Go to the documentation of this file.
185 SRI(
const unsigned int N);
317 void zeroOne(
const unsigned int n);
325 void zeroAll(
const unsigned int n = 0);
391 void Qbump(
const unsigned int in,
double q = 0.0);
403 void stateFix(
const std::string& name,
double value,
404 double sigma,
bool restore);
417 double sigma,
bool restore);
498 catch (MatrixException& me)
546 double *ptrSmall =
547 double *ptrBig =
563 std::string
const unsigned int in)
575 bool setName(
const unsigned int in,
const std::string& label)
584 unsigned int index(std::string& name)
596 friend std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& s,
const SRI& );
void zeroAll(const unsigned int n=0)
void getConditionNumber(double &small, double &big) const
const Matrix< double > SRINullMatrix
constant (empty) Matrix used for default input arguments
int index(const std::string &name) const
void reshape(const Namelist &NL)
void zeroState()
Zero out (set all elements to zero) the state (Vector Z) only.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const SRI &)
output operator
unsigned int size() const
void measurementUpdate(SparseMatrix< double > &Partials, Vector< double > &Data)
void addAPriori(const Matrix< double > &Cov, const Vector< double > &X)
bool setName(const unsigned int in, const std::string &label)
std::string getName(const unsigned int in) const
Matrix< double > getR() const
size_t rows() const
The number of rows in the matrix.
Matrix< double > R
Information matrix, an upper triangular (square) matrix.
void zeroOne(const unsigned int n)
void Qbump(const unsigned int in, double q=0.0)
Vector< double > Z
SRI state vector, of length equal to the dimension (row and col) of R.
unsigned int index(std::string &name)
void permute(const Namelist &NL)
void SrifMU(Matrix< T > &R, Vector< T > &Z, SparseMatrix< T > &A, const unsigned int M)
const SparseMatrix< double > SRINullSparseMatrix
constant (empty) SparseMatrix used for default input arguments
void stateFix(const std::string &name, double value, double sigma, bool restore)
void transform(const Matrix< double > &invT, const Namelist &NL)
SRI & operator=(const SRI &right)
std::string getName(const unsigned int in) const
Namelist names
Namelist parallel to R and Z, labelling the elements of the state vector.
#define GNSSTK_RETHROW(exc)
Vector< double > getZ() const
void measurementUpdate(Matrix< double > &Partials, Vector< double > &Data)
void addAPrioriInformation(const Matrix< double > &ICov, const Vector< double > &X)
Namelist getNames() const
void shift(const Vector< double > &X0)
void getState(Vector< double > &X, int *ptrSingularIndex=NULL) const
void shiftZ(const Vector< double > &Z0)
void split(const Namelist &NL, SRI &S)
void setFromCovState(const Matrix< double > &Cov, const Vector< double > &State, const Namelist &NL)
SRI & append(const SRI &S)
void stateFixAndRemove(const unsigned int index, double value)
void getStateAndCovariance(Vector< double > &X, Matrix< double > &C, double *ptrSmall=NULL, double *ptrBig=NULL) const
void retriangularize(const Matrix< double > &A)
friend SRI operator+(const SRI &Sleft, const SRI &Sright)
bool setName(const unsigned int in, const std::string &name)
SRI & operator+=(const Namelist &NL)
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:41