rosidl_cli.command.generate.extensions module

class rosidl_cli.command.generate.extensions.GenerateCommandExtension(name: str)

Bases: Extension

The extension point for source code generation.

The following methods must be defined: * generate

generate(package_name: str, interface_files: List[str], include_paths: List[str], output_path: Path) List[str]

Generate source code.

Paths to interface definition files are relative paths optionally prefixed by an absolute path followed by a colon ‘:’, in which case path resolution is to be performed against that absolute path.

  • package_name – name of the package to generate source code for

  • interface_files – list of paths to interface definition files

  • include_paths – list of paths to include dependency interface definition files from.

  • output_path – path to directory to hold generated source code files


list of paths to generated source files

rosidl_cli.command.generate.extensions.load_type_extensions(*, specs: List[str] | None, strict: bool) List[GenerateCommandExtension]

Load extensions for type representation source code generation.

rosidl_cli.command.generate.extensions.load_typesupport_extensions(*, specs: List[str] | None, strict: bool) List[GenerateCommandExtension]

Load extensions for type support source code generation.