Template Struct ConstraintUnaryVisitorBase

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Struct Documentation

template<typename ConstraintModelVisitorDerived, typename ReturnType = void>
struct ConstraintUnaryVisitorBase

Base structure for Unary visitation of a ConstraintModel. This structure provides runners to call the right visitor according to the number of arguments.

Public Static Functions

template<typename Scalar, int Options, template<typename, int> class ConstraintCollectionTpl, typename ArgsTmp>
static inline ReturnType run(const ConstraintModelTpl<Scalar, Options, ConstraintCollectionTpl> &cmodel, ConstraintDataTpl<Scalar, Options, ConstraintCollectionTpl> &cdata, ArgsTmp args)
template<typename Scalar, int Options, template<typename, int> class ConstraintCollectionTpl, typename ArgsTmp>
static inline ReturnType run(const ConstraintDataTpl<Scalar, Options, ConstraintCollectionTpl> &cdata, ArgsTmp args)