Go to the documentation of this file.
45 #include "gnsstk_export.h"
108 bool process(
const std::string& filename,
367 unsigned halfOrder,
bool findEph,
368 bool checkDataGap,
bool checkInterval,
369 double gapInterval,
double maxInterval);
384 const NavMap::iterator& ti3,
400 const NavMap::iterator& ti3,
bool addDataSource(const std::string &source) override
std::shared_ptr< NavData > NavDataPtr
Factories instantiate these in response to find() requests.
@ Clock
SV Clock offset data. Currently only used by SP3.
bool store(bool process, NavDataFactoryCallback &cb, NavDataPtr &obj)
Class used to identify/categorize navigation message data.
void interpolateClk(const NavMap::iterator &ti1, const NavMap::iterator &ti3, const CommonTime &when, NavDataPtr &navData)
void setClockLinearInterp()
double getClockTimeStep(const SatID &sat) const
bool addRinexClock(const std::string &source, NavDataFactoryCallback &cb)
std::map< TimeCvtKey, OffsetEpochMap > OffsetCvtMap
Map from the time system conversion pair to the conversion objects.
std::map< NavMessageType, NavSatMap > NavMessageMap
Map nav message type to the rest of the storage.
void disableDataGapCheck()
Disable checking of data gaps in both position and clock.
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT NavType ntGLONASS
bool findGeneric(NavMessageType nmt, const NavSatelliteID &nsid, const CommonTime &when, NavDataPtr &navData)
unsigned int getPositionInterpOrder() const
Get current interpolation order for the position table.
void rejectBadPositions(bool flag)
void setPositionInterpOrder(unsigned int order)
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT ObsID oidGPS
Generic ObsIDs for each GNSS.
void disablePosDataGapCheck()
Disable checking of position data gaps.
static bool convertToOrbit(const SP3Header &head, const SP3Data &navIn, bool isC, NavDataPtr &navOut)
double getPosMaxInterval() const
Get current maximum interval in the position store.
void setPosGapInterval(double interval)
Set position gap interval and turn on gap checking.
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT NavType ntQZSS
Identify different types of SV health states.
void disablePosIntervalCheck()
Disable checking of maximum interval in position store.
Specify the behavior of nav data searches in NavLibrary/NavDataFactory.
std::string getFactoryFormats() const override
Return a comma-separated list of formats supported by this factory.
void disableClockIntervalCheck()
Disable checking of maximum interval in clock store.
void setClkGapInterval(double interval)
Set clock gap interval and turn on gap checking.
ClkInterpType interpType
Clock data interpolation method.
Define an interface for loading nav data from a file.
bool find(const NavMessageID &nmid, const CommonTime &when, NavDataPtr &navOut, SVHealth xmitHealth, NavValidityType valid, NavSearchOrder order) override
static bool setSignal(const SatID &sat, NavMessageID &signal)
virtual ~SP3NavDataFactory()
Clean up.
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT NavType ntBeiDou
void setPosMaxInterval(double interval)
double getPositionTimeStep(const SatID &sat) const
void rejectPredPositions(bool flag)
void useRinexClockData(bool useRC=true)
static bool convertToClock(const SP3Header &head, const SP3Data &navIn, bool isC, NavDataPtr &clkOut)
Types of interpolation that can be used on the clock data.
void setClockInterpOrder(unsigned int order)
static bool transNavMsgID(const NavMessageID &nmidIn, NavMessageID &nmidOut)
Definition of various time systems.
bool process(const std::string &filename, NavDataFactoryCallback &cb) override
TimeSystem getTimeSystem() const
Return the time system of the loaded data.
void rejectBadClocks(bool flag)
void disableIntervalCheck()
Disable checking of maximum interval in both position and clock.
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT ObsID oidBeiDou
double getClockMaxInterval() const
Get current maximum interval in the clock store.
bool isClkDataGapCheck()
Is clock gap checking on?
NavMessageMap data
Internal storage of navigation data for User searches.
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT NavType ntGalileo
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT NavType ntGPS
Generic NavTypes for each GNSS.
Identify different types of navigation message data.
bool findIterator(NavSatMap::iterator &sati, const CommonTime &when, NavDataPtr &navData, unsigned halfOrder, bool findEph, bool checkDataGap, bool checkInterval, double gapInterval, double maxInterval)
double nomTimeStep(const NavMessageID &nmid) const
unsigned int getClockInterpOrder() const
bool isPosIntervalCheck()
Is interval checking for position on?
void disableClkDataGapCheck()
Disable checking of clock data gaps.
bool isPosDataGapCheck()
Is position gap checking on?
bool isClkIntervalCheck()
Is interval checking for clock on?
TimeSystem storeTimeSystem
void dumpConfig(std::ostream &s) const
Supported navigation types.
std::map< NavMessageType, NavNearSatMap > NavNearMessageMap
Map nav message type to the rest of the storage.
bool loadIntoMap(const std::string &filename, NavMessageMap &navMap, NavNearMessageMap &navNearMap, OffsetCvtMap &ofsMap) override
void interpolateEph(const NavMap::iterator &ti1, const NavMap::iterator &ti3, const CommonTime &when, NavDataPtr &navData)
void setClockLagrangeInterp()
double getClkGapInterval() const
Get current clock gap interval.
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT ObsID oidQZSS
void setClockMaxInterval(double interval)
double getPosGapInterval() const
Get current position gap interval.
void rejectPredClocks(bool flag)
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT ObsID oidGalileo
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:41