class | AcousticPinger |
| Implements a simulated range and bearing pinger localisation system. More...
class | BuoyancyPlugin |
| This plugin simulates buoyancy of an object in fluid. <wave_model>: Name of the wave model object (optional) More...
class | GazeboRosApiPlugin |
class | GazeboRosPathsPlugin |
class | Thruster |
| Thruster class. More...
class | UsvThrust |
| A plugin to simulate a propulsion system under water. This plugin accepts the following SDF parameters. See https://github.com/bsb808/robotx_docs/blob/master/theoryofoperation/theory_of_operation.pdf for more information. More...
class | UsvWindPlugin |
| A plugin that simulates a simple wind model. It accepts the following parameters: More...
class | WaveguagePlugin |