Class GazeboRosP3D
Defined in File gazebo_ros_p3d.hpp
Class Documentation
class gazebo_plugins::GazeboRosP3D : public ModelPlugin
Broadcasts the inertial pose of an model’s link via a nav_msgs/Odometry message on a ROS topic.
Example Usage:
<plugin name="gazebo_ros_force" filename=""> <ros> <!-- Add a namespace --> <namespace>/demo</namespace> <!-- Remap the default topic --> <remapping>odom:=p3d_demo</remapping> </ros> <!-- Name of the link within this model whose pose will be published --> <body_name>box_link</body_name> <!-- Name of another link within this model to use as a reference frame. Remove the tag to use the world as a reference. --> <frame_name>sphere_link</frame_name> <!-- Update rate in Hz, defaults to 0.0, which means as fast as possible --> <update_rate>1</update_rate> <!-- Translation offset to be added to the pose. --> <xyz_offset>10 10 10</xyz_offset> <!-- Rotation offset to be added to the pose, in Euler angles. --> <rpy_offset>0.1 0.1 0.1</rpy_offset> <!-- Standard deviation of the noise to be added to the reported velocities. --> <gaussian_noise>0.01</gaussian_noise> </plugin>