Class GazeboRosAckermannDrive

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public ModelPlugin

Class Documentation

class gazebo_plugins::GazeboRosAckermannDrive : public ModelPlugin

A ackermann drive plugin for car like robots. Subscribes to geometry_msgs/twist.

Example Usage:

<plugin name="gazebo_ros_ackermann_drive" filename="">



  <!-- wheels -->

  <!-- Max absolute steer angle for tyre in radians-->
  <!-- Any cmd_vel angular z greater than this would be capped -->

  <!-- Max absolute steering angle of steering wheel -->

  <!-- Max absolute linear speed in m/s -->

  <!-- PID tuning -->
  <left_steering_pid_gain>1500 0 1</left_steering_pid_gain>
  <left_steering_i_range>0 0</left_steering_i_range>
  <right_steering_pid_gain>1500 0 1</right_steering_pid_gain>
  <right_steering_i_range>0 0</right_steering_i_range>
  <linear_velocity_pid_gain>1000 0 1</linear_velocity_pid_gain>
  <linear_velocity_i_range>0 0</linear_velocity_i_range>

  <!-- output -->



Public Functions





Protected Functions

void Load(gazebo::physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) override
void Reset() override