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XML-RPC servers for parent and children Following typical roslib-based XMLRPC code, code is divided into: a) Handlers: these actually define and execute the XML-RPC API b) Nodes: these run the XML-RPC server In this code you'll find 'Parent' and 'Child' code. The parent node is the original roslaunch process. The child nodes are the child processes it launches in order to handle remote launching (or execution as a different user).
Classes | |
ChildROSLaunchProcess API for remote roslaunch processes |
ROSLaunchBaseHandler Common XML-RPC API for the roslaunch server and child node |
ROSLaunchParentHandler XML-RPC API for the roslaunch server node |
ROSLaunchChildHandler XML-RPC API implementation for child roslaunches NOTE: the client handler runs a process monitor so that it can track processes across requests |
ROSLaunchNode Base XML-RPC server for roslaunch parent/child processes |
ROSLaunchParentNode XML-RPC server for parent roslaunch. |
ROSLaunchChildNode XML-RPC server for roslaunch child processes |
Variables | |
__package__ =
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