
File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
__init__.py [code]
srv/__init__.py [code]
_getJointState.py [code]
calibration.cpp [code]This class contains the algorithm which takes the raw ADC reading, and uses the N-point piecewise linear algorithm to convert it to an angle in degrees
calibration.hpp [code]This class contains the algorithm which takes the raw ADC reading, and uses the N-point piecewise linear algorithm to convert it to an angle in degrees
get_joint_states.py [code]
getJointState.h [code]
interactive_marker.py [code]
joint_0_publisher.py [code]
joint_states_merger.py [code]
moving_average_filter.py [code]
ordered_hand_arm_joint_states_merger.py [code]
ordered_position_joint_states_merger.py [code]
ordered_target_joint_states_merger.py [code]
sr_deadband.hpp [code]This library contains different types of deadbands, which are useful in controllers for example
sr_math_utils.hpp [code]This is a header library used to implement some useful math functions. It is used in our different packages
test_calibration.cpp [code]This is a set of unit tests testing the calibration process
test_math_utils.cpp [code]Testing the math utils library
test_thread_safe_map.cpp [code]Testing the implementation of our thread safe map
thread_safe_map.hpp [code]We needed a threadsafe hash map, with the possibility of multiple readers accessing the map at the same time, but only one writer at a time
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Author(s): Ugo Cupcic
autogenerated on Sat Mar 2 13:58:25 2013