Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CBoxVolumeBox shape volume
 CCylinderVolumeCylinder shape volume
 CParseExceptionCustom exception for parsing errors
 CPlaneRepresents a plane as a normal and offset
 CPolyhedronSubmerged volume calculation using polyhedron based on: Exact Buoyancy for Polyhedra by Eric Catto
 CFaceStore vertex index for a triangular face
 CShapeVolumeParent shape object for volume objects
 CSphereVolumeSphere shape volume
 CVolumeRepresents output volume with centroid
 CBuoyancyObjectA class for storing buoyancy object properties
 CAcousticPingerImplements a simulated range and bearing pinger localisation system
 CBuoyancyPluginThis plugin simulates buoyancy of an object in fluid. <wave_model>: Name of the wave model object (optional)
 CThrusterThruster class
 CUsvThrustA plugin to simulate a propulsion system under water. This plugin accepts the following SDF parameters. See for more information
 CUsvWindPluginA plugin that simulates a simple wind model. It accepts the following parameters:

Author(s): Brian Bingham , Carlos Aguero
autogenerated on Tue May 5 2020 03:06:53