Class OcTree

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class OcTree : public hpp::fcl::CollisionGeometry

Octree is one type of collision geometry which can encode uncertainty information in the sensor data.

Public Types

typedef octomap::OcTreeNode OcTreeNode

Public Functions

inline explicit OcTree(FCL_REAL resolution)

construct octree with a given resolution

inline explicit OcTree(const shared_ptr<const octomap::OcTree> &tree_)

construct octree from octomap

inline OcTree(const OcTree &other)
inline virtual OcTree *clone() const

Clone *this into a new CollisionGeometry.

void exportAsObjFile(const std::string &filename) const
inline virtual void computeLocalAABB()

compute the AABB for the octree in its local coordinate system

inline AABB getRootBV() const

get the bounding volume for the root

inline unsigned int getTreeDepth() const

Returns the depth of octree.

inline OcTreeNode *getRoot() const

get the root node of the octree

inline bool isNodeOccupied(const OcTreeNode *node) const

whether one node is completely occupied

inline bool isNodeFree(const OcTreeNode *node) const

whether one node is completely free

inline bool isNodeUncertain(const OcTreeNode *node) const

whether one node is uncertain

inline std::vector<boost::array<FCL_REAL, 6>> toBoxes() const

transform the octree into a bunch of boxes; uncertainty information is kept in the boxes. However, we only keep the occupied boxes (i.e., the boxes whose occupied probability is higher enough).

inline FCL_REAL getOccupancyThres() const

the threshold used to decide whether one node is occupied, this is NOT the octree occupied_thresold

inline FCL_REAL getFreeThres() const

the threshold used to decide whether one node is free, this is NOT the octree free_threshold

inline FCL_REAL getDefaultOccupancy() const
inline void setCellDefaultOccupancy(FCL_REAL d)
inline void setOccupancyThres(FCL_REAL d)
inline void setFreeThres(FCL_REAL d)
inline OcTreeNode *getNodeChild(OcTreeNode *node, unsigned int childIdx)

ptr to child number childIdx of node

inline const OcTreeNode *getNodeChild(const OcTreeNode *node, unsigned int childIdx) const

const ptr to child number childIdx of node

inline bool nodeChildExists(const OcTreeNode *node, unsigned int childIdx) const

return true if the child at childIdx exists

inline bool nodeHasChildren(const OcTreeNode *node) const

return true if node has at least one child

inline virtual OBJECT_TYPE getObjectType() const

return object type, it is an octree

inline virtual NODE_TYPE getNodeType() const

return node type, it is an octree