Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  *  AscTec Autopilot Telemetry
00003  *  Copyright (C) 2010, CCNY Robotics Lab
00004  *  Ivan Dryanovski <>
00005  *  William Morris <>
00006  *
00007  *
00008  *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00009  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00010  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00011  *  (at your option) any later version.
00012  *
00013  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00014  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00016  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
00017  *
00018  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00019  *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
00020  */
00025 #include "asctec_msgs/LLStatus.h"
00026 #include "asctec_msgs/IMURawData.h"
00027 #include "asctec_msgs/IMUCalcData.h"
00028 #include "asctec_msgs/RCData.h"
00029 #include "asctec_msgs/ControllerOutput.h"
00030 #include "asctec_msgs/GPSData.h"
00031 #include "asctec_msgs/GPSDataAdvanced.h"
00032 #include "asctec_msgs/CtrlInput.h"
00033 #include <std_msgs/Bool.h>
00035 namespace asctec
00036 {
00037   namespace RequestTypes
00038   {
00039     enum RequestType
00040     {
00041       LL_STATUS,
00042       IMU_RAWDATA,
00043       IMU_CALCDATA,
00044       RC_DATA,
00046       GPS_DATA,
00047       WAYPOINT,
00048       GPS_DATA_ADVANCED,
00049       CAM_DATA
00050     };
00051   }
00052   typedef RequestTypes::RequestType RequestType;
00068   class Telemetry
00069   {
00070   public:
00077       Telemetry(ros::NodeHandle nh);
00083     ~Telemetry();
00098     void buildRequest ();
00113     void enablePolling (RequestType msg, uint8_t interval = 1, uint8_t offset = 0);
00114     std::string requestToString(RequestTypes::RequestType t);
00115     void publishPackets();
00117     void enableControl (Telemetry * telemetry_, uint8_t interval = 1, uint8_t offset = 0);
00119     void dumpLL_STATUS();
00120     void dumpIMU_RAWDATA();
00121     void dumpIMU_CALCDATA();
00122     void dumpRC_DATA();
00123     void dumpCONTROLLER_OUTPUT();
00124     void dumpGPS_DATA();
00125     void dumpGPS_DATA_ADVANCED();
00126     void dumpCTRL_INPUT();
00128     void copyLL_STATUS();
00129     void copyIMU_RAWDATA();
00130     void copyIMU_CALCDATA();
00131     void copyRC_DATA();
00132     void copyCONTROLLER_OUTPUT();
00133     void copyGPS_DATA();
00134     void copyGPS_DATA_ADVANCED();
00135     void copyCTRL_INPUT(asctec_msgs::CtrlInput msg);
00136     void estopCallback(const std_msgs::Bool msg);
00138     bool pollingEnabled_;
00139     bool controlEnabled_;
00140     uint16_t requestCount_;
00141     uint16_t controlCount_;
00142     std::bitset < 16 > requestPackets_;
00144     static const uint8_t REQUEST_TYPES = 9;
00145 /*
00146     static const uint16_t REQUEST_BITMASK[REQUEST_TYPES] = {
00147       0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0008, 0x0010, 0x0080, 0x0100, 0x0200, 0x0800 };
00148 */
00150     uint8_t requestInterval_[REQUEST_TYPES];
00151     uint8_t requestOffset_[REQUEST_TYPES];
00152     ros::Publisher requestPublisher_[REQUEST_TYPES];
00153     ros::Time timestamps_[REQUEST_TYPES];
00155     uint8_t controlInterval_;
00156     uint8_t controlOffset_;
00157     ros::Subscriber controlSubscriber_;
00158     ros::Subscriber estopSubscriber_;
00160     //packet descriptors
00161     static const uint8_t PD_IMURAWDATA = 0x01;
00162     static const uint8_t PD_LLSTATUS = 0x02;
00163     static const uint8_t PD_IMUCALCDATA = 0x03;
00164     static const uint8_t PD_HLSTATUS = 0x04;
00165     static const uint8_t PD_DEBUGDATA = 0x05;
00167     static const uint8_t PD_CTRLOUT = 0x11;
00168     static const uint8_t PD_FLIGHTPARAMS = 0x12;
00169     static const uint8_t PD_CTRLCOMMANDS = 0x13;
00170     static const uint8_t PD_CTRLINTERNAL = 0x14;
00171     static const uint8_t PD_RCDATA = 0x15;
00172     static const uint8_t PD_CTRLSTATUS = 0x16;
00173     static const uint8_t PD_CTRLINPUT = 0x17;
00174     static const uint8_t PD_CTRLFALCON = 0x18;
00176     static const uint8_t PD_WAYPOINT = 0x20;
00177     static const uint8_t PD_CURRENTWAY = 0x21;
00178     static const uint8_t PD_NMEADATA = 0x22;
00179     static const uint8_t PD_GPSDATA = 0x23;
00180     static const uint8_t PD_SINGLEWAYPOINT = 0x24;
00181     static const uint8_t PD_GOTOCOMMAND = 0x25;
00182     static const uint8_t PD_LAUNCHCOMMAND = 0x26;
00183     static const uint8_t PD_LANDCOMMAND = 0x27;
00184     static const uint8_t PD_HOMECOMMAND = 0x28;
00185     static const uint8_t PD_GPSDATAADVANCED = 0x29;
00187     static const uint8_t PD_CAMERACOMMANDS = 0x30;
00189     struct LL_STATUS
00190     {
00191       //battery voltages in mV
00192       short battery_voltage_1;
00193       short battery_voltage_2;
00194       //don’t care
00195       short status;
00196       //Controller cycles per second (should be ˜1000)
00197       short cpu_load;
00198       //don’t care
00199       char compass_enabled;
00200       char chksum_error;
00201       char flying;
00202       char motors_on;
00203       short flightMode;
00204       //Time motors are turning
00205       short up_time;
00206     };
00208     struct IMU_RAWDATA
00209     {
00210       //pressure sensor 24-bit value, not scaled but bias free
00211       int pressure;
00212       //16-bit gyro readings; 32768 = 2.5V
00213       short gyro_x;
00214       short gyro_y;
00215       short gyro_z;
00216       //10-bit magnetic field sensor readings
00217       short mag_x;
00218       short mag_y;
00219       short mag_z;
00220       //16-bit accelerometer readings
00221       short acc_x;
00222       short acc_y;
00223       short acc_z;
00224       //16-bit temperature measurement using yaw-gyro internal sensor
00225       unsigned short temp_gyro;
00226       //16-bit temperature measurement using ADC internal sensor
00227       unsigned int temp_ADC;
00228     };
00230     struct IMU_CALCDATA
00231     {
00232       // angles derived by integration of gyro_outputs, drift compensated by data fusion;
00233       // -90000..+90000 pitch(nick) and roll, 0..360000 yaw; 1000 = 1 degree
00234       int angle_nick;
00235       int angle_roll;
00236       int angle_yaw;
00237       // angular velocities, raw values [16 bit] but bias free
00238       int angvel_nick;
00239       int angvel_roll;
00240       int angvel_yaw;
00241       // acc-sensor outputs, calibrated: -10000..+10000 = -1g..+1g
00242       short acc_x_calib;
00243       short acc_y_calib;
00244       short acc_z_calib;
00245       // horizontal / vertical accelerations: -10000..+10000 = -1g..+1g
00246       short acc_x;
00247       short acc_y;
00248       short acc_z;
00249       // reference angles derived by accelerations only: -90000..+90000; 1000 = 1 degree
00250       int acc_angle_nick;
00251       int acc_angle_roll;
00252       // total acceleration measured (10000 = 1g)
00253       int acc_absolute_value;
00254       // magnetic field sensors output, offset free and scaled;
00255       // units not determined, as only the direction of the field vector is taken into account
00256       int Hx;
00257       int Hy;
00258       int Hz;
00260       //compass reading: angle reference for angle_yaw: 0..360000; 1000 = 1 degree
00261       int mag_heading;
00262       //pseudo speed measurements: integrated accelerations, pulled towards zero; units unknown; used for short-term position stabilization
00263       int speed_x;
00264       int speed_y;
00265       int speed_z;
00266       //height in mm (after data fusion)
00267       int height;
00268       //diff. height in mm/s (after data fusion)
00269       int dheight;
00270       //diff. height measured by the pressure sensor [mm/s]
00271       int dheight_reference;
00272       //height measured by the pressure sensor [mm]
00273       int height_reference;
00274     };
00276     struct RC_DATA
00277     {
00278       //channels as read from R/C receiver
00279       unsigned short channels_in[8];
00280       //channels bias free, remapped and scaled to 0..4095
00281       unsigned short channels_out[8];
00282       //Indicator for valid R/C receiption
00283       unsigned char lock;
00284     };
00286     struct CONTROLLER_OUTPUT
00287     {
00288       //attitude controller outputs; 0..200 = -100 ..+100%
00289       int nick;
00290       int roll;
00291       int yaw;
00292       //current thrust (height controller output); 0..200 = 0..100%
00293       int thrust;
00294     };
00296     struct GPS_DATA
00297     {
00298       //latitude/longitude in deg * 10ˆ7
00299       int latitude;
00300       int longitude;
00301       //GPS height in mm
00302       int height;
00303       //speed in x (E/W) and y(N/S) in mm/s
00304       int speed_x;
00305       int speed_y;
00306       //GPS heading in deg * 1000
00307       int heading;
00308       //accuracy estimates in mm and mm/s
00309       unsigned int horizontal_accuracy;
00310       unsigned int vertical_accuracy;
00311       unsigned int speed_accuracy;
00312       //number of satellite vehicles used in NAV solution
00313       unsigned int numSV;
00314       // GPS status information; 0x03 = valid GPS fix
00315       int status;
00316     };
00318     struct GPS_DATA_ADVANCED
00319     {
00320       //latitude/longitude in deg * 10ˆ7
00321       int latitude;
00322       int longitude;
00323       //GPS height in mm
00324       int height;
00325       //speed in x (E/W) and y(N/S) in mm/s
00326       int speed_x;
00327       int speed_y;
00328       //GPS heading in deg * 1000
00329       int heading;
00330       //accuracy estimates in mm and mm/s
00331       unsigned int horizontal_accuracy;
00332       unsigned int vertical_accuracy;
00333       unsigned int speed_accuracy;
00334       //number of satellite vehicles used in NAV solution
00335       unsigned int numSV;
00337       //GPS status information; 0x03 = valid GPS fix
00338       int status;
00339       //coordinates of current origin in deg * 10ˆ7RCData_
00340       int latitude_best_estimate;
00341       int longitude_best_estimate;
00342       //velocities in X (E/W) and Y (N/S) after data fusion
00343       int speed_x_best_estimate;
00344       int speed_y_best_estimate;
00345     };
00347     struct WAYPOINT
00348     {
00349       //always set to 1
00350       unsigned char wp_number;
00351       //don't care
00352       unsigned char dummy_1;
00353       unsigned short dummy_2;
00354       //see WPPROP defines below
00355       unsigned char properties;
00356       //max. speed to travel to waypoint in % (default 100)
00357       unsigned char max_speed;
00358       //time to stay at a waypoint (XYZ) in 1/100th s
00359       unsigned short time;
00360       //position accuracy to consider a waypoint reached in mm (default: 2500 (= 2.5 m))
00361       unsigned short pos_acc;
00362       //chksum = 0xAAAA + wp.yaw + wp.height + wp.time + wp.X + wp.Y + wp.max_speed + wp.pos_acc + + wp.wp_number;
00363       short chksum;
00364       //waypoint coordinates in mm // longitude in abs coords
00365       int X;
00366       //waypoint coordinates in mm // latitude in abs coords
00367       int Y;
00368       //Desired heading at waypoint
00369       int yaw;
00370       //height over 0 reference in mm
00371       int height;
00372     };
00373     struct CTRL_INPUT
00374     {
00375         //serial commands (= Scientific Interface)
00376         //pitch input: -2047..2047 (0=neutral)
00377         short pitch;
00378         //roll input: -2047..2047 (0=neutral)
00379         short roll;
00380         //R/C stick input: -2047..2047 (0=neutral)
00381         short yaw;
00382         //collective: 0..4095 = 0..100%
00383         short thrust;
00384         //control byte:
00385         //  bit 0: pitch control enabled
00386         //  bit 1: roll control enabled
00387         //  bit 2: yaw control enabled
00388         //  bit 3: thrust control enabled
00389         //  These bits can be used to only enable one axis at a time and thus to
00390         //  control the other axes manually. This usually helps a lot to set up
00391         //  and finetune controllers for each axis seperately.
00392         short ctrl;
00393         short chksum;
00394     };
00396 /*
00398 #define WPPROP_ABSCOORDS 0x01 //if set waypoint is interpreted as
00399 absolute coordinates, else relative coords
00400 #define WPPROP_HEIGHTENABLED 0x02 //set new height at waypoint
00401 #define WPPROP_YAWENABLED 0x04 //set new yaw-angle at waypoint
00402 (not yet implemented)
00403 #define WPPROP_AUTOMATICGOTO 0x10 //if set, vehicle will not wait for
00404 a goto command, but goto this waypoint directly
00405 #define WPPROP_CAM_TRIGGER 0x20 //if set, photo camera is triggered
00406 when waypoint is reached and time to stay is 80% up
00407 Sending the waypoint structure to the vehicle:
00408 The following string must be sent to the vehicle, directly followed by the actual waypoint
00409 structure:
00410 unsigned char string[]=">*>ws";
00411 Commands for the waypoint navigation:
00412 >*>wg "Goto waypoint"
00413 >*>wl "Launch / Set Home
00414 >*>we "End flight => land at current position"
00415 >*>wh "Come home"
00416 Sending the launch command when the vehicle is hovering with the switch on the R/C in
00417 "GPS + Height control" sets the home position.
00418 You will receive an acknowledge if a command or a waypoint was received correctly:
00419 >a[1 byte packet descriptor]a<
00421 */
00423     struct LL_STATUS LL_STATUS_;
00424     struct IMU_RAWDATA IMU_RAWDATA_;
00425     struct IMU_CALCDATA IMU_CALCDATA_;
00426     struct RC_DATA RC_DATA_;
00428     struct GPS_DATA GPS_DATA_;
00429     struct WAYPOINT WAYPOINT_;
00431     struct CTRL_INPUT CTRL_INPUT_;
00432     asctec_msgs::LLStatusPtr LLStatus_;
00433     asctec_msgs::IMURawDataPtr IMURawData_;
00434     asctec_msgs::IMUCalcDataPtr IMUCalcData_;
00435     asctec_msgs::RCDataPtr RCData_;
00436     asctec_msgs::ControllerOutputPtr ControllerOutput_;
00437     asctec_msgs::GPSDataPtr GPSData_;
00438     asctec_msgs::GPSDataAdvancedPtr GPSDataAdvanced_;
00440     ros::NodeHandle nh_;
00441     //asctec_msgs::CtrlInput CtrlInput_;
00442     bool estop_;
00444   };                            // end class Telemetry
00445 }                               //end namespace asctec
00446 #endif

Author(s): William Morris, Ivan Dryanovski, Steven Bellens, Patrick Bouffard et al.
autogenerated on Tue Jan 7 2014 11:04:25