
rcpdf_interface Namespace Reference


class  Contact
 Define a contact zone on the robot body. More...
class  Limit
 Limitations to consider when this contact is active. More...
class  ModelInterface
 Model of the robot contact zones. More...


typedef ::urdf::Geometry Geometry
 Geometry node imported from the URDF package.
typedef ::urdf::Pose Pose
 Pose node imported from the URDF package.

Typedef Documentation

Geometry node imported from the URDF package.

Definition at line 13 of file contact.hh.

Pose node imported from the URDF package.

Definition at line 15 of file contact.hh.

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Author(s): Thomas Moulard/thomas.moulard@gmail.com
autogenerated on Sat Mar 2 13:12:43 2013