Go to the documentation of this file.
51 #define fromstate(L) (cast(LX *, cast(lu_byte *, (L)) - offsetof(LX, l)))
58 #if !defined(luai_makeseed)
67 #define addbuff(b,p,e) \
68 { size_t t = cast_sizet(e); \
69 memcpy(b + p, &t, sizeof(t)); p += sizeof(t); }
72 char buff[3 *
126 while ((ci =
next) != NULL) {
204 if (L->
stack == NULL)
359 if (l == NULL)
return NULL;
412 L =
420 wf(
msg, tocont);
431 :
"error object is not a string";
void luaT_init(lua_State *L)
static unsigned int luai_makeseed(lua_State *L)
void luaE_warnerror(lua_State *L, const char *where)
struct lua_longjmp * errorJmp
#define resethookcount(L)
LUAI_FUNC void luaE_incCstack(lua_State *L)
struct CallInfo * previous
#define setthvalue(L, obj, x)
void luaS_init(lua_State *L)
#define luai_userstatefree(L, L1)
span_CONFIG_SIZE_TYPE size_t
static void freestack(lua_State *L)
l_noret luaG_runerror(lua_State *L, const char *fmt,...)
#define sethvalue(L, obj, x)
static void f_luaopen(lua_State *L, void *ud)
void luaF_closeupval(lua_State *L, StkId level)
#define luaM_newvector(L, n, t)
void luaE_checkcstack(lua_State *L)
lu_byte extra_[LUA_EXTRASPACE]
void luaH_resize(lua_State *L, Table *t, unsigned int newasize, unsigned int nhsize)
unsigned short callstatus
void *(* lua_Alloc)(void *ud, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize)
#define luai_userstateopen(L)
int luaD_reallocstack(lua_State *L, int newsize, int raiseerror)
struct lua_State * mainthread
void luaE_setdebt(global_State *g, l_mem debt)
struct CallInfo::@12::@15 c
CallInfo * luaE_extendCI(lua_State *L)
static void preinit_thread(lua_State *L, global_State *g)
LUA_API lua_State * lua_newstate(lua_Alloc f, void *ud)
#define setthvalue2s(L, o, t)
void luaE_warning(lua_State *L, const char *msg, int tocont)
static void close_state(lua_State *L)
static void init_registry(lua_State *L, global_State *g)
void luaD_seterrorobj(lua_State *L, int errcode, StkId oldtop)
Table * luaH_new(lua_State *L)
int luaE_resetthread(lua_State *L, int status)
#define luaM_newobject(L, tag, s)
LUA_API int lua_setcstacklimit(lua_State *L, unsigned int limit)
LUA_API void lua_close(lua_State *L)
unsigned int luaS_hash(const char *str, size_t l, unsigned int seed)
void luaC_freeallobjects(lua_State *L)
volatile l_signalT hookmask
l_noret luaD_throw(lua_State *L, int errcode)
void luaX_init(lua_State *L)
#define setivalue(obj, x)
void luaE_shrinkCI(lua_State *L)
LUA_API int lua_resetthread(lua_State *L)
#define luai_userstatethread(L, L1)
#define luaM_freearray(L, b, n)
void(* lua_WarnFunction)(void *ud, const char *msg, int tocont)
int luaD_closeprotected(lua_State *L, ptrdiff_t level, int status)
void luaE_freethread(lua_State *L, lua_State *L1)
static void stack_init(lua_State *L1, lua_State *L)
struct Table * mt[LUA_NUMTAGS]
int luaD_rawrunprotected(lua_State *L, Pfunc f, void *ud)
void luaE_freeCI(lua_State *L)
#define lua_getextraspace(L)
LUA_API lua_State * lua_newthread(lua_State *L)
struct CallInfo::@12::@14 l
#define luai_userstateclose(L)
Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Tue Nov 26 2024 03:24:08