This is a ROS message definition.


# CFG-NAVX5 (0x06 0x23)
# Navigation Engine Expert Settings
# Warning: Refer to u-blox protocol spec before changing these settings.

uint8 CLASS_ID = 6
uint8 MESSAGE_ID = 35

uint16 version                         # Message version (set to 0)

uint16 mask1                           # First parameters bitmask (possible values below)
uint16 MASK1_MIN_MAX        = 4        # apply min/max SVs settings
uint16 MASK1_MIN_CNO        = 8        # apply minimum C/N0 setting
uint16 MASK1_INITIAL_FIX_3D = 64       # apply initial 3D fix settings
uint16 MASK1_WKN_ROLL       = 512      # apply GPS week number rollover settings
uint16 MASK1_ACK_AID        = 1024     # apply assistance acknowledgment
                                       # settings
uint16 MASK1_PPP            = 8192     # apply usePPP flag
uint16 MASK1_AOP            = 16384    # apply aopCfg (useAOP flag) and
                                       # aopOrbMaxErr settings
                                       # (AssistNow Autonomous)

uint32 mask2                           # Second parameters bitmask (possible values below)
                                       # Firmware >=8 only
uint32 MASK2_ADR = 64                  # Apply ADR sensor fusion on/off
                                       # setting
uint32 MASK2_SIG_ATTEN_COMP_MODE = 128 # Apply signal attenuation
                                       # compensation feature settings

uint8[2] reserved1                     # Always set to zero

uint8 min_svs                          # Minimum number of satellites for navigation
uint8 max_svs                          # Maximum number of satellites for navigation
uint8 min_cno                          # Minimum satellite signal level for navigation [dBHz]

uint8 reserved2                        # Always set to zero

uint8 ini_fix3d                        # If set to 1, initial fix must be 3D

uint8[2] reserved3                     # Always set to zero

uint8 ack_aiding                       # If set to 1, issue acknowledgments for assistance
uint16 wkn_rollover                    # GPS week rollover number, GPS week numbers will be set
                                       # correctly from this week up to 1024 weeks after this
                                       # week
uint8 sig_atten_comp_mode              # Permanently attenuated signal compensation [dBHz]
                                       # 0 = disabled, 255 = automatic
                                       # 1..63 = maximum expected C/N0 value
                                       # Firmware 8 only

uint8[5] reserved4                     # Always set to zero

uint8 use_ppp                          # Enable/disable PPP (on supported units)
uint8 aop_cfg                          # AssistNow Autonomous configuration, 1: enabled

uint8[2] reserved5                     # Always set to zero

uint16 aop_orb_max_err                 # Maximum acceptable (modeled) autonomous orbit
                                       # error [m]
                                       # valid range = 5..1000
                                       # 0 = reset to firmware default

uint8[7] reserved6                     # Always set to zero

uint8 use_adr                          # Enable/disable ADR sensor fusion
                                       # 1: enabled, 0: disabled
                                       # Only supported on certain products