NavType nav
Navigation message structure of this signal.
NavMessageType messageType
CommonTime endFit
Time at end of fit interval.
CommonTime & setTimeSystem(TimeSystem timeSystem)
NavMessageID signal
Source signal identification for this navigation message data.
CommonTime xmitTime
Time of transmission of the start of the data.
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT CommonTime END_OF_TIME
latest representable CommonTime
CommonTime beginFit
Time at beginning of fit interval.
bool validate() const override
CommonTime getUserTime() const override
TimeSystem getTimeSystem() const
Obtain time system info (enum).
void fixFit()
Fill the beginFit and endFit values for this object.
@ Almanac
Low-precision orbits for other than the transmitting SV.
bool validate() const override
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:39