laser_slam_mapper::Mapper Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Mapper ()
 Initialize node.

Private Member Functions

void addGrid (unsigned n)
nm::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr computeLocalGrid (unsigned g) const
 Compute local occupancy grid.
unsigned coveredBy (unsigned n, const Grids &g, double r) const
unsigned coveredBy (unsigned n, unsigned g, double r) const
Grids currentRelevantGrids () const
void diffCB (OptionalDiff diff, const pg::ConstraintGraph &g)
 Receive a diff to the pose graph.
void ensureNodeCovered (unsigned n)
void locCB (const gmm::LocalizationDistribution &dist)
 Receive a localization wrt slam graph.
tf::Pose nodeGridTransform (unsigned n, unsigned g) const
 Transform from pose graph node frame to local grid frame.
Nodes nodesOnGrid (unsigned g) const
NodePoses optimizePoses (const pg::NodeSet &comp) const
Nodes overlayingNodes (unsigned g) const
tf::Pose poseOnGrid (unsigned n, unsigned g) const
void publishGraph ()
 Publish graph over ros.
void publishRefTransforms (const ros::TimerEvent &e)
 Publish reference transforms over ros.
void saveCurrentGrid ()
void saveGrid (unsigned g)
 Save local grid to db.
bool switchGrid (msg::SwitchGrid::Request &req, msg::SwitchGrid::Response &resp)
 Switch grid based on external request.
Nodes topologicallyCloseNodes (unsigned g, const double r) const
 Nodes that are topologically close in slam graph.
void updateEdgeInfo (unsigned g)
void updateEdgeInfo (unsigned g, unsigned g2)
void updateLoop (const ros::TimerEvent &e)
 Periodically update and publish graph.
void visualize (const ros::TimerEvent &e)
 Visualize graph.
void visualizeCurrentGrid ()
 Visualize the grid we're currently localized wrt.
void visualizeEdges ()
 Visualize edges between grids of the topological map.
void visualizeGridBoundaries ()
 Visualize the boundaries of all grids.

Private Attributes

NodeGridMap covering_grids_
boost::optional< unsigned > current_grid_
pg::DiffSubscriber diff_sub_
ros::ServiceClient get_poses_client_
ros::Publisher graph_pub_
Nodes grid_nodes_
const double grid_overlap_
ros::Publisher grid_pub_
map< unsigned, ros::Time > grid_save_times_
const double grid_size_
wh::Collection< nm::OccupancyGrid > grids_
ros::Time last_diff_time_
boost::optional< gm::PoseStamped > last_loc_
ros::Publisher loc_pub_
ros::Subscriber loc_sub_
ros::Publisher marker_pub_
boost::mutex mutex_
unsigned next_edge_id_
ros::NodeHandle nh_
NodePoses opt_poses_
ros::NodeHandle param_nh_
Nodes pending_nodes_
pg::ConstraintGraph pose_graph_
const string ref_frame_
const double resolution_
const double robot_radius_
< ls::LocalizedScan > 
wh::WarehouseClient slam_db_
ros::ServiceServer switch_grid_srv_
tf::TransformListener tf_
tf::TransformBroadcaster tfb_
tmap::TopologicalMap tmap_
wh::WarehouseClient topo_db_
ros::Timer transform_pub_timer_
bool update_flag_
const double update_rate_
ros::Timer update_timer_
ros::Timer vis_timer_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 88 of file mapper.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::Mapper (  ) 

Initialize node.

Definition at line 347 of file mapper.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::addGrid ( unsigned  n  )  [private]
There's a new grid centered at n

Definition at line 490 of file mapper.cpp.

nm::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::computeLocalGrid ( unsigned  g  )  const [private]

Compute local occupancy grid.

Set up data structure to do ray tracing

Add the clouds

Possibly clear out free space based on robot poses

Definition at line 689 of file mapper.cpp.

unsigned laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::coveredBy ( unsigned  n,
const Grids g,
double  r 
) const [private]
Return values:
Is node n covered by one of the grids? If so, return the grid id. Else return 0.
unsigned laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::coveredBy ( unsigned  n,
unsigned  g,
double  r 
) const [private]
Return values:
Is node n covered by (near center of) grid centered at g? If so, return g, else return 0.

Definition at line 466 of file mapper.cpp.

Grids laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::currentRelevantGrids (  )  const [private]

Grids that are currently relevant to update. This is currently just the current reference grid we're localized wrt

Definition at line 560 of file mapper.cpp.

void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::diffCB ( OptionalDiff  diff,
const pg::ConstraintGraph &  g 
) [private]

Receive a diff to the pose graph.

deal with edges

Definition at line 610 of file mapper.cpp.

void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::ensureNodeCovered ( unsigned  n  )  [private]
Ensure that there is a grid g that covers node n
void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::locCB ( const gmm::LocalizationDistribution &  dist  )  [private]

Receive a localization wrt slam graph.

Definition at line 576 of file mapper.cpp.

tf::Pose laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::nodeGridTransform ( unsigned  n,
unsigned  g 
) const [private]

Transform from pose graph node frame to local grid frame.

Definition at line 681 of file mapper.cpp.

Nodes laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::nodesOnGrid ( unsigned  g  )  const [private]
Return values:
Nodes that are on a given local grid

Definition at line 649 of file mapper.cpp.

NodePoses laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::optimizePoses ( const pg::NodeSet &  comp  )  const [private]
Return values:
Optimized poses of some nodes

Definition at line 390 of file mapper.cpp.

Nodes laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::overlayingNodes ( unsigned  g  )  const [private]
Return values:
Nodes which are topologically close to the grid and whose scan barycenters are near the center

Definition at line 660 of file mapper.cpp.

tf::Pose laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::poseOnGrid ( unsigned  n,
unsigned  g 
) const [private]
Return values:
Pose of node n wrt grid g
void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::publishGraph (  )  [private]

Publish graph over ros.

Definition at line 846 of file mapper.cpp.

void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::publishRefTransforms ( const ros::TimerEvent &  e  )  [private]

Publish reference transforms over ros.

Definition at line 854 of file mapper.cpp.

void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::saveCurrentGrid (  )  [private]

Definition at line 865 of file mapper.cpp.

void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::saveGrid ( unsigned  g  )  [private]

Save local grid to db.

Definition at line 822 of file mapper.cpp.

bool laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::switchGrid ( msg::SwitchGrid::Request &  req,
msg::SwitchGrid::Response &  resp 
) [private]

Switch grid based on external request.

Definition at line 633 of file mapper.cpp.

Nodes laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::topologicallyCloseNodes ( unsigned  g,
const double  r 
) const [private]

Nodes that are topologically close in slam graph.

Definition at line 553 of file mapper.cpp.

void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::updateEdgeInfo ( unsigned  g  )  [private]
Possible edges to all topologically close nodes to g have been updated

Definition at line 542 of file mapper.cpp.

void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::updateEdgeInfo ( unsigned  g,
unsigned  g2 
) [private]
An edge exists between g and g2 if they're close enough, and the transform on the edge is updated based on the current optimized poses

Definition at line 503 of file mapper.cpp.

void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::updateLoop ( const ros::TimerEvent &  e  )  [private]

Periodically update and publish graph.

Definition at line 404 of file mapper.cpp.

void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::visualize ( const ros::TimerEvent &  e  )  [private]

Visualize graph.

Definition at line 738 of file mapper.cpp.

void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::visualizeCurrentGrid (  )  [private]

Visualize the grid we're currently localized wrt.

Definition at line 745 of file mapper.cpp.

void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::visualizeEdges (  )  [private]

Visualize edges between grids of the topological map.

Definition at line 793 of file mapper.cpp.

void laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::visualizeGridBoundaries (  )  [private]

Visualize the boundaries of all grids.

Definition at line 761 of file mapper.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 258 of file mapper.cpp.

boost::optional<unsigned> laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::current_grid_ [private]

Definition at line 255 of file mapper.cpp.

pg::DiffSubscriber laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::diff_sub_ [private]

Definition at line 302 of file mapper.cpp.

ros::ServiceClient laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::get_poses_client_ [mutable, private]

Definition at line 321 of file mapper.cpp.

ros::Publisher laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::graph_pub_ [private]

Definition at line 311 of file mapper.cpp.

Definition at line 252 of file mapper.cpp.

Definition at line 215 of file mapper.cpp.

ros::Publisher laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::grid_pub_ [private]

Definition at line 308 of file mapper.cpp.

map<unsigned, ros::Time> laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::grid_save_times_ [private]

Definition at line 267 of file mapper.cpp.

const double laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::grid_size_ [private]

Definition at line 211 of file mapper.cpp.

wh::Collection<nm::OccupancyGrid> laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::grids_ [private]

Definition at line 296 of file mapper.cpp.

Definition at line 264 of file mapper.cpp.

boost::optional<gm::PoseStamped> laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::last_loc_ [private]

Definition at line 243 of file mapper.cpp.

ros::Publisher laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::loc_pub_ [private]

Definition at line 314 of file mapper.cpp.

ros::Subscriber laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::loc_sub_ [private]

Definition at line 299 of file mapper.cpp.

ros::Publisher laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::marker_pub_ [private]

Definition at line 305 of file mapper.cpp.

boost::mutex laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::mutex_ [mutable, private]

Definition at line 275 of file mapper.cpp.

Definition at line 261 of file mapper.cpp.

ros::NodeHandle laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::nh_ [private]

Definition at line 278 of file mapper.cpp.

Definition at line 246 of file mapper.cpp.

ros::NodeHandle laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::param_nh_ [private]

Definition at line 208 of file mapper.cpp.

Definition at line 249 of file mapper.cpp.

pg::ConstraintGraph laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::pose_graph_ [private]

Definition at line 234 of file mapper.cpp.

const string laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::ref_frame_ [private]

Definition at line 221 of file mapper.cpp.

Definition at line 218 of file mapper.cpp.

Definition at line 227 of file mapper.cpp.

pg::CachedNodeMap<ls::LocalizedScan> laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::scans_ [private]

Definition at line 293 of file mapper.cpp.

wh::WarehouseClient laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::slam_db_ [private]

Definition at line 287 of file mapper.cpp.

ros::ServiceServer laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::switch_grid_srv_ [private]

Definition at line 317 of file mapper.cpp.

tf::TransformListener laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::tf_ [private]

Definition at line 281 of file mapper.cpp.

tf::TransformBroadcaster laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::tfb_ [private]

Definition at line 284 of file mapper.cpp.

tmap::TopologicalMap laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::tmap_ [private]

Definition at line 237 of file mapper.cpp.

wh::WarehouseClient laser_slam_mapper::Mapper::topo_db_ [private]

Definition at line 290 of file mapper.cpp.

Definition at line 330 of file mapper.cpp.

Definition at line 240 of file mapper.cpp.

Definition at line 224 of file mapper.cpp.

Definition at line 324 of file mapper.cpp.

Definition at line 327 of file mapper.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs

Author(s): Bhaskara Marthi
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:59:54 2013