Class KinematicOptionsMap
Defined in File kinematic_options_map.hpp
Class Documentation
class KinematicOptionsMap
Public Functions
Constructor - set all options to reasonable default values.
bool setStateFromIK(moveit::core::RobotState &state, const std::string &key, const std::string &group, const std::string &tip, const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &pose) const
Set state using inverse kinematics.
- Parameters:
state – the state to set
key – used to lookup the options to use
group – name of group whose joints can move
tip – link that will be posed
pose – desired pose of tip link
result – true if IK succeeded.
KinematicOptions getOptions(const std::string &key) const
Get the options to use for a particular key. To get the default values pass key = KinematicOptionsMap::DEFAULT
void setOptions(const std::string &key, const KinematicOptions &options, KinematicOptions::OptionBitmask fields = KinematicOptions::ALL)
Set some of the options to be used for a particular key.
@fields which options to set for the key.
- Parameters:
key – set the options for this key. To set the default options use key = KinematicOptionsMap::DEFAULT To set ALL options use key = KinematicOptionsMap::ALL
options – the new value for the options.
void merge(const KinematicOptionsMap &other)
Merge all options from other into this. Values in other (including defaults_) take precedence over values in this.