Go to the documentation of this file.
14 #define pcRel(pc, p) (cast_int((pc) - (p)->code) - 1)
18 #define ci_func(ci) (clLvalue(s2v((ci)->func)))
21 #define resethookcount(L) (L->hookcount = L->basehookcount)
27 #define ABSLINEINFO (-0x80)
34 #if !defined(MAXIWTHABS)
35 #define MAXIWTHABS 128
LUAI_FUNC l_noret luaG_opinterror(lua_State *L, const TValue *p1, const TValue *p2, const char *msg)
const LUAI_FUNC char * luaG_addinfo(lua_State *L, const char *msg, TString *src, int line)
LUAI_FUNC l_noret luaG_tointerror(lua_State *L, const TValue *p1, const TValue *p2)
LUAI_FUNC l_noret luaG_typeerror(lua_State *L, const TValue *o, const char *opname)
LUAI_FUNC l_noret luaG_callerror(lua_State *L, const TValue *o)
LUAI_FUNC l_noret luaG_errormsg(lua_State *L)
LUAI_FUNC l_noret luaG_runerror(lua_State *L, const char *fmt,...)
const LUAI_FUNC char * luaG_findlocal(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, int n, StkId *pos)
LUAI_FUNC int luaG_getfuncline(const Proto *f, int pc)
LUAI_FUNC int luaG_traceexec(lua_State *L, const Instruction *pc)
LUAI_FUNC l_noret luaG_forerror(lua_State *L, const TValue *o, const char *what)
LUAI_FUNC l_noret luaG_ordererror(lua_State *L, const TValue *p1, const TValue *p2)
LUAI_FUNC l_noret luaG_concaterror(lua_State *L, const TValue *p1, const TValue *p2)
Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Tue Nov 26 2024 03:24:08