Template Class ForceDense
Defined in File force-dense.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public pinocchio::ForceBase< Derived >
(Template Class ForceBase)
Derived Type
public pinocchio::ForceTpl< Scalar, Options >
(Template Class ForceTpl)
Class Documentation
template<typename Derived>
class ForceDense : public pinocchio::ForceBase<Derived> Subclassed by pinocchio::ForceTpl< Scalar, Options >
Public Functions
template<typename D2>
inline bool isEqual_impl(const ForceDense<D2> &other) const
template<typename D2>
inline Derived &operator=(const ForceDense<D2> &other)
inline Derived &operator=(const ForceDense &other)
template<typename D2>
inline Derived &set(const ForceDense<D2> &other)
inline ForcePlain operator-() const
template<typename F1>
inline ForcePlain operator+(const ForceDense<F1> &f) const
template<typename F1>
inline ForcePlain operator-(const ForceDense<F1> &f) const
template<typename F1>
inline Derived &operator+=(const ForceDense<F1> &f)
template<typename M1>
inline Derived &operator-=(const ForceDense<M1> &v)
inline ForcePlain __opposite__() const
template<typename M1>
inline ForcePlain __plus__(const ForceDense<M1> &v) const
template<typename M1>
inline ForcePlain __minus__(const ForceDense<M1> &v) const
template<typename M1>
inline Derived &__pequ__(const ForceDense<M1> &v)
template<typename M1>
inline Derived &__mequ__(const ForceDense<M1> &v)
template<typename OtherScalar>
inline ForcePlain __mult__(const OtherScalar &alpha) const
template<typename OtherScalar>
inline ForcePlain __div__(const OtherScalar &alpha) const
template<typename F1>
inline Scalar dot(const MotionDense<F1> &phi) const
template<typename M1, typename M2>
inline void motionAction(const MotionDense<M1> &v, ForceDense<M2> &fout) const
template<typename M1>
inline ForcePlain motionAction(const MotionDense<M1> &v) const
template<typename M2>
inline bool isApprox(const ForceDense<M2> &f, const Scalar &prec = Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const
template<typename D2>
inline bool isApprox_impl(const ForceDense<D2> &f, const Scalar &prec = Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const
inline bool isZero_impl(const Scalar &prec = Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const
template<typename S2, int O2, typename D2>
inline void se3Action_impl(const SE3Tpl<S2, O2> &m, ForceDense<D2> &f) const
template<typename S2, int O2, typename D2>
inline void se3ActionInverse_impl(const SE3Tpl<S2, O2> &m, ForceDense<D2> &f) const
template<typename S2, int O2>
inline ForcePlain se3ActionInverse_impl(const SE3Tpl<S2, O2> &m) const
inline void disp_impl(std::ostream &os) const
inline ForceRefType ref()
- Returns:
a ForceRef on this.
inline ConstAngularType angular() const
Return the angular part of the force vector.
- Returns:
The 3D vector associated to the angular part of the 6D force vector
inline AngularType angular()
Return the angular part of the force vector.
- Returns:
The 3D vector associated to the angular part of the 6D force vector
template<typename V3Like>
inline void angular(const Eigen::MatrixBase<V3Like> &n) Set the angular part of the force vector.
- Template Parameters:
V3Like – A vector 3 like type.
- Parameters:
n – [in]
inline bool isApprox(const Derived &other, const Scalar &prec = Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const
- Returns:
true if *this is approximately equal to other, within the precision given by prec.
inline bool isZero(const Scalar &prec = Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const
- Returns:
true if the component of the linear and angular part of the Spatial Force are approximately equal to zero, within the precision given by prec.
inline ConstLinearType linear() const
Return the linear part of the force vector.
- Returns:
The 3D vector associated to the linear part of the 6D force vector
inline LinearType linear()
Return the linear part of the force vector.
- Returns:
The 3D vector associated to the linear part of the 6D force vector
template<typename D2>