Go to the documentation of this file.
45 : id(-1), wildId(false),
53 : id(p), wildId(false), system(s), wildSys(false)
60 : id(p), wildId(false),
68 : id(0), wildId(true), system(s), wildSys(false)
88 dump(std::ostream& s)
145 default:
return (
id > 0 &&
id < 100);
int id
Satellite identifier, e.g. PRN.
bool operator==(const SatID &right) const
operator == for SatID
void dump(std::ostream &s) const
Convenience output method.
Supported satellite systems.
bool wildId
If true, any satellite matches.
@ Unknown
Unknown or uninitialized stategy value.
bool wildSys
If true, any system matches.
bool isWild() const
return true if any of the fields are set to match wildcards.
SatelliteSystem system
System for this satellite.
bool operator<(const SatID &right) const
operator < for SatID : order by system, id
Initialize with invalid data with no wildcards.
std::string convertSatelliteSystemToString(SatelliteSystem s)
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:41