laser_slam_mapper Namespace Reference


class  Mapper


typedef set< unsigned > Grids
typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock Lock
typedef map< unsigned, unsigned > NodeGridMap
typedef map< unsigned, tf::Pose > NodePoses
typedef set< unsigned > Nodes
typedef boost::optional< const
gmm::ConstraintGraphDiff & > 
typedef vector< string > StringVec


StringVec gridMetadata ()

Typedef Documentation

typedef set<unsigned> laser_slam_mapper::Grids

Definition at line 80 of file mapper.cpp.

typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock laser_slam_mapper::Lock

Definition at line 77 of file mapper.cpp.

typedef map<unsigned, unsigned> laser_slam_mapper::NodeGridMap

Definition at line 81 of file mapper.cpp.

typedef map<unsigned, tf::Pose> laser_slam_mapper::NodePoses

Definition at line 78 of file mapper.cpp.

typedef set<unsigned> laser_slam_mapper::Nodes

Definition at line 79 of file mapper.cpp.

typedef boost::optional<const gmm::ConstraintGraphDiff&> laser_slam_mapper::OptionalDiff

Definition at line 76 of file mapper.cpp.

typedef vector<string> laser_slam_mapper::StringVec

Definition at line 82 of file mapper.cpp.

Function Documentation

StringVec laser_slam_mapper::gridMetadata (  ) 

Definition at line 340 of file mapper.cpp.

 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs

Author(s): Bhaskara Marthi
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:59:54 2013