Changelog for package control_toolbox
4.0.1 (2025-02-13)
4.0.0 (2025-01-29)
3.5.0 (2025-01-15)
Update plugin lib exception handling (#263)
Fix control_filters tests (#261)
Fix lifecycle warning in test (#262)
Add missing exponential filter tests and export (#260)
Remove visibility boilerplate code (#258)
Add filter plugin for exponential filter (#231)
Bump version of pre-commit hooks (#255)
change the realtime_tools header extensions (#247)
Contributors: Christoph Fröhlich, Julia Jia, Sai Kishor Kothakota, github-actions[bot]
3.4.0 (2024-12-08)
Add job for clang build (#239)
Fix bug in rate_limiter filter and add more tests (#237)
Fix jerk limiter in rate_limiter (#240)
Add downstream build job (#243)
Bump version of pre-commit hooks (#242)
Fix mergify rules (#241)
Remove iron workflows and update readme (#217)
Minor include cleanup (#230)
Minor CI updates (#236)
Move speed limiter from ros2_control repo (#212)
Add semi-binary build (#228)
Add the same compile flags as with ros2_controllers and fix errors (#219)
LPF: Throw if calling udpate unconfigured (#229)
Add standalone version of LPF (#222)
Pid class does not depend on rclcpp (#221)
Change license to Apache-2 (#220)
Update (#215)
Update (#214)
Bump version of pre-commit hooks (#213)
Contributors: Christoph Fröhlich, Thibault Poignonec, github-actions[bot]
3.3.0 (2024-10-28)
PID: Improve the API docs and change default value of antiwindup (#202)
[CI] Specify runner/container images and add Jazzy jobs (#200)
Add custom rosdoc2 config (#199)
[CI] Update pre-commit and remove ros-lint (#187)
Use Eigen CMake target (#190)
[CI] Use wf from ros2_control_ci for coverage build (#188)
Contributors: Christoph Fröhlich, dependabot[bot], github-actions[bot]
3.2.0 (2023-12-12)
[CI] fix source build (#168)
Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#167)
[CI] Touchups (#166)
[PID] Update documentation to reflect ROS 2 usage of time (#165)
Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#163)
Bump ros-tooling/setup-ros from 0.6 to 0.7 (#161)
Add filters structure and lowpass filter (#152)
Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.2 to 3.1.4 (#160)
Contributors: Christoph Fröhlich, GuiHome, Patrick Roncagliolo
3.1.0 (2023-04-29)
Check for i_min <= i_max at initialization (#139)
Contributors: Christoph Fröhlich
3.0.0 (2023-04-05)
[PidROS] Enable interpreting prefix as param prefix. (#129)
Use std::clamp (#140)
[CI] Fixes and update for branch out (#155)
Enable subclassing of PID implementation. (#148)
[CI] Add Humble job (#147)
Finally update formatting to other repositories convention. (#131)
[CI] 🔧 Update pre-commit hooks and sync actions to other repositories. (#130)
Contributors: Bence Magyar, Christoph Fröhlich, Dr. Denis, dependabot[bot]
2.2.0 (2023-02-20)
Fix overriding of package (#145)
Various dependabot version bumps
[CI] Add dependabot configuration to automatically update actions.
Contributors: Christoph Fröhlich, Dr. Denis, Tyler Weaver, dependabot[bot]
2.1.2 (2022-11-15)
export missing dependency (#128)
Contributors: Noel Jiménez García
2.1.1 (2022-11-05)
Add declaration of parameters in ROSPid.
Fix namespace collision and parameter_callback problems in PidROS
Contributors: Aris Synodinos, Denis Štogl
2.1.0 (2022-06-30)
Fix parameter loading log levels
Support pass in a precomputed derivative error
Add getParametersCallbackHandle function
Add topic_prefix_ to declareParam & setParameter
Update include/control_toolbox/dither.hpp
Correct contributing and license files for ament_copyright.
Added license text file and contributing guidelines, corrected license short identifier.
Remove build of downstream workspace.
Update CI config and add pre-commit-config.
Contributors: Bence Magyar, ChenJun, Denis Štogl, Timon Engelke
2.0.2 (2021-05-25)
remove unused variables
Update visibility_control.hpp
Windows bringup.
Contributors: Karsten Knese, Sean Yen, Bence Magyar
2.0.1 (2020-08-01)
Fix dependencies
Export ament_cmake build type
Contributors: ahcorde
2.0.0 (2020-07-28)
Refactor the Pid class to be completely ROS agnostic and added a ROS 2 wrapper
Avoid crash when the type of the parameter doesn’t match
Added topic_prefix to publisher topic name (#95)
Created a shared library (#93)
Aliases not part of the public API are now private
Removing pid_gains_setter
Removed unnecessary dependencies
Cleared empty non virtual destructors
Removed unused limited proxy variables
Added pid state real-time publisher
Removed all references to tinyxml
Adding missing copyright licenses
Adapted dither, sine_sweep and sinusoid to ROS2
Removed dynamic reconfigure completely
Removed deprecated functions
Contributors: Alejandro Hernández Cordero, Bence Magyar, James Xu, Jordan Palacios, Shane Loretz, ahcorde
1.17.0 (2019-01-31)
update anti windup clamping
update negativeIntegrationAntiwindupTest
Address catkin_lint issues
Add executable flag
convert to package xml format 2
Remove doc header
Contributors: Bence Magyar, Cong, Gennaro Raiola
1.16.0 (2017-11-30)
switched to industrial_ci
Add control_msgs to CATKIN_DEPENDS.
Contributors: Bence Magyar, Mathias Luedtke, Mike Purvis
1.15.0 (2016-06-28)
avoid ABI breaks in PID class
fix add_dependencies call
rollback API changes in PID class
cfg: removed rosbuild support related error handling
Contributors: Bence Magyar, Igor Napolskikh, ipa-mig
1.14.0 (2016-05-03)
Fix negative gains issue and add tests; update gains setting through DynamicReconfig
Add antiwindup and tests to PID controller; rename old behaviour ‘clamping’
Move message to control_toolbox
Add optional state publishing to PID controller, for logging/debugging/etc
Fix some typos in comments
changed the range of dynamic reconfigure to allow negative ones
Address -Wunused-parameter warnings
Factor out updatePid as negative calls to computeCommand
Increasing covergae of PID class test suite.
Chain calls of computeCommand and updatePid for code reuse
Contributors: Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian, Bence Magyar, Carlos Rosales, Guillaume Walck, Paul Bovbel, VahidAminZ
1.13.2 (2015-05-22)
CRITICAL BUGFIX: Fix broken PID command computation.
Contributors: Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian, Paul Bovbel
1.13.1 (2015-04-30)
Improvement in integral contribution implementation. Resolve #32.
Contributors: Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian, Carlos Rosales
1.13.0 (2014-10-31)
Harmonize pid gain names between rosparam and dynamic_reconfigure
Read i_clamp_min and i_clamp_max form parameter server - if available
Contributors: Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian, Dave Coleman, ipa-fxm
1.12.1 (2014-06-12)
Remove broken test code. Hotfix for #18.
Contributors: Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian
1.12.0 (2014-06-12)
pid: Adding quiet flag to suppress error message
Contributors: Jonathan Bohren
1.11.0 (2014-05-12)
Remove rosbuild artifacts
Cleaned up CMake and removed unnecessary dependencies
Made default value negative to match valid range
Fix for i_clamp_min to be negative in dynamic reconfigure
Fix abs/fabs problem with Clang and libc++
Contributors: Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian, Dave Coleman, Marco Esposito
1.10.4 (2014-02-05)
Added Travis support
Renamed manifest.xml so it doesn’t break rosdep
Expanded range of PID and windup gains for certain applications.
Expanded range of PID and windup gains for certain applications. Lowered default integral and derivative gain
Add some comments to Parameters.cfg
Add support for dynamic_reconfigure for rosbuild
Contributors: Austin Hendrix, Dave Coleman, Lukas Bulwahn, Paul Dinh
1.10.3 (2013-08-02)
Fix bug in copy constructor.
Contributors: Austin Hendrix
1.10.2 (2013-07-29)
Fix copy constructor.
Merge pull request #1 from davetcoleman/hydro-devel Added dynamic reconfigure for PID gains
Removed const getGains function
Small fixes
Compatibility changes for realtime_tools, tweaked getests
Made realtime_buffer copiable
Added test for getting/settings gains, copying/assigning pid class
Removed const read, added copy constructor and print values function
Added new function getGainsConst that allows one to get the PID gains from a const PID class
Added realtime_tools as a dependency in package.xml and CMakeLists
Added realtime buffer to PID, re-ordered functions to more logical order and to match header file
Fixes per Austin review
Updated CMakeLists.txt and made fixes per Adolfo
Merged hydro-devel
Added dynamic reconfigure for PID gains
Tests build.
Contributors: Austin Hendrix, Dave Coleman
1.10.1 (2013-06-26)
Add dependency on tinyxml.
Contributors: Austin Hendrix
1.10.0 (2013-06-25)
Version 1.10.0
comment format consistentcy
Fixing comment in pid source code
Install under catkin.
adding install targets
adding missing manifests
merging CMakeLists.txt files from rosbuild and catkin
adding hybrid-buildsystem makefiles
Merging from master, re-adding manifest.xml files
using more standard way of depending on gencpp
Add .gitignore file.
Fixing library export
catkinizing, could still be cleaned up
Fixing doc errors in PID
Changing @ commands to commands
Enforcing i_min_ <= 0 and i_max_ >= 0 in integral bound parameters, reducing duplicated code
Merge pull request #14 from bobholmberg/fix-PID-unbounded-i_error Using zero i_gain_ to turn off integral control did unsavory things.
Adding alternative name for new pid command computation API
Fixing merge error
Merge branch ‘fix-pid-backwards-compatibility’ into fix-PID-unbounded-i_error
Removing lie from documentation
Adding Bob’s fixes to the backwards-compatibility API
Merge branch ‘fix-pid-backwards-compatibility’ into fix-PID-unbounded-i_error
bringing back old updatePid function contents
adding documentation warning
This makes the internal computations of updatePid() keep the same sign that they did before the API change
Merge typo
Resolving conflict from new Pid API
Merge branch ‘master’ into test-bad-integral-bounds
Merge branch ‘test-bad-integral-bounds’ into fix-PID-unbounded-i_error
Specifying div-by-zero test, adding other integral term tests
Merge branch ‘test-bad-integral-bounds’ into fix-PID-unbounded-i_error
Adding test to expose Pid class zero-division vulnerability
If the user did not want integral control and set i_gain_ to zero, then dividing by i_gain_ would set i_error_ to NaN. This is not desired. Instead, replace the use of division to create i_term with direct integration of i_term_. Replace private member i_error_ with i_term_. In getCurrentPIDErrors() create & return i_error_ with the same old meaning and units. NOTE: i_error_ is not needed internally anywhere else.
Cleaning up documentation, making argument names in function declaration match those in the implementation
adding doxygen deprecation flags
Fixing documentation
Merging changes from other branch
Adding conventional PID computation
Fixing inconsistent formatting, and reducing some duplicated code
remove .svn folder
move control_toolbox into ros_control
Contributors: Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian, Austin Hendrix, Bob Holmberg, Jonathan Bohren, Wim Meeussen, wmeeusse