This is a ROS message definition.
# NAV-TIMEGPS (0x01 0x20)
# GPS Time Solution
uint8 CLASS_ID = 1
uint8 MESSAGE_ID = 32
uint32 i_tow # GPS Millisecond time of week [ms]
int32 f_tow # Fractional Nanoseconds remainder of rounded
# ms above, range -500000 .. 500000 [ns]
int16 week # GPS week (GPS time)
int8 leap_s # Leap Seconds (GPS-UTC) [s]
uint8 valid # Validity Flags
uint8 VALID_TOW = 1 # Valid Time of Week
uint8 VALID_WEEK = 2 # Valid Week Number
uint8 VALID_LEAP_S = 4 # Valid Leap Seconds
uint32 t_acc # Time Accuracy Estimate [ns]