Class GazeboRosRaySensor

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public SensorPlugin

Class Documentation

class gazebo_plugins::GazeboRosRaySensor : public SensorPlugin

Plugin to attach to a gazebo ray or gpu_ray sensor and publish its data to ROS.

SDF parameters:

<output_type>: Optional. The message type of the plugin's output. Can be any of the following:
  * sensor_msgs/PointCloud2: 3D cloud of points, Default
  * sensor_msgs/PointCloud:  3D cloud of points
  * sensor_msgs/LaserScan:   2D scan, uses center vertical ray if there are multiple
  * sensor_msgs/Range:       Single distance value, minimum of all ray ranges of parent sensor

<frame_name>: TF Frame id of output header.
             If not set, frame id will be name of sensor's parent link

<min_intensity>: Clip intensity values for output to this value.
                Default: 0.0

<radiation_type>: The radiation type to publish when the output type is sensor_msgs/Range.
                 Can be either "infrared" or "ultrasonic".
                 Default: "infrared".

Example SDF:

<plugin name="my_ray_sensor_plugin" filename="">
    <!-- Configure namespace and remap to publish to /ray/pointcloud2 -->
  <!-- Output as a PointCloud2, see above for other types -->
  <!-- Clip intensity values so all are above 100, optional -->
  <!-- Frame id for header of output, defaults to sensor's parent link name -->

Public Functions



virtual ~GazeboRosRaySensor()


void Load(gazebo::sensors::SensorPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)