
srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast Class Reference

#include <octomap_filter_raycast.h>

Inheritance diagram for srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 COcFilterRaycast (const std::string &octree_frame_id, ERunMode mode=FILTER_ALLWAYS)
virtual void init (ros::NodeHandle &node_handle)
 Initialize. Must be called before first filtering.
void setCloud (tPointCloudConstPtr cloud)
 Configure filter before each frame. Set input cloud.
virtual void writeLastRunInfo ()
 Write some info about last filter run.

Protected Member Functions

void cameraInfoCB (const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr &cam_info)
 Camera info callback.
void computeBBX (const std_msgs::Header &sensor_header, octomap::point3d &bbx_min, octomap::point3d &bbx_max)
 Compute boundig box.
virtual void filterInternal (tButServerOcTree &tree)
 Filtering function implementation.
octomap::point3d getSensorOrigin (const std_msgs::Header &sensor_header)
 Compute sensor origin from the header info.
bool inSensorCone (const cv::Point2d &uv) const
 Is point in sensor cone?
bool isOccludedMap (const octomap::point3d &sensor_origin, const octomap::point3d &p, double resolution, tButServerOcTree &tree) const
 Return true, if occupied cell is between origin and p.

Protected Attributes

ros::Publisher grid_pub_
 Grid points publisher.
bool m_bCamModelInitialized
 Is camera model initialized?
bool m_bFilterInitialized
std::string m_camera_info_topic
 Camera info topic name.
image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel m_camera_model
 Camera model.
cv::Size m_camera_size
 Camera size.
int m_camera_stereo_offset_left
 Camera offsets.
int m_camera_stereo_offset_right
ros::Subscriber m_ciSubscriber
 Camera info subscriber.
tPointCloudConstPtr m_cloudPtr
 Point cloud.
tPointCloud::Ptr m_filtered_cloud
 Output filtered cloud.
boost::mutex m_lockCamera
 Camera info locking.
boost::mutex m_lockData
 Input cloud lock.
float m_miss_speedup
 Speedup of integrate miss no time function.
long m_numLeafsOutOfCone
 Number of leafs out of sensor cone.
long m_numLeafsRemoved
 Number of removed leafs.
std_msgs::Header m_sensor_header
 Sensor frame id.
octomap::point3d m_sensor_origin
tf::TransformListener m_tfListener
 Transform listener.
pcl::VoxelGrid< tPclPoint > m_vgfilter
 Use voxel filter to downsample pointcloud.
ros::Publisher marker_pub_
 Visualizations marker publisher.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 41 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast::COcFilterRaycast ( const std::string &  octree_frame_id,
ERunMode  mode = FILTER_ALLWAYS 



Definition at line 47 of file octomap_filter_raycast.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast::cameraInfoCB ( const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr cam_info  )  [protected]

Camera info callback.

Camera ifo callback - initialize camera model

Definition at line 113 of file octomap_filter_raycast.cpp.

void srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast::computeBBX ( const std_msgs::Header &  sensor_header,
octomap::point3d &  bbx_min,
octomap::point3d &  bbx_max 
) [protected]

Compute boundig box.

Compute boundig box

Definition at line 427 of file octomap_filter_raycast.cpp.

void srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast::filterInternal ( tButServerOcTree &  tree  )  [protected, virtual]

Filtering function implementation.

Filtering function implementation

Reimplemented from srs_env_model::COcTreeFilterBase.

Definition at line 133 of file octomap_filter_raycast.cpp.

octomap::point3d srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast::getSensorOrigin ( const std_msgs::Header &  sensor_header  )  [protected]

Compute sensor origin from the header info.

Compute sensor origin from the header

Definition at line 347 of file octomap_filter_raycast.cpp.

void srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast::init ( ros::NodeHandle node_handle  )  [virtual]

Initialize. Must be called before first filtering.

Initialize. Must be called before first filtering

Definition at line 64 of file octomap_filter_raycast.cpp.

bool srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast::inSensorCone ( const cv::Point2d &  uv  )  const [protected]

Is point in sensor cone?

Definition at line 392 of file octomap_filter_raycast.cpp.

bool srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast::isOccludedMap ( const octomap::point3d &  sensor_origin,
const octomap::point3d &  p,
double  resolution,
tButServerOcTree &  tree 
) const [protected]

Return true, if occupied cell is between origin and p.

Return true, if occupied cell is between origin and p

Definition at line 406 of file octomap_filter_raycast.cpp.

void srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast::setCloud ( tPointCloudConstPtr  cloud  ) 

Configure filter before each frame. Set input cloud.

Set input cloud. Must be called before filter call

Definition at line 94 of file octomap_filter_raycast.cpp.

void srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast::writeLastRunInfo (  )  [virtual]

Write some info about last filter run.

Reimplemented from srs_env_model::COcTreeFilterBase.

Definition at line 103 of file octomap_filter_raycast.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Grid points publisher.

Definition at line 124 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Is camera model initialized?

Definition at line 95 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.


Definition at line 80 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Camera info topic name.

Definition at line 104 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Camera model.

Definition at line 92 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Camera size.

Definition at line 89 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Camera offsets.

Definition at line 86 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Definition at line 86 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Camera info subscriber.

Definition at line 107 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

tPointCloudConstPtr srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast::m_cloudPtr [protected]

Point cloud.

Definition at line 110 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Output filtered cloud.

Definition at line 130 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Camera info locking.

Definition at line 98 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Input cloud lock.

Definition at line 101 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Speedup of integrate miss no time function.

Definition at line 133 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Number of leafs out of sensor cone.

Definition at line 116 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Number of removed leafs.

Definition at line 113 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Sensor frame id.

Definition at line 77 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Definition at line 118 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Transform listener.

Definition at line 83 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

pcl::VoxelGrid<tPclPoint> srs_env_model::COcFilterRaycast::m_vgfilter [protected]

Use voxel filter to downsample pointcloud.

Definition at line 127 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

Visualizations marker publisher.

Definition at line 121 of file octomap_filter_raycast.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Vit Stancl (stancl@fit.vutbr.cz), Tomas Lokaj, Jan Gorig, Michal Spanel (spanel@fit.vutbr.cz)
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 14:34:07 2013