Class PidROS
Defined in File pid_ros.hpp
Class Documentation
class PidROS
Public Functions
Constructor of PidROS class.
The node is passed to this class to handler the ROS parameters, this class allows to add a prefix to the pid parameters
- Parameters:
node – ROS node
prefix – prefix to add to the pid parameters. Per default is prefix interpreted as prefix for topics.
prefix_is_for_params – provided prefix should be interpreted as prefix for parameters. If the parameter is
then “/” in the middle of the string will not be replaced with “.” for parameters prefix. “/” or “~/” at the beginning will be removed.
void initialize_from_args(double p, double i, double d, double i_max, double i_min, bool antiwindup)
Initialize the PID controller and set the parameters.
New gains are not applied if i_min_ > i_max_
- Parameters:
p – The proportional gain.
i – The integral gain.
d – The derivative gain.
i_max – Upper integral clamp.
i_min – Lower integral clamp.
antiwindup – Antiwindup functionality. When set to true, limits the integral error to prevent windup; otherwise, constrains the integral contribution to the control output. i_max and i_min are applied in both scenarios.
void initPid(double p, double i, double d, double i_max, double i_min, bool antiwindup)
Initialize the PID controller and set the parameters.
New gains are not applied if i_min_ > i_max_
- Parameters:
p – The proportional gain.
i – The integral gain.
d – The derivative gain.
i_max – Upper integral clamp.
i_min – Lower integral clamp.
antiwindup – Antiwindup functionality. When set to true, limits the integral error to prevent windup; otherwise, constrains the integral contribution to the control output. i_max and i_min are applied in both scenarios.
void initialize_from_args(double p, double i, double d, double i_max, double i_min, bool antiwindup, bool save_i_term)
Initialize the PID controller and set the parameters.
New gains are not applied if i_min_ > i_max_
- Parameters:
p – The proportional gain.
i – The integral gain.
d – The derivative gain.
i_max – The max integral windup.
i_min – The min integral windup.
antiwindup – antiwindup.
save_i_term – save integrator output between resets.
void initPid(double p, double i, double d, double i_max, double i_min, bool antiwindup, bool save_i_term)
Initialize the PID controller and set the parameters.
New gains are not applied if i_min_ > i_max_
- Parameters:
p – The proportional gain.
i – The integral gain.
d – The derivative gain.
i_max – The max integral windup.
i_min – The min integral windup.
antiwindup – antiwindup.
save_i_term – save integrator output between resets.
bool initialize_from_ros_parameters()
Initialize the PID controller based on already set parameters.
- Returns:
True if all parameters are set (p, i, d, i_min and i_max), False otherwise
bool initPid()
Initialize the PID controller based on already set parameters.
- Returns:
True if all parameters are set (p, i, d, i_min and i_max), False otherwise
void reset()
Reset the state of this PID controller.
save_i_term parameter is read from ROS parameters
void reset(bool save_i_term)
Reset the state of this PID controller.
- Parameters:
save_i_term – boolean indicating if integral term is retained on reset()
double compute_command(double error, const rclcpp::Duration &dt)
Set the PID error and compute the PID command with nonuniform time step size. The derivative error is computed from the change in the error and the timestep
.- Parameters:
error – Error since last call (error = target - state)
dt – Change in time since last call in seconds
- Returns:
PID command
double computeCommand(double error, rclcpp::Duration dt)
Set the PID error and compute the PID command with nonuniform time step size. The derivative error is computed from the change in the error and the timestep
.- Parameters:
error – Error since last call (error = target - state)
dt – Change in time since last call in seconds
- Returns:
PID command
double compute_command(double error, double error_dot, const rclcpp::Duration &dt)
Set the PID error and compute the PID command with nonuniform time step size. This also allows the user to pass in a precomputed derivative error.
- Parameters:
error – Error since last call (error = target - state)
error_dot – d(Error)/dt since last call
dt – Change in time since last call in seconds
- Returns:
PID command
double computeCommand(double error, double error_dot, rclcpp::Duration dt)
Set the PID error and compute the PID command with nonuniform time step size. This also allows the user to pass in a precomputed derivative error.
- Parameters:
error – Error since last call (error = target - state)
error_dot – d(Error)/dt since last call
dt – Change in time since last call in seconds
- Returns:
PID command
Pid::Gains get_gains()
Get PID gains for the controller.
- Returns:
gains A struct of the PID gain values
Pid::Gains getGains()
Get PID gains for the controller.
- Returns:
gains A struct of the PID gain values
void set_gains(double p, double i, double d, double i_max, double i_min, bool antiwindup = false)
Set PID gains for the controller.
New gains are not applied if i_min > i_max
- Parameters:
p – The proportional gain.
i – The integral gain.
d – The derivative gain.
i_max – Upper integral clamp.
i_min – Lower integral clamp.
antiwindup – Antiwindup functionality. When set to true, limits the integral error to prevent windup; otherwise, constrains the integral contribution to the control output. i_max and i_min are applied in both scenarios.
void setGains(double p, double i, double d, double i_max, double i_min, bool antiwindup = false)
Set PID gains for the controller.
New gains are not applied if i_min > i_max
- Parameters:
p – The proportional gain.
i – The integral gain.
d – The derivative gain.
i_max – Upper integral clamp.
i_min – Lower integral clamp.
antiwindup – Antiwindup functionality. When set to true, limits the integral error to prevent windup; otherwise, constrains the integral contribution to the control output. i_max and i_min are applied in both scenarios.
void set_gains(const Pid::Gains &gains)
Set PID gains for the controller.
New gains are not applied if gains.i_min_ > gains.i_max_
- Parameters:
gains – A struct of the PID gain values
void setGains(const Pid::Gains &gains)
Set PID gains for the controller.
New gains are not applied if gains.i_min_ > gains.i_max_
- Parameters:
gains – A struct of the PID gain values
void set_current_cmd(double cmd)
Set current command for this PID controller.
- Parameters:
cmd – command to set
void setCurrentCmd(double cmd)
Set current command for this PID controller.
- Parameters:
cmd – command to set
double get_current_cmd()
Return current command for this PID controller.
- Returns:
current cmd
double getCurrentCmd()
Return current command for this PID controller.
- Returns:
current cmd
std::shared_ptr<rclcpp::Publisher<control_msgs::msg::PidState>> get_pid_state_publisher()
Return PID state publisher.
- Returns:
shared_ptr to the PID state publisher
std::shared_ptr<rclcpp::Publisher<control_msgs::msg::PidState>> getPidStatePublisher()
Return PID state publisher.
- Returns:
shared_ptr to the PID state publisher
void get_current_pid_errors(double &pe, double &ie, double &de)
Return PID error terms for the controller.
- Parameters:
pe[out] – The proportional error.
ie[out] – The integral error.
de[out] – The derivative error.
void getCurrentPIDErrors(double &pe, double &ie, double &de)
Return PID error terms for the controller.
- Parameters:
pe[out] – The proportional error.
ie[out] – The integral error.
de[out] – The derivative error.
void print_values()
Print to console the current parameters.
void printValues()
Print to console the current parameters.
inline rclcpp::node_interfaces::OnSetParametersCallbackHandle::SharedPtr get_parameters_callback_handle()
Return PID parameters callback handle.
- Returns:
shared_ptr to the PID parameters callback handle
inline rclcpp::node_interfaces::OnSetParametersCallbackHandle::SharedPtr getParametersCallbackHandle()
Return PID parameters callback handle.
- Returns:
shared_ptr to the PID parameters callback handle