Template Function pinocchio::computeCollisions(BroadPhaseManagerBase<BroadPhaseManagerDerived>&, const bool)

Function Documentation

template<typename BroadPhaseManagerDerived>
bool pinocchio::computeCollisions(BroadPhaseManagerBase<BroadPhaseManagerDerived> &broadphase_manager, const bool stopAtFirstCollision = false)

Calls computeCollision for every active pairs of GeometryData. This function assumes that updateGeometryPlacements and broadphase_manager.update() have been called first.


if stopAtFirstcollision = true, then the collisions vector will not be entirely fulfilled (of course).

  • broadphase_manager[in] broadphase instance for collision detection.

  • stopAtFirstCollision[in] if true, stop the loop over the collision pairs when the first collision is detected.