Package rospy :: Package impl :: Module registration :: Class RegManager

Class RegManager

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          object --+    
RegistrationListener --+

Registration manager used by Node implemenation. Communicates with ROS Master to maintain topic registration information. Also responds to publisher updates to create topic connections

Instance Methods
__init__(self, handler)
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start(self, uri, master_uri)
Start the RegManager.
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Check if Node has been registered yet.
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Main RegManager thread loop.
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cleanup(self, reason)
Cleans up registrations with master and releases topic and service resources
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reg_removed(self, resolved_name, data_type_or_uri, reg_type)
RegistrationListener callback
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reg_added(self, resolved_name, data_type_or_uri, reg_type)
RegistrationListener callback
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publisher_update(self, resolved_name, uris)
Inform psmanager of latest publisher list for a topic.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, handler)

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  • handler - node API handler
Overrides: object.__init__

start(self, uri, master_uri)

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Start the RegManager. This should be passed in as an argument to a thread starter as the RegManager is designed to spin in its own thread

  • uri (str) - URI of local node
  • master_uri (str) - Master URI


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Check if Node has been registered yet.

Returns: bool
True if registration has occurred with master


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Main RegManager thread loop. Periodically checks the update queue and generates topic connections

cleanup(self, reason)

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Cleans up registrations with master and releases topic and service resources

  • reason (str) - human-reasonable debug string

reg_removed(self, resolved_name, data_type_or_uri, reg_type)

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RegistrationListener callback

  • resolved_name (str) - resolved name of topic or service
  • data_type_or_uri (str) - either the data type (for topic regs) or the service URI (for service regs).
  • reg_type (str) - Valid values are Registration.PUB, Registration.SUB, Registration.SRV
Overrides: RegistrationListener.reg_removed

reg_added(self, resolved_name, data_type_or_uri, reg_type)

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RegistrationListener callback

  • resolved_name (str) - resolved name of topic or service
  • data_type_or_uri (str) - either the data type (for topic regs) or the service URI (for service regs).
  • reg_type (str) - Valid values are Registration.PUB, Registration.SUB, Registration.SRV
Overrides: RegistrationListener.reg_added

publisher_update(self, resolved_name, uris)

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Inform psmanager of latest publisher list for a topic. This will cause RegManager to create a topic connection for all new publishers (in a separate thread).

  • resolved_name (str) - resolved topic name
  • uris ([str]) - list of all publishers uris for topic