Class FixedLagSmoother

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Base Type

Class Documentation

class FixedLagSmoother : public fuse_optimizers::Optimizer

A fixed-lag smoother implementation that marginalizes out variables that are older than a defined lag time.

This implementation assumes that all added variable types are either derived from the fuse_variables::Stamped class, or are directly connected to at least one fuse_variables::Stamped variable via a constraint. The current time of the fixed-lag smoother is determined by the newest stamp of all added fuse_variables::Stamped variables.

During optimization: (1) new variables and constraints are added to the graph (2) the augmented graph is optimized and the variable values are updated (3) all motion models, sensors, and publishers are notified of the updated graph (4) all variables older than “current time - lag duration” are marginalized out.

Optimization is performed at a fixed frequency, controlled by the optimization_frequency parameter. Received sensor transactions are queued while the optimization is processing, then applied to the graph at the start of the next optimization cycle. If the previous optimization is not yet complete when the optimization period elapses, then a warning will be logged but a new optimization will not be started. The previous optimization will run to completion, and the next optimization will not begin until the next scheduled optimization period.


  • lag_duration (float, default: 5.0) The duration of the smoothing window in seconds

  • motion_models (struct array) The set of motion model plugins to load

    - name: string  (A unique name for this motion model)
      type: string  (The plugin loader class string for the desired motion model type)
    - ...

  • optimization_frequency (float, default: 10.0) The target frequency for optimization cycles. If an optimization takes longer than expected, an optimization cycle may be skipped.

  • publishers (struct array) The set of publisher plugins to load

    - name: string  (A unique name for this publisher)
      type: string  (The plugin loader class string for the desired publisher type)
    - ...

  • sensor_models (struct array) The set of sensor model plugins to load

    - name: string  (A unique name for this sensor model)
      type: string  (The plugin loader class string for the desired sensor model type)
      motion_models: [name1, name2, ...]  (An optional list of motion model names that should be applied)
    - ...

  • transaction_timeout (float, default: 0.10) The maximum time to wait for motion models to be generated for a received transactions. Transactions are processes sequentially, so no new transactions will be added to the graph while waiting for motion models to be generated. Once the timeout expires, that transaction will be deleted from the queue.

Public Types

using ParameterType = FixedLagSmootherParams

Public Functions

FixedLagSmoother(fuse_core::node_interfaces::NodeInterfaces<ALL_FUSE_CORE_NODE_INTERFACES> interfaces, fuse_core::Graph::UniquePtr graph = nullptr)


  • interfaces[in] The node interfaces for the node driving the optimizer

  • graph[in] The graph used with the optimizer

virtual ~FixedLagSmoother()


Protected Types

using TransactionQueue = std::vector<TransactionQueueElement>

Queue of Transaction objects, sorted by timestamp.

Note: Because the queue size of the fixed-lag smoother is expected to be small, the sorted queue is implemented using a std::vector. The queue size must exceed several hundred entries before a std::set will outperform a sorted vector.

Also, we sort the queue with the smallest stamp last. This allows us to clear the queue using the more efficient pop_back() operation.

Protected Functions

void autostart()

Automatically start the smoother if no ignition sensors are specified.

void preprocessMarginalization(const fuse_core::Transaction &new_transaction)

Perform any required preprocessing steps before computeVariablesToMarginalize() is called.

All new transactions that will be applied to the graph are provided. This does not include the marginal transaction that is computed later.

This method will be called before the graph has been updated.


new_transaction[in] All new, non-marginal-related transactions that will be applied to the graph

rclcpp::Time computeLagExpirationTime() const

Compute the oldest timestamp that is part of the configured lag window.

std::vector<fuse_core::UUID> computeVariablesToMarginalize(const rclcpp::Time &lag_expiration)

Compute the set of variables that should be marginalized from the graph.

This will be called after preprocessMarginalization() and after the graph has been updated with the any previous marginal transactions and new transactions.


lag_expiration[in] The oldest timestamp that should remain in the graph


A container with the set of variables to marginalize out. Order of the variables is not specified.

void postprocessMarginalization(const fuse_core::Transaction &marginal_transaction)

Perform any required post-marginalization bookkeeping.

The transaction containing the actual changed to the graph is supplied. This will be called before the transaction is actually applied to the graph.


marginal_transaction[in] The actual changes to the graph caused my marginalizing out the requested variables.

void optimizationLoop()

Function that optimizes all constraints, designed to be run in a separate thread.

This function waits for an optimization or shutdown signal, then either calls optimize() or exits appropriately.

void optimizerTimerCallback()

Callback fired at a fixed frequency to trigger a new optimization cycle.

This callback checks if a current optimization cycle is still running. If not, a new optimization cycle is started. If so, we simply wait for the next timer event to start another optimization cycle.

void processQueue(fuse_core::Transaction &transaction, const rclcpp::Time &lag_expiration)

Generate motion model constraints for pending transactions and combine them into a single transaction.

Transactions are processed sequentially based on timestamp. If motion models are successfully generated for a pending transactions, that transaction is merged into the combined transaction and removed from the pending queue. If motion models fail to generate after the configured transaction_timeout_, the transaction will be deleted from the pending queue and a warning will be displayed.

  • transaction[out] The transaction object to be augmented with pending motion model and sensor transactions

  • lag_expiration[in] The oldest timestamp that should remain in the graph

bool resetServiceCallback(const std::shared_ptr<std_srvs::srv::Empty::Request>, std::shared_ptr<std_srvs::srv::Empty::Response>)

Service callback that resets the optimizer to its original state.

inline rclcpp::Time getStartTime() const

Thread-safe read-only access to the timestamp of the first transaction.

inline void setStartTime(const rclcpp::Time &start_time)

Thread-safe write access to the optimizer start time.

virtual void transactionCallback(const std::string &sensor_name, fuse_core::Transaction::SharedPtr transaction) override

Callback fired every time the SensorModel plugin creates a new transaction.

This callback is responsible for ensuring all associated motion models are applied before any other processing takes place. See Optimizer::applyMotionModels() for a helper function that does just that.

This implementation shares ownership of the transaction object.

  • name[in] The name of the sensor that produced the Transaction

  • transaction[in] The populated Transaction object created by the loaded SensorModel plugin

virtual void setDiagnostics(diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper &status) override

Update and publish diagnotics.


status[in] The diagnostic status

Protected Attributes

std::thread optimization_thread_

Thread used to run the optimizer as a background process.

ParameterType params_

Configuration settings for this fixed-lag smoother.

std::atomic<bool> ignited_

Flag indicating the optimizer has received a transaction from an ignition sensor and it is queued but not processed yet

std::atomic<bool> optimization_running_

Flag indicating the optimization thread should be running

std::atomic<bool> started_

Flag indicating the optimizer has received a transaction from an ignition sensor

std::mutex pending_transactions_mutex_

Synchronize modification of the pending_transactions_ container

TransactionQueue pending_transactions_

The set of received transactions that have not been added to the optimizer yet. Transactions are added by the main thread, and removed and processed by the optimization thread.

std::mutex optimization_mutex_

Mutex held while the graph is begin optimized.

rclcpp::Time lag_expiration_

The oldest stamp that is inside the fixed-lag smoother window.

fuse_core::Transaction marginal_transaction_

The marginals to add during the next optimization cycle

VariableStampIndex timestamp_tracking_

Object that tracks the timestamp associated with each variable

ceres::Solver::Summary summary_

Optimization summary, written by optimizationLoop and read by setDiagnostics

std::mutex optimization_requested_mutex_

Required condition variable mutex.

rclcpp::Time optimization_deadline_

The deadline for the optimization to complete. Triggers a warning if exceeded.

bool optimization_request_

Flag to trigger a new optimization.

std::condition_variable optimization_requested_

Condition variable used by the optimization thread to wait until a new optimization is requested by the main thread

mutable std::mutex start_time_mutex_

Synchronize modification to the start_time_ variable.

rclcpp::Time start_time_ = {0, 0, RCL_ROS_TIME}

The timestamp of the first ignition sensor transaction

rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr optimize_timer_

Service that resets the optimizer to its initial state.

Trigger an optimization operation at a fixed frequency

rclcpp::Service<std_srvs::srv::Empty>::SharedPtr reset_service_server_
struct TransactionQueueElement

Structure containing the information required to process a transaction after it was received.

Public Functions

inline const rclcpp::Time &stamp() const
inline const rclcpp::Time &minStamp() const
inline const rclcpp::Time &maxStamp() const

Public Members

std::string sensor_name
fuse_core::Transaction::SharedPtr transaction