Template Function c4::dump(DumperFn&&, substr, const char(&))

Function Documentation


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “c4::dump” with arguments (DumperFn&&, substr, const char (&)) in doxygen xml output for project “hebi_cpp_api Doxygen Project” from directory: /tmp/ws/docs_build/hebi_cpp_api/output_staging/generated/doxygen/xml. Potential matches:

- template<DumperPfn dumpfn, class Arg> size_t dump(substr buf, Arg const &a)
- template<DumperPfn dumpfn, size_t N> size_t dump(substr buf, const char (&a)[N])
- template<DumperPfn dumpfn> size_t dump(substr buf, csubstr a)
- template<class DumperFn, class Arg> size_t dump(DumperFn &&dumpfn, substr buf, Arg const &a)
- template<class DumperFn, size_t N> size_t dump(DumperFn &&dumpfn, substr buf, const char (&a)[N])
- template<class DumperFn> size_t dump(DumperFn &&dumpfn, substr buf, csubstr a)