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moveit::core::JointModelGroup Class Reference

#include <joint_model_group.h>


struct  GroupMimicUpdate
struct  KinematicsSolver

Public Types

using KinematicsSolverMap = std::map< const JointModelGroup *, KinematicsSolver >
 Map from group instances to allocator functions & bijections. More...

Public Member Functions

void addDefaultState (const std::string &name, const std::map< std::string, double > &default_state)
void attachEndEffector (const std::string &eef_name)
 Notify this group that there is an end-effector attached to it. More...
bool canSetStateFromIK (const std::string &tip) const
double distance (const double *state1, const double *state2) const
bool enforcePositionBounds (double *state) const
bool enforcePositionBounds (double *state, const JointBoundsVector &active_joint_bounds) const
const std::vector< std::string > & getActiveJointModelNames () const
 Get the names of the active joints in this group. These are the names of the joints returned by getJointModels(). More...
const std::vector< const JointModel * > & getActiveJointModels () const
 Get the active joints in this group (that have controllable DOF). This does not include mimic joints. More...
const JointBoundsVectorgetActiveJointModelsBounds () const
 Get the bounds for all the active joints. More...
unsigned int getActiveVariableCount () const
 Get the number of variables that describe the active joints in this joint group. This excludes variables necessary for mimic joints. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & getAttachedEndEffectorNames () const
 Get the names of the end effectors attached to this group. More...
const JointModelgetCommonRoot () const
 Get the common root of all joint roots; not necessarily part of this group. More...
const srdf::Model::GroupgetConfig () const
 get the SRDF configuration this group is based on More...
const std::vector< const JointModel * > & getContinuousJointModels () const
 Get the array of continuous joints used in this group (may include mimic joints). More...
double getDefaultIKTimeout () const
 Get the default IK timeout. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & getDefaultStateNames () const
 Get the names of the known default states (as specified in the SRDF) More...
const std::string & getEndEffectorName () const
 Return the name of the end effector, if this group is an end-effector. More...
const std::pair< std::string, std::string > & getEndEffectorParentGroup () const
 Get the name of the group this end-effector attaches to (first) and the name of the link in that group (second) More...
bool getEndEffectorTips (std::vector< const LinkModel * > &tips) const
 Get the unique set of end effector tips included in a particular joint model group as defined by the SRDF end effector elements e.g. for a humanoid robot this would return 4 tips for the hands and feet. More...
bool getEndEffectorTips (std::vector< std::string > &tips) const
 Get the unique set of end effector tips included in a particular joint model group as defined by the SRDF end effector elements e.g. for a humanoid robot this would return 4 tips for the hands and feet. More...
const std::vector< const JointModel * > & getFixedJointModels () const
 Get the fixed joints that are part of this group. More...
const std::pair< KinematicsSolver, KinematicsSolverMap > & getGroupKinematics () const
const JointModelgetJointModel (const std::string &joint) const
 Get a joint by its name. Throw an exception if the joint is not part of this group. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & getJointModelNames () const
 Get the names of the joints in this group. These are the names of the joints returned by getJointModels(). More...
const std::vector< const JointModel * > & getJointModels () const
 Get all the joints in this group (including fixed and mimic joints). More...
const std::vector< const JointModel * > & getJointRoots () const
 Unlike a complete kinematic model, a group may contain disconnected parts of the kinematic tree – a set of smaller trees. This function gives the roots of those smaller trees. Furthermore, it is ensured that the roots are on different branches in the kinematic tree. This means that in following any root in the given list, none of the other returned roots will be encountered. More...
const std::vector< unsigned int > & getKinematicsSolverJointBijection () const
 Return the mapping between the order of the joints in this group and the order of the joints in the kinematics solver. An element bijection[i] at index i in this array, maps the variable at index bijection[i] in this group to the variable at index i in the kinematic solver. More...
const LinkModelgetLinkModel (const std::string &link) const
 Get a joint by its name. Throw an exception if the joint is not part of this group. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & getLinkModelNames () const
 Get the names of the links that are part of this joint group. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & getLinkModelNamesWithCollisionGeometry () const
 Get the names of the links that are part of this joint group and also have geometry associated with them. More...
const std::vector< const LinkModel * > & getLinkModels () const
 Get the links that are part of this joint group. More...
double getMaximumExtent () const
double getMaximumExtent (const JointBoundsVector &active_joint_bounds) const
const std::vector< const JointModel * > & getMimicJointModels () const
 Get the mimic joints that are part of this group. More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Get the name of the joint group. More...
const moveit::core::LinkModelgetOnlyOneEndEffectorTip () const
 Get one end effector tip, throwing an error if there ends up being more in the joint model group This is a useful helper function because most planning groups (almost all) only have one tip. More...
const RobotModelgetParentModel () const
 Get the kinematic model this group is part of. More...
const kinematics::KinematicsBasePtr & getSolverInstance ()
const kinematics::KinematicsBaseConstPtr getSolverInstance () const
const std::vector< std::string > & getSubgroupNames () const
 Get the names of the groups that are subsets of this one (in terms of joints set) More...
void getSubgroups (std::vector< const JointModelGroup * > &sub_groups) const
 Get the groups that are subsets of this one (in terms of joints set) More...
const std::vector< std::string > & getUpdatedLinkModelNames () const
 Get the names of the links returned by getUpdatedLinkModels() More...
const std::vector< const LinkModel * > & getUpdatedLinkModels () const
 Get the names of the links that are to be updated when the state of this group changes. This includes links that are in the kinematic model but outside this group, if those links are descendants of joints in this group that have their values updated. The order is the correct order for updating the corresponding states. More...
const std::set< const LinkModel * > & getUpdatedLinkModelsSet () const
 Return the same data as getUpdatedLinkModels() but as a set. More...
const std::vector< const LinkModel * > & getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometry () const
 Get the names of the links that are to be updated when the state of this group changes. This includes links that are in the kinematic model but outside this group, if those links are descendants of joints in this group that have their values updated. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometryNames () const
 Get the names of the links returned by getUpdatedLinkModels() More...
const std::set< std::string > & getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometryNamesSet () const
 Get the names of the links returned by getUpdatedLinkModels() More...
const std::set< const LinkModel * > & getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometrySet () const
 Return the same data as getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometry() but as a set. More...
unsigned int getVariableCount () const
 Get the number of variables that describe this joint group. This includes variables necessary for mimic joints, so will always be >= the number of items returned by getActiveVariableNames() More...
bool getVariableDefaultPositions (const std::string &name, std::map< std::string, double > &values) const
 Get the values that correspond to a named state as read from the URDF. Return false on failure. More...
void getVariableDefaultPositions (double *values) const
 Compute the default values for the joint group. More...
void getVariableDefaultPositions (std::map< std::string, double > &values) const
 Compute the default values for the joint group. More...
void getVariableDefaultPositions (std::vector< double > &values) const
 Compute the default values for the joint group. More...
int getVariableGroupIndex (const std::string &variable) const
 Get the index of a variable within the group. Return -1 on error. More...
const std::vector< int > & getVariableIndexList () const
 Get the index locations in the complete robot state for all the variables in this group. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & getVariableNames () const
 Get the names of the variables that make up the joints included in this group. The number of returned elements is always equal to getVariableCount(). This includes mimic joints. More...
void getVariableRandomPositions (random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator &rng, double *values) const
 Compute random values for the state of the joint group. More...
void getVariableRandomPositions (random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator &rng, double *values, const JointBoundsVector &active_joint_bounds) const
void getVariableRandomPositions (random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator &rng, std::vector< double > &values) const
 Compute random values for the state of the joint group. More...
void getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy (random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator &rng, double *values, const double *seed, const double distance) const
 Compute random values for the state of the joint group. More...
void getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy (random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator &rng, double *values, const double *seed, const std::vector< double > &distances) const
 Compute random values for the state of the joint group. More...
void getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy (random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator &rng, double *values, const JointBoundsVector &active_joint_bounds, const double *seed, const double distance) const
 Compute random values for the state of the joint group. More...
void getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy (random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator &rng, double *values, const JointBoundsVector &active_joint_bounds, const double *seed, const std::map< JointModel::JointType, double > &distance_map) const
 Compute random values for the state of the joint group. More...
void getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy (random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator &rng, double *values, const JointBoundsVector &active_joint_bounds, const double *seed, const std::vector< double > &distances) const
 Compute random values for the state of the joint group. More...
void getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy (random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator &rng, std::vector< double > &values, const std::vector< double > &seed, const std::map< JointModel::JointType, double > &distance_map) const
 Compute random values for the state of the joint group. More...
void getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy (random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator &rng, std::vector< double > &values, const std::vector< double > &seed, const std::vector< double > &distances) const
 Compute random values for the state of the joint group. More...
void getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy (random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator &rng, std::vector< double > &values, const std::vector< double > &seed, double distance) const
 Compute random values for the state of the joint group. More...
bool hasJointModel (const std::string &joint) const
 Check if a joint is part of this group. More...
bool hasLinkModel (const std::string &link) const
 Check if a link is part of this group. More...
void interpolate (const double *from, const double *to, double t, double *state) const
bool isChain () const
 Check if this group is a linear chain. More...
bool isContiguousWithinState () const
bool isEndEffector () const
 Check if this group was designated as an end-effector in the SRDF. More...
bool isLinkUpdated (const std::string &name) const
 True if this name is in the set of links that are to be updated when the state of this group changes. This includes links that are in the kinematic model but outside this group, if those links are descendants of joints in this group that have their values updated. More...
bool isSingleDOFJoints () const
 Return true if the group consists only of joints that are single DOF. More...
bool isSubgroup (const std::string &group) const
 Check if the joints of group group are a subset of the joints in this group. More...
bool isValidVelocityMove (const double *from_joint_pose, const double *to_joint_pose, std::size_t array_size, double dt) const
 Check that the time to move between two waypoints is sufficient given velocity limits. More...
bool isValidVelocityMove (const std::vector< double > &from_joint_pose, const std::vector< double > &to_joint_pose, double dt) const
 Check that the time to move between two waypoints is sufficient given velocity limits. More...
 JointModelGroup (const std::string &name, const srdf::Model::Group &config, const std::vector< const JointModel * > &joint_vector, const RobotModel *parent_model)
void printGroupInfo (std::ostream &out=std::cout) const
 Print information about the constructed model. More...
bool satisfiesPositionBounds (const double *state, const JointBoundsVector &active_joint_bounds, double margin=0.0) const
bool satisfiesPositionBounds (const double *state, double margin=0.0) const
void setDefaultIKTimeout (double ik_timeout)
 Set the default IK timeout. More...
void setEndEffectorName (const std::string &name)
 Set the name of the end-effector, and remember this group is indeed an end-effector. More...
void setEndEffectorParent (const std::string &group, const std::string &link)
 If this group is an end-effector, specify the parent group (e.g., the arm holding the eef) and the link the end effector connects to. More...
bool setRedundantJoints (const std::vector< std::string > &joints)
void setSolverAllocators (const SolverAllocatorFn &solver, const SolverAllocatorMapFn &solver_map=SolverAllocatorMapFn())
void setSolverAllocators (const std::pair< SolverAllocatorFn, SolverAllocatorMapFn > &solvers)
void setSubgroupNames (const std::vector< std::string > &subgroups)
 Set the names of the subgroups for this group. More...
 ~JointModelGroup ()

Protected Member Functions

bool computeIKIndexBijection (const std::vector< std::string > &ik_jnames, std::vector< unsigned int > &joint_bijection) const
void updateMimicJoints (double *values) const
 Update the variable values for the state of a group with respect to the mimic joints. This only updates mimic joints that have the parent in this group. If there is a joint mimicking one that is outside the group, there are no values to be read (values is only the group state) More...

Protected Attributes

std::vector< std::string > active_joint_model_name_vector_
 Names of active joints in the order they appear in the group state. More...
std::vector< int > active_joint_model_start_index_
 For each active joint model in this group, hold the index at which the corresponding joint state starts in the group state. More...
std::vector< const JointModel * > active_joint_model_vector_
 Active joint instances in the order they appear in the group state. More...
JointBoundsVector active_joint_models_bounds_
 The bounds for all the active joint models. More...
unsigned int active_variable_count_
 The number of variables necessary to describe the active joints in this group of joints. More...
std::vector< std::string > attached_end_effector_names_
 If an end-effector is attached to this group, the name of that end-effector is stored in this variable. More...
const JointModelcommon_root_
 The joint that is a common root for all joints in this group (not necessarily part of this group) More...
srdf::Model::Group config_
std::vector< const JointModel * > continuous_joint_model_vector_
 The set of continuous joints this group contains. More...
std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, double > > default_states_
 The set of default states specified for this group in the SRDF. More...
std::vector< std::string > default_states_names_
 The names of the default states specified for this group in the SRDF. More...
std::string end_effector_name_
 The name of the end effector, if this group is an end-effector. More...
std::pair< std::string, std::string > end_effector_parent_
 First: name of the group that is parent to this end-effector group; Second: the link this in the parent group that this group attaches to. More...
std::vector< const JointModel * > fixed_joints_
 The joints that have no DOF (fixed) More...
std::pair< KinematicsSolver, KinematicsSolverMapgroup_kinematics_
std::vector< GroupMimicUpdategroup_mimic_update_
bool is_chain_
bool is_contiguous_index_list_
 True if the state of this group is contiguous within the full robot state; this also means that the index values in variable_index_list_ are consecutive integers. More...
bool is_single_dof_
JointModelMapConst joint_model_map_
 A map from joint names to their instances. This includes all joints in the group. More...
std::vector< std::string > joint_model_name_vector_
 Names of joints in the order they appear in the group state. More...
std::vector< const JointModel * > joint_model_vector_
 Joint instances in the order they appear in the group state. More...
std::vector< const JointModel * > joint_roots_
 The list of active joint models that are roots in this group. More...
VariableIndexMap joint_variables_index_map_
 The group includes all the joint variables that make up the joints the group consists of. This map gives the position in the state vector of the group for each of these variables. Additionaly, it includes the names of the joints and the index for the first variable of that joint. More...
LinkModelMapConst link_model_map_
 A map from link names to their instances. More...
std::vector< std::string > link_model_name_vector_
 The names of the links in this group. More...
std::vector< const LinkModel * > link_model_vector_
 The links that are on the direct lineage between joints and joint_roots_, as well as the children of the joint leafs. May not be in any particular order. More...
std::vector< std::string > link_model_with_geometry_name_vector_
 The names of the links in this group that also have geometry. More...
std::vector< const LinkModel * > link_model_with_geometry_vector_
std::vector< const JointModel * > mimic_joints_
 Joints that mimic other joints. More...
std::string name_
 Name of group. More...
const RobotModelparent_model_
 Owner model. More...
std::vector< std::string > subgroup_names_
 The set of labelled subgroups that are included in this group. More...
std::set< std::string > subgroup_names_set_
 The set of labelled subgroups that are included in this group. More...
std::set< std::string > updated_link_model_name_set_
 The list of downstream link names in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group) More...
std::vector< std::string > updated_link_model_name_vector_
 The list of downstream link names in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group) More...
std::set< const LinkModel * > updated_link_model_set_
 The list of downstream link models in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group) More...
std::vector< const LinkModel * > updated_link_model_vector_
 The list of downstream link models in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group) More...
std::set< std::string > updated_link_model_with_geometry_name_set_
 The list of downstream link names in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group) More...
std::vector< std::string > updated_link_model_with_geometry_name_vector_
 The list of downstream link names in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group) More...
std::set< const LinkModel * > updated_link_model_with_geometry_set_
 The list of downstream link models in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group) More...
std::vector< const LinkModel * > updated_link_model_with_geometry_vector_
 The list of downstream link models in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group) More...
unsigned int variable_count_
 The number of variables necessary to describe this group of joints. More...
std::vector< int > variable_index_list_
 The list of index values this group includes, with respect to a full robot state; this includes mimic joints. More...
std::vector< std::string > variable_names_
 The names of the DOF that make up this group (this is just a sequence of joint variable names; not necessarily joint names!) More...
std::set< std::string > variable_names_set_
 The names of the DOF that make up this group (this is just a sequence of joint variable names; not necessarily joint names!) More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 134 of file joint_model_group.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ KinematicsSolverMap

Map from group instances to allocator functions & bijections.

Definition at line 171 of file joint_model_group.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ JointModelGroup()

moveit::core::JointModelGroup::JointModelGroup ( const std::string &  name,
const srdf::Model::Group config,
const std::vector< const JointModel * > &  joint_vector,
const RobotModel parent_model 

Definition at line 167 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ ~JointModelGroup()

moveit::core::JointModelGroup::~JointModelGroup ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addDefaultState()

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::addDefaultState ( const std::string &  name,
const std::map< std::string, double > &  default_state 

Definition at line 506 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ attachEndEffector()

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::attachEndEffector ( const std::string &  eef_name)

Notify this group that there is an end-effector attached to it.

Definition at line 547 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ canSetStateFromIK()

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::canSetStateFromIK ( const std::string &  tip) const

Definition at line 683 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ computeIKIndexBijection()

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::computeIKIndexBijection ( const std::vector< std::string > &  ik_jnames,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  joint_bijection 
) const

Definition at line 627 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ distance()

double moveit::core::JointModelGroup::distance ( const double *  state1,
const double *  state2 
) const

Definition at line 477 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ enforcePositionBounds() [1/2]

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::enforcePositionBounds ( double *  state) const

Definition at line 451 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ enforcePositionBounds() [2/2]

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::enforcePositionBounds ( double *  state,
const JointBoundsVector active_joint_bounds 
) const

Definition at line 455 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getActiveJointModelNames()

const std::vector<std::string>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getActiveJointModelNames ( ) const

Get the names of the active joints in this group. These are the names of the joints returned by getJointModels().

Definition at line 229 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getActiveJointModels()

const std::vector<const JointModel*>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getActiveJointModels ( ) const

Get the active joints in this group (that have controllable DOF). This does not include mimic joints.

Definition at line 222 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getActiveJointModelsBounds()

const JointBoundsVector& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getActiveJointModelsBounds ( ) const

Get the bounds for all the active joints.

Definition at line 584 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getActiveVariableCount()

unsigned int moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getActiveVariableCount ( ) const

Get the number of variables that describe the active joints in this joint group. This excludes variables necessary for mimic joints.

Definition at line 482 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getAttachedEndEffectorNames()

const std::vector<std::string>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getAttachedEndEffectorNames ( ) const

Get the names of the end effectors attached to this group.

Definition at line 553 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getCommonRoot()

const JointModel* moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getCommonRoot ( ) const

Get the common root of all joint roots; not necessarily part of this group.

Definition at line 272 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getConfig()

const srdf::Model::Group& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getConfig ( ) const

get the SRDF configuration this group is based on

Definition at line 191 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getContinuousJointModels()

const std::vector<const JointModel*>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getContinuousJointModels ( ) const

Get the array of continuous joints used in this group (may include mimic joints).

Definition at line 247 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getDefaultIKTimeout()

double moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getDefaultIKTimeout ( ) const

Get the default IK timeout.

Definition at line 622 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getDefaultStateNames()

const std::vector<std::string>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getDefaultStateNames ( ) const

Get the names of the known default states (as specified in the SRDF)

Definition at line 360 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getEndEffectorName()

const std::string& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getEndEffectorName ( ) const

Return the name of the end effector, if this group is an end-effector.

Definition at line 529 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getEndEffectorParentGroup()

const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getEndEffectorParentGroup ( ) const

Get the name of the group this end-effector attaches to (first) and the name of the link in that group (second)

Definition at line 547 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getEndEffectorTips() [1/2]

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getEndEffectorTips ( std::vector< const LinkModel * > &  tips) const

Get the unique set of end effector tips included in a particular joint model group as defined by the SRDF end effector elements e.g. for a humanoid robot this would return 4 tips for the hands and feet.

tips- the output vector of link models of the tips
true on success

Definition at line 566 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getEndEffectorTips() [2/2]

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getEndEffectorTips ( std::vector< std::string > &  tips) const

Get the unique set of end effector tips included in a particular joint model group as defined by the SRDF end effector elements e.g. for a humanoid robot this would return 4 tips for the hands and feet.

tips- the output vector of link names of the tips
true on success

Definition at line 552 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getFixedJointModels()

const std::vector<const JointModel*>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getFixedJointModels ( ) const

Get the fixed joints that are part of this group.

Definition at line 235 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getGroupKinematics()

const std::pair<KinematicsSolver, KinematicsSolverMap>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getGroupKinematics ( ) const

Definition at line 589 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getJointModel()

const JointModel * moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getJointModel ( const std::string &  joint) const

Get a joint by its name. Throw an exception if the joint is not part of this group.

Definition at line 370 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getJointModelNames()

const std::vector<std::string>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getJointModelNames ( ) const

Get the names of the joints in this group. These are the names of the joints returned by getJointModels().

Definition at line 216 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getJointModels()

const std::vector<const JointModel*>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getJointModels ( ) const

Get all the joints in this group (including fixed and mimic joints).

Definition at line 209 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getJointRoots()

const std::vector<const JointModel*>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getJointRoots ( ) const

Unlike a complete kinematic model, a group may contain disconnected parts of the kinematic tree – a set of smaller trees. This function gives the roots of those smaller trees. Furthermore, it is ensured that the roots are on different branches in the kinematic tree. This means that in following any root in the given list, none of the other returned roots will be encountered.

Definition at line 266 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getKinematicsSolverJointBijection()

const std::vector<unsigned int>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getKinematicsSolverJointBijection ( ) const

Return the mapping between the order of the joints in this group and the order of the joints in the kinematics solver. An element bijection[i] at index i in this array, maps the variable at index bijection[i] in this group to the variable at index i in the kinematic solver.

Definition at line 634 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getLinkModel()

const LinkModel * moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getLinkModel ( const std::string &  link) const

Get a joint by its name. Throw an exception if the joint is not part of this group.

Definition at line 359 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getLinkModelNames()

const std::vector<std::string>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getLinkModelNames ( ) const

Get the names of the links that are part of this joint group.

Definition at line 284 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getLinkModelNamesWithCollisionGeometry()

const std::vector<std::string>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getLinkModelNamesWithCollisionGeometry ( ) const

Get the names of the links that are part of this joint group and also have geometry associated with them.

Definition at line 290 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getLinkModels()

const std::vector<const LinkModel*>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getLinkModels ( ) const

Get the links that are part of this joint group.

Definition at line 278 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getMaximumExtent() [1/2]

double moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getMaximumExtent ( ) const

Definition at line 464 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getMaximumExtent() [2/2]

double moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getMaximumExtent ( const JointBoundsVector active_joint_bounds) const

Definition at line 468 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getMimicJointModels()

const std::vector<const JointModel*>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getMimicJointModels ( ) const

Get the mimic joints that are part of this group.

Definition at line 241 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getName()

const std::string& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getName ( ) const

Get the name of the joint group.

Definition at line 185 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getOnlyOneEndEffectorTip()

const LinkModel * moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getOnlyOneEndEffectorTip ( ) const

Get one end effector tip, throwing an error if there ends up being more in the joint model group This is a useful helper function because most planning groups (almost all) only have one tip.

pointer to LinkModel, or NULL on failure

Definition at line 593 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getParentModel()

const RobotModel& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getParentModel ( ) const

Get the kinematic model this group is part of.

Definition at line 179 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getSolverInstance() [1/2]

const kinematics::KinematicsBasePtr& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getSolverInstance ( )

Definition at line 607 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getSolverInstance() [2/2]

const kinematics::KinematicsBaseConstPtr moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getSolverInstance ( ) const

Definition at line 602 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getSubgroupNames()

const std::vector<std::string>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getSubgroupNames ( ) const

Get the names of the groups that are subsets of this one (in terms of joints set)

Definition at line 491 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getSubgroups()

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getSubgroups ( std::vector< const JointModelGroup * > &  sub_groups) const

Get the groups that are subsets of this one (in terms of joints set)

Definition at line 342 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getUpdatedLinkModelNames()

const std::vector<std::string>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getUpdatedLinkModelNames ( ) const

Get the names of the links returned by getUpdatedLinkModels()

Definition at line 311 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getUpdatedLinkModels()

const std::vector<const LinkModel*>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getUpdatedLinkModels ( ) const

Get the names of the links that are to be updated when the state of this group changes. This includes links that are in the kinematic model but outside this group, if those links are descendants of joints in this group that have their values updated. The order is the correct order for updating the corresponding states.

Definition at line 299 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getUpdatedLinkModelsSet()

const std::set<const LinkModel*>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getUpdatedLinkModelsSet ( ) const

Return the same data as getUpdatedLinkModels() but as a set.

Definition at line 305 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometry()

const std::vector<const LinkModel*>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometry ( ) const

Get the names of the links that are to be updated when the state of this group changes. This includes links that are in the kinematic model but outside this group, if those links are descendants of joints in this group that have their values updated.

Definition at line 319 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometryNames()

const std::vector<std::string>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometryNames ( ) const

Get the names of the links returned by getUpdatedLinkModels()

Definition at line 331 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometryNamesSet()

const std::set<std::string>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometryNamesSet ( ) const

Get the names of the links returned by getUpdatedLinkModels()

Definition at line 337 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometrySet()

const std::set<const LinkModel*>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometrySet ( ) const

Return the same data as getUpdatedLinkModelsWithGeometry() but as a set.

Definition at line 325 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getVariableCount()

unsigned int moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableCount ( ) const

Get the number of variables that describe this joint group. This includes variables necessary for mimic joints, so will always be >= the number of items returned by getActiveVariableNames()

Definition at line 475 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getVariableDefaultPositions() [1/4]

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableDefaultPositions ( const std::string &  name,
std::map< std::string, double > &  values 
) const

Get the values that correspond to a named state as read from the URDF. Return false on failure.

Definition at line 512 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getVariableDefaultPositions() [2/4]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableDefaultPositions ( double *  values) const

Compute the default values for the joint group.

Definition at line 521 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getVariableDefaultPositions() [3/4]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableDefaultPositions ( std::map< std::string, double > &  values) const

Compute the default values for the joint group.

Definition at line 528 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getVariableDefaultPositions() [4/4]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableDefaultPositions ( std::vector< double > &  values) const

Compute the default values for the joint group.

Definition at line 374 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getVariableGroupIndex()

int moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableGroupIndex ( const std::string &  variable) const

Get the index of a variable within the group. Return -1 on error.

Definition at line 607 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getVariableIndexList()

const std::vector<int>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableIndexList ( ) const

Get the index locations in the complete robot state for all the variables in this group.

Definition at line 351 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getVariableNames()

const std::vector<std::string>& moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableNames ( ) const

Get the names of the variables that make up the joints included in this group. The number of returned elements is always equal to getVariableCount(). This includes mimic joints.

Definition at line 254 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getVariableRandomPositions() [1/3]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableRandomPositions ( random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator rng,
double *  values 
) const

Compute random values for the state of the joint group.

Definition at line 384 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getVariableRandomPositions() [2/3]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableRandomPositions ( random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator rng,
double *  values,
const JointBoundsVector active_joint_bounds 
) const

Definition at line 381 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getVariableRandomPositions() [3/3]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableRandomPositions ( random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator rng,
std::vector< double > &  values 
) const

Compute random values for the state of the joint group.

Definition at line 390 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy() [1/8]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy ( random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator rng,
double *  values,
const double *  seed,
const double  distance 
) const

Compute random values for the state of the joint group.

Definition at line 397 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy() [2/8]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy ( random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator rng,
double *  values,
const double *  seed,
const std::vector< double > &  distances 
) const

Compute random values for the state of the joint group.

Definition at line 420 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy() [3/8]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy ( random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator rng,
double *  values,
const JointBoundsVector active_joint_bounds,
const double *  seed,
const double  distance 
) const

Compute random values for the state of the joint group.

Definition at line 392 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy() [4/8]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy ( random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator rng,
double *  values,
const JointBoundsVector active_joint_bounds,
const double *  seed,
const std::map< JointModel::JointType, double > &  distance_map 
) const

Compute random values for the state of the joint group.

Definition at line 405 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy() [5/8]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy ( random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator rng,
double *  values,
const JointBoundsVector active_joint_bounds,
const double *  seed,
const std::vector< double > &  distances 
) const

Compute random values for the state of the joint group.

Definition at line 427 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy() [6/8]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy ( random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator rng,
std::vector< double > &  values,
const std::vector< double > &  seed,
const std::map< JointModel::JointType, double > &  distance_map 
) const

Compute random values for the state of the joint group.

Definition at line 411 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy() [7/8]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy ( random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator rng,
std::vector< double > &  values,
const std::vector< double > &  seed,
const std::vector< double > &  distances 
) const

Compute random values for the state of the joint group.

Definition at line 426 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy() [8/8]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy ( random_numbers::RandomNumberGenerator rng,
std::vector< double > &  values,
const std::vector< double > &  seed,
double  distance 
) const

Compute random values for the state of the joint group.

Definition at line 403 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ hasJointModel()

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::hasJointModel ( const std::string &  joint) const

Check if a joint is part of this group.

Definition at line 349 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ hasLinkModel()

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::hasLinkModel ( const std::string &  link) const

Check if a link is part of this group.

Definition at line 354 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ interpolate()

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::interpolate ( const double *  from,
const double *  to,
double  t,
double *  state 
) const

Definition at line 487 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ isChain()

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::isChain ( ) const

Check if this group is a linear chain.

Definition at line 506 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ isContiguousWithinState()

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::isContiguousWithinState ( ) const

Definition at line 523 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ isEndEffector()

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::isEndEffector ( ) const

Check if this group was designated as an end-effector in the SRDF.

Definition at line 518 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ isLinkUpdated()

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::isLinkUpdated ( const std::string &  name) const

True if this name is in the set of links that are to be updated when the state of this group changes. This includes links that are in the kinematic model but outside this group, if those links are descendants of joints in this group that have their values updated.

Definition at line 345 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ isSingleDOFJoints()

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::isSingleDOFJoints ( ) const

Return true if the group consists only of joints that are single DOF.

Definition at line 512 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ isSubgroup()

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::isSubgroup ( const std::string &  group) const

Check if the joints of group group are a subset of the joints in this group.

Definition at line 500 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ isValidVelocityMove() [1/2]

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::isValidVelocityMove ( const double *  from_joint_pose,
const double *  to_joint_pose,
std::size_t  array_size,
double  dt 
) const

Check that the time to move between two waypoints is sufficient given velocity limits.

Definition at line 801 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ isValidVelocityMove() [2/2]

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::isValidVelocityMove ( const std::vector< double > &  from_joint_pose,
const std::vector< double > &  to_joint_pose,
double  dt 
) const

Check that the time to move between two waypoints is sufficient given velocity limits.

Definition at line 788 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ printGroupInfo()

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::printGroupInfo ( std::ostream &  out = std::cout) const

Print information about the constructed model.

Definition at line 730 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ satisfiesPositionBounds() [1/2]

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::satisfiesPositionBounds ( const double *  state,
const JointBoundsVector active_joint_bounds,
double  margin = 0.0 
) const

Definition at line 444 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ satisfiesPositionBounds() [2/2]

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::satisfiesPositionBounds ( const double *  state,
double  margin = 0.0 
) const

Definition at line 457 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ setDefaultIKTimeout()

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::setDefaultIKTimeout ( double  ik_timeout)

Set the default IK timeout.

Definition at line 618 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ setEndEffectorName()

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::setEndEffectorName ( const std::string &  name)

Set the name of the end-effector, and remember this group is indeed an end-effector.

Definition at line 536 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ setEndEffectorParent()

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::setEndEffectorParent ( const std::string &  group,
const std::string &  link 

If this group is an end-effector, specify the parent group (e.g., the arm holding the eef) and the link the end effector connects to.

Definition at line 541 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ setRedundantJoints()

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::setRedundantJoints ( const std::vector< std::string > &  joints)

Definition at line 614 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ setSolverAllocators() [1/2]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::setSolverAllocators ( const SolverAllocatorFn solver,
const SolverAllocatorMapFn solver_map = SolverAllocatorMapFn() 

Definition at line 594 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ setSolverAllocators() [2/2]

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::setSolverAllocators ( const std::pair< SolverAllocatorFn, SolverAllocatorMapFn > &  solvers)

Definition at line 652 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ setSubgroupNames()

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::setSubgroupNames ( const std::vector< std::string > &  subgroups)

Set the names of the subgroups for this group.

Definition at line 334 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

◆ updateMimicJoints()

void moveit::core::JointModelGroup::updateMimicJoints ( double *  values) const

Update the variable values for the state of a group with respect to the mimic joints. This only updates mimic joints that have the parent in this group. If there is a joint mimicking one that is outside the group, there are no values to be read (values is only the group state)

Definition at line 499 of file joint_model_group.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ active_joint_model_name_vector_

std::vector<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::active_joint_model_name_vector_

Names of active joints in the order they appear in the group state.

Definition at line 675 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ active_joint_model_start_index_

std::vector<int> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::active_joint_model_start_index_

For each active joint model in this group, hold the index at which the corresponding joint state starts in the group state.

Definition at line 717 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ active_joint_model_vector_

std::vector<const JointModel*> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::active_joint_model_vector_

Active joint instances in the order they appear in the group state.

Definition at line 672 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ active_joint_models_bounds_

JointBoundsVector moveit::core::JointModelGroup::active_joint_models_bounds_

The bounds for all the active joint models.

Definition at line 709 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ active_variable_count_

unsigned int moveit::core::JointModelGroup::active_variable_count_

The number of variables necessary to describe the active joints in this group of joints.

Definition at line 771 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ attached_end_effector_names_

std::vector<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::attached_end_effector_names_

If an end-effector is attached to this group, the name of that end-effector is stored in this variable.

Definition at line 784 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ common_root_

const JointModel* moveit::core::JointModelGroup::common_root_

The joint that is a common root for all joints in this group (not necessarily part of this group)

Definition at line 701 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ config_

srdf::Model::Group moveit::core::JointModelGroup::config_

Definition at line 813 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ continuous_joint_model_vector_

std::vector<const JointModel*> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::continuous_joint_model_vector_

The set of continuous joints this group contains.

Definition at line 684 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ default_states_

std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, double> > moveit::core::JointModelGroup::default_states_

The set of default states specified for this group in the SRDF.

Definition at line 816 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ default_states_names_

std::vector<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::default_states_names_

The names of the default states specified for this group in the SRDF.

Definition at line 819 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ end_effector_name_

std::string moveit::core::JointModelGroup::end_effector_name_

The name of the end effector, if this group is an end-effector.

Definition at line 792 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ end_effector_parent_

std::pair<std::string, std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::end_effector_parent_

First: name of the group that is parent to this end-effector group; Second: the link this in the parent group that this group attaches to.

Definition at line 789 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ fixed_joints_

std::vector<const JointModel*> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::fixed_joints_

The joints that have no DOF (fixed)

Definition at line 678 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ group_kinematics_

std::pair<KinematicsSolver, KinematicsSolverMap> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::group_kinematics_

Definition at line 811 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ group_mimic_update_

std::vector<GroupMimicUpdate> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::group_mimic_update_

Definition at line 809 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ is_chain_

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::is_chain_

Definition at line 794 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ is_contiguous_index_list_

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::is_contiguous_index_list_

True if the state of this group is contiguous within the full robot state; this also means that the index values in variable_index_list_ are consecutive integers.

Definition at line 775 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ is_single_dof_

bool moveit::core::JointModelGroup::is_single_dof_

Definition at line 796 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ joint_model_map_

JointModelMapConst moveit::core::JointModelGroup::joint_model_map_

A map from joint names to their instances. This includes all joints in the group.

Definition at line 695 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ joint_model_name_vector_

std::vector<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::joint_model_name_vector_

Names of joints in the order they appear in the group state.

Definition at line 669 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ joint_model_vector_

std::vector<const JointModel*> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::joint_model_vector_

Joint instances in the order they appear in the group state.

Definition at line 666 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ joint_roots_

std::vector<const JointModel*> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::joint_roots_

The list of active joint models that are roots in this group.

Definition at line 698 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ joint_variables_index_map_

VariableIndexMap moveit::core::JointModelGroup::joint_variables_index_map_

The group includes all the joint variables that make up the joints the group consists of. This map gives the position in the state vector of the group for each of these variables. Additionaly, it includes the names of the joints and the index for the first variable of that joint.

Definition at line 706 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ link_model_map_

LinkModelMapConst moveit::core::JointModelGroup::link_model_map_

A map from link names to their instances.

Definition at line 725 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ link_model_name_vector_

std::vector<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::link_model_name_vector_

The names of the links in this group.

Definition at line 728 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ link_model_vector_

std::vector<const LinkModel*> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::link_model_vector_

The links that are on the direct lineage between joints and joint_roots_, as well as the children of the joint leafs. May not be in any particular order.

Definition at line 722 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ link_model_with_geometry_name_vector_

std::vector<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::link_model_with_geometry_name_vector_

The names of the links in this group that also have geometry.

Definition at line 733 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ link_model_with_geometry_vector_

std::vector<const LinkModel*> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::link_model_with_geometry_vector_

Definition at line 730 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ mimic_joints_

std::vector<const JointModel*> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::mimic_joints_

Joints that mimic other joints.

Definition at line 681 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ name_

std::string moveit::core::JointModelGroup::name_

Name of group.

Definition at line 663 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ parent_model_

const RobotModel* moveit::core::JointModelGroup::parent_model_

Owner model.

Definition at line 660 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ subgroup_names_

std::vector<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::subgroup_names_

The set of labelled subgroups that are included in this group.

Definition at line 778 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ subgroup_names_set_

std::set<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::subgroup_names_set_

The set of labelled subgroups that are included in this group.

Definition at line 781 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ updated_link_model_name_set_

std::set<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::updated_link_model_name_set_

The list of downstream link names in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group)

Definition at line 749 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ updated_link_model_name_vector_

std::vector<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::updated_link_model_name_vector_

The list of downstream link names in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group)

Definition at line 745 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ updated_link_model_set_

std::set<const LinkModel*> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::updated_link_model_set_

The list of downstream link models in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group)

Definition at line 741 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ updated_link_model_vector_

std::vector<const LinkModel*> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::updated_link_model_vector_

The list of downstream link models in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group)

Definition at line 737 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ updated_link_model_with_geometry_name_set_

std::set<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::updated_link_model_with_geometry_name_set_

The list of downstream link names in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group)

Definition at line 765 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ updated_link_model_with_geometry_name_vector_

std::vector<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::updated_link_model_with_geometry_name_vector_

The list of downstream link names in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group)

Definition at line 761 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ updated_link_model_with_geometry_set_

std::set<const LinkModel*> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::updated_link_model_with_geometry_set_

The list of downstream link models in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group)

Definition at line 757 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ updated_link_model_with_geometry_vector_

std::vector<const LinkModel*> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::updated_link_model_with_geometry_vector_

The list of downstream link models in the order they should be updated (may include links that are not in this group)

Definition at line 753 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ variable_count_

unsigned int moveit::core::JointModelGroup::variable_count_

The number of variables necessary to describe this group of joints.

Definition at line 768 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ variable_index_list_

std::vector<int> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::variable_index_list_

The list of index values this group includes, with respect to a full robot state; this includes mimic joints.

Definition at line 713 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ variable_names_

std::vector<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::variable_names_

The names of the DOF that make up this group (this is just a sequence of joint variable names; not necessarily joint names!)

Definition at line 688 of file joint_model_group.h.

◆ variable_names_set_

std::set<std::string> moveit::core::JointModelGroup::variable_names_set_

The names of the DOF that make up this group (this is just a sequence of joint variable names; not necessarily joint names!)

Definition at line 692 of file joint_model_group.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Ioan Sucan , Sachin Chitta , Acorn Pooley
autogenerated on Fri Oct 18 2024 02:25:15