Go to the documentation of this file.
123 std::stringstream oss;
140 oss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(osp);
165 std::stringstream oss;
183 << std::fixed << std::setprecision(osp) <<
" x_gap=" <<
187 << (
score < 100 ?
" SMALL" :
199 std::stringstream oss;
200 oss <<
asString(osp) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(osp);
207 oss <<
" min=" <<
min <<
" max=" <<
max <<
" med=" <<
unsigned int index
index in the data array(s) at which this event occurs
bool isBOD()
return true if this is BOD
std::string asStringRead(const int osp=3) const
std::string analMsg() const
return the analysis message
bool isOutlier()
return true if this is outlier
bool isSlip()
return true if this is slip
@ slip
slip (discontinuity)
enum used to indicate the kind of event in this result
std::string asString(const int osp=3) const
return as a single string with just type, index and npts
@ outlier
outlier(s) - npts is the number of outliers
std::string asStatsString(const int osp=3) const
unsigned int score
weight of slip (=100)
bool haveStats
set true when getStats() is called
unsigned int npts
number data points in segment (= a delta index)
empty and only constructor
std::string msg
message from analysis
unsigned int ngood
number of good (flag==0) points in this segment
enum gnsstk::FilterHit::EventType event
enum used to indicate the kind of event in this result
T step
for a slip, an estimate of the step in the data
event type
type of event: BOD, outlier(s), slip, other
T dx
step in xdata: before SLIP or after OUT
T sigma
for a slip, RSS future and past sigma on the data
T mad
robust stats on the filter quantities (not data)
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:41