virtual void | addAppender (Appender &appender) |
| For the moment this method does nothing. More...
virtual void | addAppender (Appender *appender) throw () |
| For the moment this method does nothing. More...
virtual void | callAppenders (const LoggingEvent &event) throw () |
| Call the appenders in the hierarchy starting at this . More...
| FixedContextCategory (const std::string &name, const std::string &context="") |
| Constructor. More...
virtual bool | getAdditivity () const throw () |
| Returns the additivity flag for this Category instance. More...
virtual AppenderSet | getAllAppenders () const |
| Returns the set of Appenders currently attached to this Catogory. More...
virtual Appender * | getAppender () const |
| Returns the Appender for this Category, or NULL if no Appender has been set. More...
virtual Appender * | getAppender (const std::string &name) const |
| Returns the specified Appender for this Category, or NULL if the Appender is not attached to this Category. More...
virtual Priority::Value | getChainedPriority () const throw () |
| Starting from this Category, search the category hierarchy for a set priority and return it. More...
virtual std::string | getContext () const |
| Return the context string used as NDC. More...
virtual Priority::Value | getPriority () const throw () |
| Returns the assigned Priority, if any, for this Category. More...
virtual bool | ownsAppender () const throw () |
| FixedContextAppenders cannot own Appenders. More...
virtual bool | ownsAppender (Appender *appender) const throw () |
| FixedContextAppenders cannot own Appenders. More...
virtual void | removeAllAppenders () |
| Removes all appenders set for this Category. More...
virtual void | setAdditivity (bool additivity) |
| Set the additivity flag for this Category instance. More...
virtual void | setContext (const std::string &context) |
| Set the context string used as NDC. More...
virtual | ~FixedContextCategory () |
| Destructor for Category. More...
void | alert (const char *stringFormat,...) throw () |
| Log a message with alert priority. More...
void | alert (const std::string &message) throw () |
| Log a message with alert priority. More...
CategoryStream | alertStream () throw () |
| Return a CategoryStream with priority ALERT. More...
void | crit (const char *stringFormat,...) throw () |
| Log a message with crit priority. More...
void | crit (const std::string &message) throw () |
| Log a message with crit priority. More...
CategoryStream | critStream () |
| Return a CategoryStream with priority CRIT. More...
void | debug (const char *stringFormat,...) throw () |
| Log a message with debug priority. More...
void | debug (const std::string &message) throw () |
| Log a message with debug priority. More...
CategoryStream | debugStream () |
| Return a CategoryStream with priority DEBUG. More...
void | emerg (const char *stringFormat,...) throw () |
| Log a message with emerg priority. More...
void | emerg (const std::string &message) throw () |
| Log a message with emerg priority. More...
CategoryStream | emergStream () |
| Return a CategoryStream with priority EMERG. More...
void | error (const char *stringFormat,...) throw () |
| Log a message with error priority. More...
void | error (const std::string &message) throw () |
| Log a message with error priority. More...
CategoryStream | errorStream () |
| Return a CategoryStream with priority ERROR. More...
void | fatal (const char *stringFormat,...) throw () |
| Log a message with fatal priority. More...
void | fatal (const std::string &message) throw () |
| Log a message with fatal priority. More...
CategoryStream | fatalStream () |
| Return a CategoryStream with priority FATAL. More...
virtual const std::string & | getName () const throw () |
| Return the category name. More...
virtual Category * | getParent () throw () |
| Returns the parent category of this category, or NULL if the category is the root category. More...
virtual const Category * | getParent () const throw () |
| Returns the parent category of this category, or NULL if the category is the root category. More...
virtual CategoryStream | getStream (Priority::Value priority) |
| Return a CategoryStream with given Priority. More...
void | info (const char *stringFormat,...) throw () |
| Log a message with info priority. More...
void | info (const std::string &message) throw () |
| Log a message with info priority. More...
void | info_pop (const char *stringFormat,...) throw () |
| Log a message with info priority & pops an indentation to the NDC stack. More...
void | info_push (const char *stringFormat,...) throw () |
| Log a message with info priority & pushes an indentation to the NDC stack. More...
CategoryStream | infoStream () |
| Return a CategoryStream with priority INFO. More...
bool | isAlertEnabled () const throw () |
| Return true if the Category will log messages with priority ALERT. More...
bool | isCritEnabled () const throw () |
| Return true if the Category will log messages with priority CRIT. More...
bool | isDebugEnabled () throw () |
| Return true if the Category will log messages with priority DEBUG. More...
bool | isEmergEnabled () const throw () |
| Return true if the Category will log messages with priority EMERG. More...
bool | isErrorEnabled () const throw () |
| Return true if the Category will log messages with priority ERROR. More...
bool | isFatalEnabled () const throw () |
| Return true if the Category will log messages with priority FATAL. More...
bool | isInfoEnabled () throw () |
| Return true if the Category will log messages with priority INFO. More...
bool | isNoticeEnabled () const throw () |
| Return true if the Category will log messages with priority NOTICE. More...
virtual bool | isPriorityEnabled (Priority::Value priority) const throw () |
| Returns true if the chained priority of the Category is equal to or higher than given priority. More...
bool | isWarnEnabled () throw () |
| Return true if the Category will log messages with priority WARN. More...
virtual void | log (Priority::Value priority, const char *stringFormat,...) throw () |
| Log a message with the specified priority. More...
virtual void | log (Priority::Value priority, const std::string &message) throw () |
| Log a message with the specified priority. More...
virtual void | logva (Priority::Value priority, const char *stringFormat, va_list va) throw () |
| Log a message with the specified priority. More...
void | notice (const char *stringFormat,...) throw () |
| Log a message with notice priority. More...
void | notice (const std::string &message) throw () |
| Log a message with notice priority. More...
CategoryStream | noticeStream () |
| Return a CategoryStream with priority NOTICE. More...
virtual CategoryStream | operator<< (Priority::Value priority) |
| Return a CategoryStream with given Priority. More...
virtual void | removeAppender (Appender *appender) |
| Removes specified appender for this Category. More...
void | setAppender (Appender &appender) |
| Adds an Appender for this Category. More...
void | setAppender (Appender *appender) |
| Adds an Appender to this Category. More...
virtual void | setPriority (Priority::Value priority) |
| Set the priority of this Category. More...
void | warn (const char *stringFormat,...) throw () |
| Log a message with warn priority. More...
void | warn (const std::string &message) throw () |
| Log a message with warn priority. More...
CategoryStream | warnStream () |
| Return a CategoryStream with priority WARN. More...
virtual | ~Category () |
| Destructor for Category. More...