253     def hand_frame_move(self, x, y=0, z=0, duration=None):
00254         cp = self.curr_pose()
00255         newpose = pu.pose_relative_trans(cp,x,y,z)
00256         self.dist = pu.calc_dist(cp, newpose)
00257         return newpose
00259     def build_trajectory(self, finish, start=None, ik_space=0.005,
00260                         duration=None, tot_points=None):
00261         if start == None: # if given one pose, use current position as start, else, assume (start, finish)
00262             start = self.curr_pose()
00266         # Based upon distance to travel, determine the number of intermediate steps required
00267         # find linear increments of position.
00269         dist = pu.calc_dist(start, finish)     #Total distance to travel
00270         ik_steps = int(round(dist/ik_space)+1.)
00271         print "IK Steps: %s" %ik_steps
00272         if tot_points is None:
00273            tot_points = 1500*dist
00274         if duration is None:
00275             duration = dist*120
00276         ik_fracs = np.linspace(0, 1, ik_steps)   #A list of fractional positions along course to evaluate ik
00277         ang_fracs = np.linspace(0,1, tot_points)
00279         x_gap = finish.pose.position.x - start.pose.position.x
00280         y_gap = finish.pose.position.y - start.pose.position.y
00281         z_gap = finish.pose.position.z - start.pose.position.z
00283         qs = [start.pose.orientation.x, start.pose.orientation.y,
00284               start.pose.orientation.z, start.pose.orientation.w]
00285         qf = [finish.pose.orientation.x, finish.pose.orientation.y,
00286               finish.pose.orientation.z, finish.pose.orientation.w]
00288         #For each step between start and finish, find a complete pose (linear position changes, and quaternion slerp)
00289         steps = [PoseStamped() for i in range(len(ik_fracs))]
00290         for i,frac in enumerate(ik_fracs):
00291             steps[i].header.stamp =
00292             steps[i].header.frame_id = start.header.frame_id
00293             steps[i].pose.position.x = start.pose.position.x + x_gap*frac
00294             steps[i].pose.position.y = start.pose.position.y + y_gap*frac
00295             steps[i].pose.position.z = start.pose.position.z + z_gap*frac
00296             new_q = transformations.quaternion_slerp(qs,qf,frac)
00297             steps[i].pose.orientation.x = new_q[0]
00298             steps[i].pose.orientation.y = new_q[1]
00299             steps[i].pose.orientation.z = new_q[2]
00300             steps[i].pose.orientation.w = new_q[3]
00301         rospy.loginfo("Planning straight-line path, please wait")
00302         self.log_out.publish(data="Planning straight-line path, please wait")
00304         #For each pose in trajectory, find ik angles
00305         #Find initial ik for seeding
00306         req = self.form_ik_request(steps[0])
00307         ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
00308         seed = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position
00310         ik_points = [[0]*7 for i in range(len(ik_fracs))]
00311         for i, p in enumerate(steps):
00312             request = self.form_ik_request(p)
00313             request.ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.position = seed
00314             ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(request)
00315             ik_points[i] = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position
00316             seed = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position # seed the next ik w/previous points results
00317         ik_points = np.array(ik_points)
00318         # Linearly interpolate angles 10 times between ik-defined points (non-linear in cartesian space, but this is reduced from dense ik sampling along linear path.  Used to maintain large number of trajectory points without running IK on every one.
00319         angle_points = np.zeros((7, tot_points))
00320         for i in xrange(7):
00321             angle_points[i,:] = np.interp(ang_fracs, ik_fracs, ik_points[:,i])
00323         #Build Joint Trajectory from angle positions
00324         traj = JointTrajectory()
00325         traj.header.frame_id = steps[0].header.frame_id
00326         traj.joint_names = self.ik_info.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names
00327         #print 'angle_points', len(angle_points[0]), angle_points
00328         for i in range(len(angle_points[0])):
00329             traj.points.append(JointTrajectoryPoint())
00330             traj.points[i].positions = angle_points[:,i]
00331             traj.points[i].velocities = [0]*7
00332             traj.points[i].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(
00333                                                 ang_fracs[i]*duration)
00334         return traj
00336     def build_follow_trajectory(self, traj):
00337         # Build 'Follow Joint Trajectory' goal from trajectory (includes tolerances for error)
00338         traj_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
00339         traj_goal.trajectory = traj
00340         tolerance = JointTolerance()
00341         tolerance.position = 0.05
00342         tolerance.velocity = 0.1
00343         traj_goal.path_tolerance = [tolerance for i in range(len(traj.points))]
00344         traj_goal.goal_tolerance = [tolerance for i in range(len(traj.points))]
00345         traj_goal.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Duration(3)
00346         return traj_goal
00348     def move_torso(self, pos):
00349         rospy.loginfo("Moving Torso to reach arm goal")
00350         goal_out = SingleJointPositionGoal()
00351         goal_out.position = pos
00352         self.torso_client.send_goal(goal_out)
00353         return True
00355     def fast_move(self, ps, time=0.):
00356         ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(self.form_ik_request(ps))
00357         if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
00358             point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
00359             point.positions = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position
00360             self.send_traj_point(point)
00361         else:
00362             rospy.logerr("FAST MOVE IK FAILED!")
00364     def blind_move(self, ps, duration = None):
00365         (reachable, ik_goal, duration) = self.full_ik_check(ps)
00366         if reachable:
00367             self.send_joint_angles(ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position,
00368                                    duration)
00370     def check_torso(self, request):
00371         """
00372         For unreachable goals, check to see if moving the torso can solve
00373         the problem.  If yes, return True, and torso adjustment needed.
00374         If no, return False, and best possible Torso adjustment.
00375         """
00376         goal_z = request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.z
00377         torso_pos = self.torso_state.actual.positions[0]
00378         spine_range = [self.torso_min - torso_pos, self.torso_max - torso_pos]
00379         if abs(goal_z)<0.005:
00380             #Already at best position, dont try more (avoid moving to noise)
00381             rospy.loginfo("Torso Already at best possible position")
00382             return[False, 0]
00383         #Find best possible case: shoulder @ goal height, max up, or max down.
00384         if goal_z >= spine_range[0] and goal_z <= spine_range[1]:
00385             rospy.loginfo("Goal within spine movement range")
00386             request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 0;
00387             opt_tor_move = goal_z
00388         elif goal_z > spine_range[1]:#Goal is above possible shoulder height
00389             rospy.loginfo("Goal above spine movement range")
00390             request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.z -= spine_range[1]
00391             opt_tor_move = spine_range[1]
00392         else:#Goal is below possible shoulder height
00393             rospy.loginfo("Goal below spine movement range")
00394             request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.z -= spine_range[0]
00395             opt_tor_move = spine_range[0]
00396         #Check best possible case
00397         print "Optimal Torso move: ", opt_tor_move
00398         ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(request)
00399         if ik_goal.error_code.val != 1:
00400             #Return false: Not achievable, even for best case
00401             rospy.loginfo("Original goal cannot be reached")
00402             self.log_out.publish(data="Original goal cannot be reached")
00403             return [False, opt_tor_move]
00404         opt_ik_goal = ik_goal
00406         #Achievable: Find a reasonable solution, move torso, return true
00407         rospy.loginfo("Goal can be reached by moving spine")
00408         self.log_out.publish(data="Goal can be reached by moving spine")
00409         trials = np.linspace(0,opt_tor_move,round(abs(opt_tor_move)/0.05))
00410         np.append(trials,opt_tor_move)
00411         rospy.loginfo("Torso far from best position, finding closer sol.")
00412         print "Trials: ", trials
00413         for trial in trials:
00414             request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.z = goal_z + trial
00415             print "Trying goal @ ", goal_z + trial
00416             ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(request)
00417             if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
00418                 rospy.loginfo("Tried: %s, Succeeded" %trial)
00419                 return [True, trial]
00420             rospy.loginfo("Tried: %s, Failed" %trial)
00421         #Broke through somehow, catch error
00422         return [True, opt_tor_move]
00424     def full_ik_check(self, ps):
00425         #Check goal as given, if reachable, return true
00426         req = self.form_ik_request(ps)
00427         ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
00428         if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
00429             self.dist = pu.calc_dist(self.curr_pose(), ps)
00430             return (True, ik_goal, None)
00431         #Check goal with vertical torso movement, if works, return true
00432         (torso_succeeded, torso_move) = self.check_torso(req)
00433         self.move_torso(self.torso_state.actual.positions[0]+torso_move)
00434         duration = max(4,85*abs(torso_move))
00435         if torso_succeeded:
00436             ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
00437             self.dist = pu.calc_dist(self.curr_pose(), ps)
00438             if ik_goal.error_code.val ==1:
00439                 return (True, ik_goal, duration)
00440             else:
00441                 print "Reported Succeeded, then really failed: \r\n", ik_goal
00443         #Check goal incrementally retreating hand pose, if works, return true
00444         pct = 0.98
00445         curr_pos = self.curr_pose().pose.position
00446         dx = req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.x - curr_pos.x
00447         dy = req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.y - curr_pos.y
00448         while pct > 0.01:
00449             #print "Percent: %s" %pct
00450             req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.x = curr_pos.x + pct*dx
00451             req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.y = curr_pos.y + pct*dy
00452             ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
00453             if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
00454                 rospy.loginfo("Succeeded PARTIALLY (%s) with torso" %pct)
00455                 return (True, ik_goal, duration)
00456             else:
00457                 pct -= 0.02
00458         #Nothing worked, report failure, return false
00459         rospy.loginfo("IK Failed: Error Code %s" %str(ik_goal.error_code))
00460         rospy.loginfo("Reached as far as possible")
00461         self.log_out.publish(data="Cannot reach farther in this direction.")
00462         return (False, ik_goal, duration)
00464     def form_ik_request(self, ps):
00465         #print "forming IK request for :%s" %ps
00466         req = GetPositionIKRequest()
00467         req.timeout = rospy.Duration(5)
00468         req.ik_request.pose_stamped = ps
00469         req.ik_request.ik_link_name = \
00470                     self.ik_info.kinematic_solver_info.link_names[-1]
00471 = \
00472                     self.ik_info.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names
00473         req.ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.position = \
00474                     self.joint_state_act.positions
00475         return req
00477     def send_joint_angles(self, angles, duration = None):
00478         point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
00479         point.positions = angles
00480         self.send_traj_point(point, duration)
00482     def send_traj_point(self, point, time=None):
00483         if time is None:
00484             point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(max(20*self.dist, 4))
00485         else:
00486             point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(time)
00487         joint_traj = JointTrajectory()
00488         joint_traj.header.stamp =
00489         joint_traj.header.frame_id = '/torso_lift_link'
00490         joint_traj.joint_names = self.ik_info.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names
00491         joint_traj.points.append(point)
00492         joint_traj.points[0].velocities = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
00493         arm_goal = JointTrajectoryGoal()
00494         arm_goal.trajectory = joint_traj
00495         self.arm_traj_client.send_goal(arm_goal)
00497 class PR2Arm_Planning(PR2Arm):
00498     def __init__(self, arm, tfl=None):
00499         PR2Arm.__init__(self, arm, tfl)
00500         self.move_arm_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
00501                                      'move_' + self.arm + '_arm', MoveArmAction)
00502         rospy.loginfo("Waiting for move_" + self.arm + "_arm server")
00503         if self.move_arm_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(50)):
00504             rospy.loginfo("Found move_" + self.arm + "_arm server")
00505         else:
00506             rospy.logwarn("Cannot find move_" + self.arm + "_arm server")
00508     def move_arm_to(self, goal_in):
00509         #(reachable, ik_goal, duration) = self.full_ik_check(goal_in)
00510        # rospy.sleep(duration)
00512         rospy.loginfo("Composing move_"+self.arm+"_arm goal")
00513         goal_out = MoveArmGoal()
00514         goal_out.motion_plan_request.group_name = self.arm+"_arm"
00515         goal_out.motion_plan_request.num_planning_attempts = 10
00516         goal_out.motion_plan_request.planner_id = ""
00517         goal_out.planner_service_name = "ompl_planning/plan_kinematic_path"
00518         goal_out.motion_plan_request.allowed_planning_time = rospy.Duration(10.0)
00520         pos = PositionConstraint()
00521         pos.header.frame_id = goal_in.header.frame_id
00522         pos.link_name = self.arm[0]+"_wrist_roll_link"
00523         pos.position = goal_in.pose.position
00525         pos.constraint_region_shape.type = 0
00526         pos.constraint_region_shape.dimensions=[0.10]
00528         pos.constraint_region_orientation = Quaternion(0,0,0,1)
00529         pos.weight = 1
00531         goal_out.motion_plan_request.goal_constraints.position_constraints.append(pos)
00533         ort = OrientationConstraint()
00534         ort.header.frame_id=goal_in.header.frame_id
00535         ort.link_name = self.arm[0]+"_wrist_roll_link"
00536         ort.orientation = goal_in.pose.orientation
00538         ort.absolute_roll_tolerance = 3.15
00539         ort.absolute_pitch_tolerance = 3.15
00540         ort.absolute_yaw_tolerance = 3.15
00541         ort.weight = 0.0
00542         goal_out.motion_plan_request.goal_constraints.orientation_constraints.append(ort)
00543         goal_out.accept_partial_plans = True
00544         goal_out.accept_invalid_goals = True
00545         goal_out.disable_collision_monitoring = True
00546         rospy.loginfo("Sending composed move_"+self.arm+"_arm goal")
00548         finished_within_time = False
00549         self.move_arm_client.send_goal(goal_out)
00550         finished_within_time = self.move_arm_client.wait_for_result(
00551                                                             rospy.Duration(60))
00552         if not (finished_within_time):
00553             self.move_arm_client.cancel_goal()
00554             self.log_out.publish(data="Timed out achieving "+self.arm+
00555                                          " arm goal pose")
00556             rospy.loginfo("Timed out achieving right arm goal pose")
00557             return False
00558         else:
00559             state = self.move_arm_client.get_state()
00560             result = self.move_arm_client.get_result()
00561             if (state == 3): #3 == SUCCEEDED
00562                 rospy.loginfo("Action Finished: %s" %state)
00563                 self.log_out.publish(data="Move "+self.arm.capitalize()+
00564                                           " Arm with Motion Planning: %s"
00565                                           %self.move_arm_error_dict[
00566                                                 result.error_code.val])
00567                 return True
00568             else:
00569                 if result.error_code.val == 1:
00570                     rospy.loginfo("Move_"+self.arm+"_arm_action failed: \
00571                                     Unable to plan a path to goal")
00572                     self.log_out.publish(data="Move "+self.arm.capitalize()+
00573                                         " Arm with Motion Planning Failed: \
00574                                          Unable to plan a path to the goal")
00575                 elif result.error_code.val == -31:
00576                     (torso_succeeded, pos) = self.check_torso(
00577                                                 self.form_ik_request(goal_in))
00578                     if torso_succeeded:
00579                         rospy.loginfo("IK Failed in Current Position. \
00580                                         Adjusting Height and Retrying")
00581                         self.log_out.publish(data="IK Failed in Current \
00582                                                       Position. Adjusting \
00583                                                       Height and Retrying")
00584                         self.move_arm_to(pos)
00585                     else:
00586                         rospy.loginfo("Move_"+self.arm+"_arm action failed: %s"
00587                                         %state)
00588                         rospy.loginfo("Failure Result: %s" %result)
00589                         self.log_out.publish(data="Move "+self.arm.capitalize()+
00590                                                     " Arm with Motion Planning \
00591                                                     and Torso Check Failed: %s"
00592                                                     %self.move_arm_error_dict[
00593                                                         result.error_code.val])
00594                 else:
00595                     rospy.loginfo("Move_"+self.arm+"_arm action failed: %s" %state)
00596                     rospy.loginfo("Failure Result: %s" %result)
00597                     self.log_out.publish(data="Move "+self.arm.capitalize()+
00598                                                 " Arm with Motion Planning \
00599                                                 Failed: %s"
00600                                                 %self.move_arm_error_dict[
00601                                                         result.error_code.val])
00602             return False
00604 if __name__ == '__main__':
00605     rospy.init_node('pr2_arms')
00606     left_arm = PR2Arm('left')
00607     right_arm = PR2Arm('right')
00608     rospy.spin()

Author(s): Phillip M. Grice, Advisor: Prof. Charlie Kemp, Lab: The Healthcare Robotoics Lab at Georgia Tech.
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:35:34