This is a ROS message definition.
# see NAV-SAT message
uint8 gnss_id # GNSS identifier
uint8 sv_id # Satellite identifier
uint8 cno # Carrier to noise ratio (signal strength) ]dBHz
int8 elev # Elevation (range: +/-90), unknown if out of range [deg]
int16 azim # Azimuth (range 0-360), unknown if elevation is out of range
# [deg]
int16 pr_res # Pseudo range residual [0.1 m]
uint32 flags # Bitmask
uint32 FLAGS_QUALITY_IND_MASK = 7 # Signal quality indicator:
uint8 QUALITY_IND_NO_SIGNAL = 0 # no signal
uint8 QUALITY_IND_SEARCHING_SIGNAL = 1 # searching signal
uint8 QUALITY_IND_SIGNAL_ACQUIRED = 2 # signal acquired
uint8 QUALITY_IND_SIGNAL_DETECTED_BUT_UNUSABLE = 3 # signal detected but
# unusable
uint8 QUALITY_IND_CODE_LOCKED_AND_TIME_SYNC = 4 # code locked and time
# synchronized
uint8 QUALITY_IND_CODE_AND_CARR_LOCK_AND_TIME_SYNC1 = 5 # code and carrier
# locked and time
# synchronized,
# quality = 1
uint8 QUALITY_IND_CODE_AND_CARR_LOCK_AND_TIME_SYNC2 = 6 # code and carrier
# locked and time
# synchronized,
# quality = 2
uint8 QUALITY_IND_CODE_AND_CARR_LOCK_AND_TIME_SYNC3 = 7 # code and carrier
# locked and time
# synchronized,
# quality = 3
# Note: Since IMES signals are not time synchronized, a channel tracking an IMES
# signal can never reach a quality indicator value of higher than 3.
uint32 FLAGS_SV_USED = 8 # whether SV is currently being
# used for navigation
uint32 FLAGS_HEALTH_MASK = 48 # SV health flag:
uint32 HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0 # unknown
uint32 HEALTH_HEALTHY = 1 # healthy
uint32 HEALTH_UNHEALTHY = 2 # unhealthy
uint32 FLAGS_DIFF_CORR = 64 # whether differential correction
# data is available for this SV
uint32 FLAGS_SMOOTHED = 128 # whether carrier smoothed
# pseudorange used
uint32 FLAGS_ORBIT_SOURCE_MASK = 1792 # Orbit source:
uint32 ORBIT_SOURCE_UNAVAILABLE = 0 # no orbit information is
# available for this SV
uint32 ORBIT_SOURCE_EPH = 256 # ephemeris is used
uint32 ORBIT_SOURCE_ALM = 512 # almanac is used
uint32 ORBIT_SOURCE_ASSIST_OFFLINE = 768 # AssistNow Offline orbit is
# used
uint32 ORBIT_SOURCE_ASSIST_AUTONOMOUS = 1024 # AssistNow Autonomous orbit is
# used
uint32 ORBIT_SOURCE_OTHER1 = 1280 # other orbit information is
# used
uint32 ORBIT_SOURCE_OTHER2 = 1536 # other orbit information is
# used
uint32 ORBIT_SOURCE_OTHER3 = 1792 # other orbit information is
# used
uint32 FLAGS_EPH_AVAIL = 2048 # whether ephemeris is available
# for this SV
uint32 FLAGS_ALM_AVAIL = 4096 # whether almanac is available for
# this SV
uint32 FLAGS_ANO_AVAIL = 8192 # whether AssistNow Offline data
# is available for this SV
uint32 FLAGS_AOP_AVAIL = 16384 # whether AssistNow Autonomous
# data is available for this SV
uint32 FLAGS_SBAS_CORR_USED = 65536 # whether SBAS corrections have
# been used for this SV
uint32 FLAGS_RTCM_CORR_USED = 131072 # whether RTCM corrections have
# been used for this SV
uint32 FLAGS_PR_CORR_USED = 1048576 # whether Pseudorange corrections
# have been used for this SV
uint32 FLAGS_CR_CORR_USED = 2097152 # whether Carrier range
# corrections have been used for
# this SV
uint32 FLAGS_DO_CORR_USED = 4194304 # whether Range rate (Doppler)
# corrections have been used for
# this SV