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ecl Namespace Reference

Embedded control libraries. More...


 Blueprints and factories classes used to generate blueprints.


class  Angle
 Parent template definition for angles. More...
class  Angle< T, enable_if< is_float< T > >::type >
 Interface for angular measurements. More...
class  Array
class  Array< Type, DynamicStorage >
class  BinaryFunction
class  BluePrint
class  BluePrintConcept
class  BluePrintFactory
class  BluePrintFactory< Array< Type, DynamicStorage > >
class  BluePrintFactory< CubicPolynomial >
 Blueprint factory for cubic polynomials. More...
class  BluePrintFactory< CubicSpline >
 Blueprint factory for cubic splines. More...
class  BluePrintFactory< LinearFunction >
 Blueprint factory for linear functions. More...
class  BluePrintFactory< Polynomial< N > >
 Primary template for the Polynomial blueprint factories. More...
class  BluePrintFactory< QuinticPolynomial >
 Blueprint factory for quintic polynomials. More...
class  BluePrintFactory< TensionFunction >
 Blueprint factory for tension functions. More...
class  BluePrintFactory< TensionSpline >
 Blueprint factory for tension splines. More...
class  Bool
class  BoundNullaryMemberFunction
class  BoundNullaryMemberFunction< C, void >
class  BoundUnaryFreeFunction
class  BoundUnaryFreeFunction< A, void >
class  BoundUnaryMemberFunction
class  ByteContainerConcept
class  CartesianPoint
 Generic container storing a cartesian point of dimension N. More...
class  CartesianPoint< T, 2 >
 Specialisation for a cartesian point of dimension 2. More...
class  CartesianPoint< T, 3 >
 Specialisation for a cartesian point of dimension 3. More...
class  ContainerConcept
class  Converter
class  Converter< Array< char >, Integral >
class  Converter< Array< signed char >, Integral >
class  Converter< Array< unsigned char >, Integral >
class  Converter< char *, bool >
class  Converter< char *, char >
class  Converter< char *, double >
class  Converter< char *, float >
class  Converter< char *, int >
class  Converter< char *, long >
class  Converter< char *, long long >
class  Converter< char *, short >
class  Converter< char *, unsigned char >
class  Converter< char *, unsigned int >
class  Converter< char *, unsigned long >
class  Converter< char *, unsigned long long >
class  Converter< char *, unsigned short >
class  Converter< char *, void >
class  Converter< char, int >
class  Converter< char, unsigned int >
class  Converter< char, void >
class  Converter< Eigen::Vector3f, Sophus::SE3f >
class  Converter< int, char *>
class  Converter< int, char >
class  Converter< int, std::string >
class  Converter< int, unsigned char *>
class  Converter< int, void >
class  Converter< Integral, Array< char, Size > >
class  Converter< Integral, Array< signed char, Size > >
class  Converter< Integral, Array< unsigned char, Size > >
class  Converter< Integral, std::vector< char > >
class  Converter< Integral, std::vector< signed char > >
class  Converter< Integral, std::vector< unsigned char > >
class  Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< char, Size > > >
class  Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< signed char, Size > > >
class  Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< unsigned char, Size > > >
class  Converter< Integral, Stencil< const unsigned char *> >
class  Converter< Output, void >
class  Converter< Sophus::SE3f, Eigen::Vector3f >
class  Converter< std::string, int >
class  Converter< std::string, void >
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, char *>
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, int >
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, long >
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, long long >
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, unsigned int >
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, unsigned long >
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, void >
class  Converter< std::vector< signed char >, int >
class  Converter< std::vector< signed char >, long >
class  Converter< std::vector< signed char >, long long >
class  Converter< std::vector< signed char >, unsigned int >
class  Converter< std::vector< signed char >, unsigned long >
class  Converter< std::vector< signed char >, void >
class  Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, int >
class  Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, long >
class  Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, long long >
class  Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, unsigned int >
class  Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, unsigned long >
class  Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, void >
class  Converter< Stencil< Array< char, Size > >, Integral >
class  Converter< Stencil< Array< signed char, Size > >, Integral >
class  Converter< Stencil< Array< unsigned char, Size > >, Integral >
class  Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, int >
class  Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, long >
class  Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, long long >
class  Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, unsigned int >
class  CubicSpline
 Storage container for a cubic spline interpolation. More...
class  DataException
class  Division
 Primary template functor for polynomial division. More...
class  Division< CubicPolynomial >
 Synthetic division between cubic and a factor. More...
class  Division< QuadraticPolynomial >
 Synthetic division between quadratic and a factor. More...
class  DynamicContainerConcept
struct  ecl_traits
class  ecl_traits< LegacyPose2D< Float, RotationAngleStorage, Enable > >
 Traits for the pose2D class with scalar angle storage. More...
class  ecl_traits< LegacyPose2D< Float, RotationMatrixStorage, Enable > >
 Traits for the pose2D class with rotation matrix storage. More...
class  ecl_traits< LegacyPose2D< Float, Storage, Enable > >
 Parent template for ecl traits of the pose classes. More...
struct  enable_if
struct  enable_if_c
struct  enable_if_c< false, T >
class  Error
class  EuclideanNorm
class  Exception
class  FailedObject
class  FiFo
class  Flags
class  Format
class  Format< char >
class  Format< double >
class  Format< float >
class  Format< int >
class  Format< long >
class  Format< short >
class  Format< signed char >
class  Format< Sophus::SE3f >
class  Format< std::string >
class  Format< unsigned char >
class  Format< unsigned int >
class  Format< unsigned long >
class  Format< unsigned short >
class  FunctionMath
 Used as a parent to load function math into function classes. More...
class  FunctionMath< CubicPolynomial >
 Specialises the function math loader for cubics. More...
class  FunctionMath< LinearFunction >
 Specialises the function math loader for linear functions. More...
class  FunctionMath< QuadraticPolynomial >
 Specialises the function math loader for quadratics. More...
class  GenericSplineFunction
 This is a parent class for generic spline functions. More...
class  HomogeneousPoint
 Dummy parent class for Homogenous points. More...
class  HomogeneousPoint< T, typename ecl::enable_if< ecl::is_float< T > >::type >
 Container storing a homogenous point. More...
struct  if_c
struct  if_c< false, T1, T2 >
class  InputByteDeviceConcept
class  InputCharDeviceConcept
class  InputOutputByteDeviceConcept
class  InputOutputCharDeviceConcept
class  Intersection
 Primary template functor for the intersection of like functions. More...
class  Intersection< LinearFunction >
 Intersection of two linear functions. More...
class  is_byte
class  is_byte< char >
class  is_byte< signed char >
class  is_byte< unsigned char >
class  is_float
class  is_float< double >
class  is_float< float >
class  is_float< long double >
class  is_integral
class  is_integral< char >
class  is_integral< int >
class  is_integral< long >
class  is_integral< long long >
class  is_integral< short >
class  is_integral< unsigned char >
class  is_integral< unsigned int >
class  is_integral< unsigned long >
class  is_integral< unsigned long long >
class  is_integral< unsigned short >
class  is_reference_wrapper
class  is_reference_wrapper< ReferenceWrapper< T > >
class  is_signed
class  is_signed< char >
class  is_signed< int >
class  is_signed< long >
class  is_signed< long long >
class  is_signed< short >
class  is_signed_byte
class  is_signed_byte< char >
class  is_signed_byte< signed char >
class  is_unsigned
class  is_unsigned< unsigned char >
class  is_unsigned< unsigned int >
class  is_unsigned< unsigned long >
class  is_unsigned< unsigned long long >
class  is_unsigned< unsigned short >
class  is_unsigned_byte
class  is_unsigned_byte< char >
class  is_unsigned_byte< unsigned char >
class  LegacyPose2D
 Parent template definition for Pose2D. More...
class  LegacyPose2D< Float, Storage, enable_if< is_float< Float > >::type >
 Representation for a 2D pose (3 degrees of freedom). More...
class  LegacyPose3D
 Parent template definition for Pose3D. More...
class  LegacyPose3D< Float, enable_if< is_float< Float > >::type >
 Representation for a 3D pose (6 degrees of freedom). More...
class  LinearSegment
class  Maximum
 Primary template functor for the maximum of a continuous function. More...
class  Maximum< CubicPolynomial >
 Mathematical maximum on a compact interval for cubic polynomials. More...
class  Maximum< LinearFunction >
 Mathematical maximum on a compact interval for linear functions. More...
class  Minimum
 Primary template functor for the minimum of a continuous function. More...
class  Minimum< CubicPolynomial >
 Mathematical minimum on a compact interval for cubic polynomials. More...
class  Minimum< LinearFunction >
 Mathematical minimum on a compact interval for linear functions. More...
class  NullaryFreeFunction
class  NullaryFreeFunction< void >
class  NullaryFunction
class  NullaryFunctionConcept
class  NullaryFunctionCopy
class  NullaryFunctionCopy< FunctionObject, void >
class  NullaryFunctionReference
class  NullaryFunctionReference< FunctionObject, void >
class  NullaryMemberFunction
class  NullaryMemberFunction< C, void >
class  numeric_limits
class  numeric_limits< char >
class  numeric_limits< double >
class  numeric_limits< float >
class  numeric_limits< int >
class  numeric_limits< long >
class  numeric_limits< long double >
class  numeric_limits< long long >
class  numeric_limits< short >
class  numeric_limits< unsigned char >
class  numeric_limits< unsigned int >
class  numeric_limits< unsigned long >
class  numeric_limits< unsigned long long >
class  numeric_limits< unsigned short >
class  OutputByteDeviceConcept
class  OutputCharDeviceConcept
class  Parameter
class  PartiallyBoundBinaryMemberFunction
class  PartiallyBoundUnaryMemberFunction
class  PascalsTriangle
 Holds the coefficients for pascal's triangle up to row N. More...
class  PascalsTriangle< 3 >
 Holds the coefficients of pascal's triangle up to n = 3. More...
class  PascalsTriangle< 5 >
 Holds the coefficients of pascal's triangle up to n = 5. More...
class  Polynomial
 Representation of a polynomial function of n-th degree. More...
class  Polynomial< 0 >
 Specialisation for the zero-th order polynomial. More...
class  PosixErrorHandler
struct  PrecisionWidth
struct  PrecisionWidth< double >
struct  PrecisionWidth< float >
class  PushAndPop
class  PushAndPop< Type, DynamicStorage >
class  ReferenceWrapper
class  Roots
 Primary template functor for the roots of a function (x-axis intercepts). More...
class  Roots< CubicPolynomial >
 X axis intercepts for cubic polynomials. More...
class  Roots< LinearFunction >
 X axis intercepts for linear functions. More...
class  Roots< QuadraticPolynomial >
 X axis intercepts for quadratics. More...
class  SignedByteContainerConcept
class  Singleton
class  SmoothLinearSpline
 Storage container for a smoothed linear spline interpolation. More...
class  SplineFunction
 Template wrapper for a generic spline function. More...
class  StandardException
class  Stencil
class  Stencil< const unsigned char * >
class  Stencil< unsigned char * >
class  StreamConcept
class  TensionFunction
 Representation of a tension function. More...
class  TensionSpline
 Storage container for a tension spline interpolation. More...
class  UnaryFreeFunction
class  UnaryFreeFunction< A, void >
class  UnaryFunction
class  UnaryFunctionCopy
class  UnaryFunctionCopy< FunctionObject, T, void >
class  UnaryFunctionReference
class  UnaryFunctionReference< ReferenceWrapper, T, void >
class  UnaryMemberFunction
class  UnaryMemberFunction< C, A, void >
struct  Unsigned
struct  Unsigned< char >
struct  Unsigned< int >
struct  Unsigned< long >
struct  Unsigned< long long >
struct  Unsigned< short >
struct  Unsigned< unsigned char >
struct  Unsigned< unsigned int >
struct  Unsigned< unsigned long >
struct  Unsigned< unsigned long long >
struct  Unsigned< unsigned short >
class  UnsignedByteContainerConcept
class  Void


typedef CartesianPoint< double, 2 > CartesianPoint2d
 Eigen style convenience handle for x, y, z triples in double format. More...
typedef CartesianPoint< float, 2 > CartesianPoint2f
 Eigen style convenience handle for x, y, z triples in float format. More...
typedef CartesianPoint< int, 2 > CartesianPoint2i
 Eigen style convenience handle for x, y, z triples in integer format. More...
typedef CartesianPoint< double, 3 > CartesianPoint3d
 Eigen style convenience handle for x, y, z triples in double format. More...
typedef CartesianPoint< float, 3 > CartesianPoint3f
 Eigen style convenience handle for x, y, z triples in float format. More...
typedef CartesianPoint< int, 3 > CartesianPoint3i
 Eigen style convenience handle for x, y, z triples in integer format. More...
typedef Polynomial< 3 > CubicPolynomial
 Mathematical term for 3rd order polynomials. More...
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef HomogeneousPoint< double > HomogeneousPointd
 Eigen style convenience handle for homogeneous points in double format. More...
typedef HomogeneousPoint< float > HomogeneousPointf
 Eigen style convenience handle for homogeneous points in float format. More...
typedef Polynomial< 1 > LinearFunction
 Mathematical term for 1st order polynomials. More...
typedef Polynomial< 2 > QuadraticPolynomial
 Mathematical term for 2nd order polynomials. More...
typedef Polynomial< 5 > QuinticPolynomial
 Mathematical term for 5th order polynomials. More...
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef void(* VoidFunction) ()


enum  Alignment
enum  Bits
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  FloatBase
enum  IntegralBase
enum  Pose2DStorageType { RotationAngleStorage, RotationMatrixStorage }
 Used by the traits to select the storage type for Pose2D classes. More...
enum  StorageType


T * addressOf (T &v)
ReferenceWrapper< T const > cref (T const &wrapped_object)
Scalar cube_root (const Scalar &x)
template<typename T >
ecl_geometry_PUBLICdegrees_to_radians (const T &degrees, typename enable_if< ecl::is_float< T > >::type *dummy=0)
 Converts degrees to radians and returns the result. More...
euclidean_norm (const T &x1, const T &x2)
euclidean_norm (const T &x1, const T &x2, const T &x3)
NullaryFreeFunction< R > generateFunctionObject (R(*function)())
UnaryFreeFunction< A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(*function)(A))
BoundUnaryFreeFunction< A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(*function)(A), I &a)
BoundUnaryFreeFunction< A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(*function)(A), const I &a)
NullaryMemberFunction< C, R > generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)())
BoundNullaryMemberFunction< C, R > generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(), C &c)
UnaryMemberFunction< C, A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(A))
PartiallyBoundUnaryMemberFunction< C, A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(A), C &c)
BoundUnaryMemberFunction< C, A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(A), C &c, I &a)
BoundUnaryMemberFunction< C, A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(A), C &c, const I &a)
bool is_big_endian ()
bool is_char_signed ()
bool isApprox (const Scalar &x, const OtherScalar &y, typename numeric_limits< Scalar >::Precision precision=numeric_limits< Scalar >::dummy_precision)
bool isApproxOrLessThan (const Scalar &x, const OtherScalar &y, typename numeric_limits< Scalar >::Precision precision=numeric_limits< Scalar >::dummy_precision)
int nsign (const Scalar &x)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Stencil< ArrayType > &stencil)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Array< ElementType, DynamicStorage > &array)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, Format< std::string > &formatter)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Void void_object)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Array< ElementType, ArraySize > &array)
template<typename OutputStream >
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const SmoothLinearSpline &smooth_linear_spline)
template<typename OutputStream , typename Type >
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const HomogeneousPoint< Type > &point)
template<typename OutputStream >
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const TensionSpline &tension_spline)
template<typename OutputStream >
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const TensionFunction &function)
 Streaming output insertion operator for tension functions. More...
template<typename OutputStream >
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const CubicSpline &cubic_spline)
template<typename OutputStream , int PowerN>
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const PascalsTriangle< PowerN > &triangle)
 Streaming output insertion operator for for pascal triangles. More...
template<typename OutputStream , typename Type >
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const CartesianPoint< Type, 3 > &point)
template<typename OutputStream >
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const PascalsTriangle< 3 > &triangle)
 Insertion operator for streaming output from pascal's triangle of degree 3. More...
template<typename OutputStream , typename Float_ >
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const LegacyPose3D< Float_ > &pose)
 Insertion operator for output streams. More...
template<typename OutputStream >
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const PascalsTriangle< 5 > &triangle)
 Insertion operator for streaming output from pascal's triangle of degree 5. More...
template<typename OutputStream , unsigned int Degree>
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Polynomial< Degree > &polynomial)
template<typename OutputStream , typename Float_ , enum Pose2DStorageType Storage_>
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const LegacyPose2D< Float_, Storage_ > &pose)
 Insertion operator for output streams. More...
template<typename OutputStream , typename Type >
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const CartesianPoint< Type, 2 > &point)
int psign (const Scalar &x)
template<typename T >
ecl_geometry_PUBLICradians_to_degrees (const T &radians, typename enable_if< ecl::is_float< T > >::type *dummy=0)
 Converts radians to degrees and returns the result. More...
ReferenceWrapper< T > ref (T &wrapped_object)
int sign (const Scalar &x)
ecl_geometry_PUBLIC const float & wrap_angle (float &angle)
 Wrap the angle on -pi,pi (float types). More...
ecl_geometry_PUBLIC float wrap_angle (const float &angle)
 Return the wrapped the angle on -pi,pi (float types). More...
ecl_geometry_PUBLIC const double & wrap_angle (double &angle)
 Wrap the angle on -pi,pi (double types). More...
ecl_geometry_PUBLIC double wrap_angle (const double &angle)
 Return the wrapped the angle on -pi,pi (double types). More...


double const pi
const double pi_2
const float pi_2_f
const double pi_4
const float pi_4_f
const float pi_f
const double two_pi
const float two_pi_f

Detailed Description

Embedded control libraries.

Various core libraries useful for embedded control systems.

Typedef Documentation

◆ CartesianPoint2d

Eigen style convenience handle for x, y, z triples in double format.

Definition at line 499 of file cartesian_point.hpp.

◆ CartesianPoint2f

Eigen style convenience handle for x, y, z triples in float format.

Definition at line 500 of file cartesian_point.hpp.

◆ CartesianPoint2i

Eigen style convenience handle for x, y, z triples in integer format.

Definition at line 501 of file cartesian_point.hpp.

◆ CartesianPoint3d

Eigen style convenience handle for x, y, z triples in double format.

Definition at line 264 of file cartesian_point.hpp.

◆ CartesianPoint3f

Eigen style convenience handle for x, y, z triples in float format.

Definition at line 265 of file cartesian_point.hpp.

◆ CartesianPoint3i

Eigen style convenience handle for x, y, z triples in integer format.

Definition at line 266 of file cartesian_point.hpp.

◆ CubicPolynomial

Mathematical term for 3rd order polynomials.

Definition at line 389 of file polynomial.hpp.

◆ HomogeneousPointd

Eigen style convenience handle for homogeneous points in double format.

Definition at line 188 of file homogeneous_point.hpp.

◆ HomogeneousPointf

Eigen style convenience handle for homogeneous points in float format.

Definition at line 187 of file homogeneous_point.hpp.

◆ LinearFunction

Mathematical term for 1st order polynomials.

Definition at line 387 of file polynomial.hpp.

◆ QuadraticPolynomial

Mathematical term for 2nd order polynomials.

Definition at line 388 of file polynomial.hpp.

◆ QuinticPolynomial

Mathematical term for 5th order polynomials.

Definition at line 390 of file polynomial.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Pose2DStorageType

Used by the traits to select the storage type for Pose2D classes.





Definition at line 41 of file legacy_pose2d.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ degrees_to_radians()

template<typename T >
ecl_geometry_PUBLIC T ecl::degrees_to_radians ( const T &  degrees,
typename enable_if< ecl::is_float< T > >::type *  dummy = 0 

Converts degrees to radians and returns the result.

degrees: input value in degrees (float or double type).
dummy: ignore this, is used for sfinae concept.
T : the angle in radians.

Definition at line 54 of file angle.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [1/13]

template<typename OutputStream >
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const SmoothLinearSpline smooth_linear_spline 

Streaming output insertion operator for smoothed linear splines. This simply lists the spline segments and corners (linear functions and quintic polynomials) in algebraic form.

Template Parameters
OutputStream: the type of stream being used.
ostream: the output stream being used.
smooth_linear_spline: the tension spline.
OutputStream : the output stream.

Definition at line 176 of file smooth_linear_spline.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/13]

template<typename OutputStream , typename Type >
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const HomogeneousPoint< Type > &  point 

Insertion operator for sending the point to an output stream. This is raw, and has no formatting.

ostream: the output stream.
point: the point to be inserted.
OutputStream : continue streaming with the updated output stream.

Definition at line 201 of file homogeneous_point.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [3/13]

template<typename OutputStream >
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const TensionSpline tension_spline 

Streaming output insertion operator for tension splines. This lists in algebraic form the sequence of tension functions constituting the spline.

Template Parameters
OutputStream: the type of stream being used.
ostream: the output stream being used.
tension_spline: the tension spline.
OutputStream : the output stream.

Definition at line 222 of file tension_spline.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [4/13]

template<typename OutputStream >
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const TensionFunction function 

Streaming output insertion operator for tension functions.

Streaming output insertion operator for tension functions.

Template Parameters
OutputStream: the type of stream being used.
ostream: the output stream being used.
function: the tension function.
OutputStream : the output stream.

Definition at line 223 of file tension_function.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [5/13]

template<typename OutputStream >
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const CubicSpline cubic_spline 

Streaming output insertion operator for cubic splines.

Template Parameters
OutputStream: the type of stream being used.
ostream: the output stream being used.
cubic_spline: the cubic spline.
OutputStream : the output stream.

Definition at line 246 of file cubic_spline.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [6/13]

template<typename OutputStream , int PowerN>
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const PascalsTriangle< PowerN > &  triangle 

Streaming output insertion operator for for pascal triangles.

Streaming output insertion operator for for pascal triangles.

Template Parameters
OutputStream: the type of stream being used.
PowerN: the order of the pascal's triangle being inserted.
ostream: the stream to send the output to.
triangle: the pascal triangle object.
OutputStream : the output stream.

Definition at line 271 of file pascals_triangle.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [7/13]

template<typename OutputStream , typename Type >
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const CartesianPoint< Type, 3 > &  point 

Insertion operator for sending the point to an output stream. This is raw, and has no formatting.

ostream: the output stream.
point: the point to be inserted.
OutputStream : continue streaming with the updated output stream.

Definition at line 279 of file cartesian_point.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [8/13]

template<typename OutputStream >
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const PascalsTriangle< 3 > &  triangle 

Insertion operator for streaming output from pascal's triangle of degree 3.

Insertion operator for streaming output from pascal's triangle.

ostream: the stream to send the output to.
triangle: the pascal triangle object.
OutputStream : the output stream.

Definition at line 297 of file pascals_triangle.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [9/13]

template<typename OutputStream , typename Float_ >
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const LegacyPose3D< Float_ > &  pose 

Insertion operator for output streams.

Note that the output heading angle is formatted in degrees.

ostream: stream satisfying the ecl stream concept.
pose: the inserted pose.
OutputStream : the returning stream handle.

Definition at line 309 of file legacy_pose3d.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [10/13]

template<typename OutputStream >
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const PascalsTriangle< 5 > &  triangle 

Insertion operator for streaming output from pascal's triangle of degree 5.

Insertion operator for streaming output from pascal's triangle.

ostream: the output stream being used.
triangle: the pascal triangle object.
OutputStream : the output stream.

Definition at line 323 of file pascals_triangle.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [11/13]

template<typename OutputStream , unsigned int Degree>
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const Polynomial< Degree > &  polynomial 

Streaming output insertion operator for polynomials.

Template Parameters
OutputStream: the type of stream being used.
Degree: the order of the polynomial being inserted.
ostream: the output stream being used.
polynomial: the polynomial
OutputStream : the output stream.

Definition at line 451 of file polynomial.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [12/13]

template<typename OutputStream , typename Float_ , enum Pose2DStorageType Storage_>
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const LegacyPose2D< Float_, Storage_ > &  pose 

Insertion operator for output streams.

Note that the output heading angle is formatted in degrees.

ostream: stream satisfying the ecl stream concept.
pose: the inserted pose.
OutputStream : the returning stream handle.

Definition at line 475 of file legacy_pose2d.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [13/13]

template<typename OutputStream , typename Type >
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const CartesianPoint< Type, 2 > &  point 

Insertion operator for sending the array to an output stream. This is raw, and has no formatting.

ostream: the output stream.
point: the point to be inserted.
OutputStream : continue streaming with the updated output stream.

Definition at line 514 of file cartesian_point.hpp.

◆ radians_to_degrees()

template<typename T >
ecl_geometry_PUBLIC T ecl::radians_to_degrees ( const T &  radians,
typename enable_if< ecl::is_float< T > >::type *  dummy = 0 

Converts radians to degrees and returns the result.

radians: input value in radians (float or double type).
dummy: ignore this, is used for sfinae concept.
T : the angle in degrees.

Definition at line 41 of file angle.hpp.

◆ wrap_angle() [1/4]

const float & ecl::wrap_angle ( float &  angle)

Wrap the angle on -pi,pi (float types).

This uses the float versions of the math functions to wrap the angle on -pi, pi. This is the fast version which acts on the input variable.

angle: the angle to be wrapped.

Definition at line 29 of file angle.cpp.

◆ wrap_angle() [2/4]

float ecl::wrap_angle ( const float &  angle)

Return the wrapped the angle on -pi,pi (float types).

This uses the float versions of the math functions to wrap the angle on -pi, pi. This is the slow version which creates a copy and returns it.

angle: the angle to be wrapped.
float : the wrapped angle.

Definition at line 40 of file angle.cpp.

◆ wrap_angle() [3/4]

const double & ecl::wrap_angle ( double &  angle)

Wrap the angle on -pi,pi (double types).

This uses the double versions of the math functions to wrap the angle on -pi, pi. This is the fast version which acts on the input variable.

angle: the angle to be wrapped.

Definition at line 52 of file angle.cpp.

◆ wrap_angle() [4/4]

double ecl::wrap_angle ( const double &  angle)

Return the wrapped the angle on -pi,pi (double types).

This uses the double versions of the math functions to wrap the angle on -pi, pi. This is the slow version which creates a copy and returns it.

angle: the angle to be wrapped.
double : the wrapped angle.

Definition at line 64 of file angle.cpp.

Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 22:18:49